Page 46 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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NOVEMBER 3, 2005- Page 6 CENTER SPREAD CENTER SPREAD NOVEMBER 3, 2005 - Page 7 From Europe to the Hill By Sitting, Parks Inspires wilderness was calling, International Club. It would An Historical Movement SARAH WOLF "Sarah, Sarah. Come to probably be weird if I were STAFF WRITER America. It is time for a new not. I encourage you to join Once upon a time adventure." because also as Americans dream," the sit-ins throughout mal, regular, average Joe and Sarah, that would be me, was So, Sarah came to this cam- you are international, just in ROB GOEKE the South and everything else Jane can have an effect. That is a student at the Budapest cam- pus. Yes that's right, McDaniel case you did not know. CO-ED!TOR would have come about much the greatest lesson we can take pus in Hungary, As McDaniel College in westminster; MD, Also, it is a lot of fun It was so simple. A choice harder without Ms. Parks. She from Ms. Parks' life: one College has this fabulous 2+2 the campus with the ten mil- because you get to hang out to stand up by not standing was always humble about it, action, no matter how routine program and Sarah's two lion insane squirrels. with other foreigners and up. A choice that brought giving credit to Dr. King when or mundane, can change the years at the Budapest campus Now, you may won- myself. Yeah, there is one about change. An action that in reality, she should have her world. have passed, it was time to der who is this Sarah person? thing that I should mention spoke louder than words ever own day of honor. In a world where things make a decision. Well, if you want to know that for safety reasons: J am a little could. But fires don't start with- seem out of our control, much She thought, "Mh, will I bad I will tell you, or pretend crazy, it gets worse by the sec- Everyone knows what out sparks. Her sitting was the inspiration should be drawn stay in Budapest and finish that you want to know, okay? ond, but who knows maybe happened December 1, 1954. ember, the glimmer that began from Ms. Parks. The individ- school here, because hey, Besides, there is nothing you you will enjoy that. Makes A choice was made not to give it all. Martin could not have ual seems increasingly mar- Europe is a lot of fun. You can can do, because oh, oh, it is a things more interesting, you up a bus seat. The action was rallied the public around the ginalized throughout the actually drink in public, yes, paper, you could only turn the know, Simple. The result was grand Montgomery bus boycott world. Out of the six billion open container, and plus the page, but 1 got your attention • From now on I will and beautiful. without Ms. Parks. Without people in the world, there are campus is great. Teachers are and you don't want to miss amuse and entertain you with Rosa Parks lived a rich Ms. Parks, Dr. King and the many leaders. But there are fun, made a lot of friends from out. Everybody on campus crazy stories, maybe some- and fulfilled life beyond what movement may have never some changes even leaders all over the world, big city life, will be talking about this col- times a little emotional (who she became so famous for, made the progress they did. can make; the changes must great bars, clubs, none of this umn because it is like a new knows, I might mix it up a lit- staying married to her hus- However, for as great start underground, down 'you have to be 21 years old to "Survivor" season. I am sure tle to confuse you), of being an band until his death and MLK was, he never could below where they can slowly do this and that' nonsense." most of you love those shows. international student in this working on various NAACP have done what Rosa Parks gain momentum and better However, she still felt that My name is Sarah. country and at this college. and political causes, but she did. Sure, he could have kept' humanity. it was time to travel to a new Wow, that was a toughy, eh? Enjoy and feel free to will be forever remembered sitting, but the impact would- In essence, Ms. Parks place, once again, and meet I transferred here from contact me for Budapest cam- for the simplest of actions that n't have been near the same. played that role that new people and encounter a the Budapest campus, obvi- pus information (my email: brought about the most com- Change comes about December day in Alabama. great new experience (plus the ously, this fall semester. r am sew002® plex of changes. when people bind together. Much needs to be changed 21 part wouldn't matter, from Germany, originally, and Her death has brought Change occurs when people today. Starters and leaders are passed that one already). The now I am here. I am in the about reminiscing about her stop putting up with oppres- both needed. But as long as legacy. Nearly all of it short- sion. Change comes when there's as many future Rosa changes the greatest ordinary people say "Enough is Parks in the world as there are action in American history. future Martin Luther King's enough." Change starts sim- Experience the Civil Rights Movement "g1ie wd of- tIUnItimj Martin Luther King accom- ply, like when someone says right now, then we will be in Everyone knows what good shape. "Rellno." But Ms. Parks wasn't like If Rosa Parks did it, we trace the steps of such activist nating to talk with. It is these work that needs to be done. Perhaps one of the UuJetIwt·" plished in his short life. But Dr. King or Malcolm X. She can too. It's just as easy as not everyone realizes that he COLLEEN LEARY as Martin Luther King and little personal experiences that It's a very uplifting experi- most powerful aspects of th.e indep~ would have never gotten as didn't do anything extraordi- standing up, or choosing not STAFF WRITER Rosa Parks. make the trip so meaningful." ence. The struggle is a part of tour is the way in which It far as he did without Ms. nary. She just kept sitting. She to. One of the most Dr. Pam Zappardino The trip includes lec- life and if you want to make causes the Civil Rights -.Atalcom !}~, Parks beginning the march. is the epitome of what is beau- important events in recent from the "Ira and Mary Zepp tures and interviews with thingsbetter, you keep work- Movement to come alive. Ms. Parks began, he stepped tiful about humanity, American history is the Civil Center for Nonviolence and non-violent activists, includ- ing at it." "This experience makes the in and the job is still ongoing. Impacts aren't exclusive Rights Movement. The dedi- Peace Education" leads the ing Dr. Bernard LaFayette Jr. People of all ages, movement real in a way that The bus boycott, "J have a to the remarkable. The nor- cation of passionate people trip and feels it is an invalu- who worked along side Dr. racial backgrounds, and from nothing else could," says standing up for what they able experience for students of Martin Luther King. all over the country have Zappardlno. "With this tnp. believed in led to a big step in all ages. Participants will hear about attended past tours creating a you get a sense that you are Hispano-Latino Alliance Raises Awareness the right direction of bridging "What you really the success stories such as the diverse experience. walking through history, a his- racial gaps and embracing encounter when riding voting rights campaign in Zappardino feels the friend- tory that is still taking place." think they're trying really In 2003, they hosted a special dance immediately following. children and also having a diversity. through the South with a Selma and the Montgomery ships formed during three Anyone interested in MELANIE CHUPEIN hard to make the campus dinner, serving dishes from all Students who missed out on sense of belonging within the Fortunately for us, the multi-racial group is a sense of bus boycott, but Zappardino days on a bus together are an this life-changing journey STAFF WRITER more aware of the Latino pres- different countries like El this opportunity can attend Wesbninster com.munity. McDaniel community has a being like, the freedom riders hopes they walk away with so amazing aspect of the trip. should contact Pam The Hispano-Latino Alliance ence." Salvador, Puerto Rico, the next lesson on December In addition to joining HLA unique opportunity to experi- of the 1960's," explains much more than a history les- "You notice people Zappardino at (HLA) is just one of the vari- President Indira Gonzalez Colombia, Nicaragua, and 2, where they will learn the in order to be involved with ence and understand the Civil Zappa.rdino. " You have an talking on a much deeper ous ethnic and cultural groups adds, "The best thing about Peru. More recently, they have Salsa and Merengue. helping increase awareness Rights Movement during a agenda, but you meet lots of "There is a big sense level than if they were in a dif- on campus. Currently the stu- this organization is that every- been offering Salsa lessons. Looking ahead to the spring and learning some spicy bus tour through the South on people along the way that that the Civil Rights ferent situation. You know dent organization has eleven one may think that this group These are open to the entire semester, HLA is trying to dance moves, Gonzalez January 13 through January may not necessarily be in his- Movement is over, but it's these will be people you members, but HLA is always is just for Hispanics, but peo- campus as well as the bring Luis Rodriguez, author explains, "We are able to have 15, 2006. All are invited to re- tory books that are just' fasci- really not. There is still a lot of Will keep in touch with." looking for new members to ple of many different ethnic Westminster community. of Always Running: La Vida different ideas from different join. They meet in Ensor backgrounds have come out On October 21, they held Loca: Gang Days in L. A. to people, which is really great. Lounge every Monday and joined." one of these sessions in the speak on campus. They have a We have become dose within evening at five. HLA has tried to continue Forum with a small entry fee goal of trying to help guide the group to the point where Dr. Amy McNichols, HLA's its involvement with the com- that included a half hour of the Latinos in the right direc- we can depend on each other advisor since last year, says, "I munityand organize events. instructional time and then a tion when it comes to their if we need anything." ALLIES Welcomes All 2 B Stylin' Salon 2 B Stylin' hair salon provides specialized hair care for all thing that we want to discuss, important not only to show ERIC DANFORTH and that we can raise aware- that there are straight people STAFF 'WRITER ,. It is locally owned and operated by McDaniel's own Brian ness of the GLBT community who support GLBT people, It can be hard being a on campus This is where but also to erase the stereotype and Bobbi Hollingsworth. minority of any sort. As a gay ALLIES comes in. that all straight people are out • Call for Free consultations! person here at McDaniel, I One of the biggest to keep the GLBT community sometimes feel really out, of misconceptions about ALLIES a second class." • Offering only the best Coloring, Hi-Lites, Hair Cuts/Styles, place. The truth is that is that it is a "gay group". This So if you identify as a Updo's, Perms/Relaxers, Cornrows/Braids, McDaniel does not have a could not be further from the GLBT person, or are question- Extensions/Weaves, & Facial WaXing. large GLBT truth, in fact, heterosexuals ing their sexuality, or are an (gay /lesbian /bisexual/ trans- make up a large portion of the understanding straight person • Providing a 10% discount on one service a month for the gendered) community. dub, and play an integral role. who would like to show your Students from the 2005 followed the footsteps of the Civil Rights Movent. Among the Sometimes we get overlooked Freshmen Amanda Cushard- support to those who are McDaniel College community with J.d. plces visited was the Rosa Parks Museum. Students will once again experience and understand and forgotten in the big Edwards sums up why our GLBT, then please feel free to the Civil Rights Movement during a bus tour through the South on January 13 through January scheme of things. We are here straight members are so stop by ALLIES. We meet Be a part of this unique diverse salon where you can go for 15,2006. . all your hair care needs and come out with Stylin' hair! though, and it is important important: "For me as a every Tuesday at 10 pm in the that we have a place where we straight person it is extremely ALLIES clubroom, which is "located at 1 E. Main StI Downtown Westminster. Call 410- In next issue's Center Spread: Express Yourself! can go, and with our support- important for me to support located in the basement of 857-3393 Blanche. GLBT people, and to attend ing straight friends, discuss, in a confidential manner, any- ALLIES meetings. I feel it is
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