Page 37 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 37
COMMENTARY OCTOBER 13, 2005 - Page 9 Good Points, But Why Remain Anonymous? heartfelt commentary on the sive way; jokes, sarcasm, or for life. des about college campuses SHELLY HORN war. The article addressed glossed over political state- If, in fact, students' that present or discuss "anti- STAFF WRITER UN resolutions, disarmament, ments or innuendos, leaving grades with certain professors war rallies" and "anti-war The last issue of the weapons of mass destruction no room for student response. are affected by an opposing protests." What is down- McDaniel Free Press included and biological warfare, past Though seemingly harmless, political view, I agree that it is played, or lesser known, is a refreshing and healthy dose presidential candidates, past as no actual confrontation a sad truth. But, in my opin- that many of the anti-war of information on the war in wars/ conflicts etc. It included arises III the classroom, I ion, sadder still is that stu- events on college campuses Iraq, opposing political views, dates, statistics and quotes. choke on this passive-aggres- dents would have a well- were peacefully confronted by and touching personal stories Many students put sive spoon-feeding of political defined opposing view but large groups of pro-war from people with family less time and effort into writ- ideas to students. remain silent for fear of a groups as well, demonstrating members who serve, or have ing graded assignments. I The second type, like grade repercussion in a few that both sides were willing to served, in the military. applaud the research and Spanish Professor Tom classes in a four or five year march for their cause. Or, bet- I was proud to see presentation of the content Deveny, are the vocal opposite period. ter yet, that both sides HAD a such thorough and diverse provided. I applaud the time and leave no guesswork It has been my experi- coverage of the topic, with one and effort displayed in this where they stand ("Deveny ence, however, that many stu- "A coin has two sides exception. The article entitled, well-written piece. asks: Why Be Interested in the dents remain silent for lack of for a reason. Day and night "War Not Ideal, But Iwas disappointed, to War in Iraq?" p.7 McDaniel knowledge or, worse, knowl- exist for a reason. Tough Sometimes It's Necessary," say the least, at the use of Free Press, 9/30/05). It's no edge - but no opinion. issues like the war have two had "Anonymous anonymity and the reason secret that Dr. Deveny often .1 have found that, sides" (McDaniel Free Press, Contributor" in the by-line given. makes known his beliefs in the more than opposing views, p.7,9/9/05). section. First, let me agree classroom and, now, III the professors abhor no view at Though on opposite 1 was interested to with and confirm the first part McDaniel Free Press. all. More than fact-spurting sides, two sides of a coin still find whether or not the writer of the statement, "Professors The difference with which they disagree, make only one coin - two disclosed in the article his/her make known their political between Dr. Deveny's type they detest silence and apathy sides that, together, make up a reasons for remaining anony- ties... " Yes, some professors and the aforementioned type on important subjects. token with value. Day and rnous. do. 1 have attended three col- of professor is that he always Some students remain night yield to one another at He/she did. leges in the last four years and presents information, news, silent saying that political dawn and dusk. At a glance, Excerpt from I can assure you that this hap- and his comments and / or com m en t s / d t s cu s s io n s they are ever-present forces Commentary (9/30/05): pens everywhere, regardless opinions - then invites stu- should not take place i.n col- that seemingly work in tan- "I feel obligated to of institution or discipline. dents to comment, whether in lege classrooms. T disagree. dem with but also define their stand up for a war I believe in, As a Political agreement-or not, on his views Healthy political opposite. yet I don't feel comfortable Science/Spanish dual major, I and / or statements. discussion/debate on college They "exist for a rea- standing up and being identi- have also encountered a rather Some students com- campuses are a part of son". So, too, do your insight- fied. Why could I not use my large dose at all three institu- ment. Many do not. American culture. It's how we ful thoughts and passionate name? Professors make tions. Across all disciplines It hadn't occurred to learn. It's how we learn to comments about the war. If known their political ties, and though, I personally have me until reading your article think - critically. It helps us to you are impassioned enough grades are often affected by encountered two types of pro- that perhaps students refrain define who we are, what we to research and write and, fur- those views. It is the sad fessors with very different from speaking an opposing believe, and how far we're ther, to submit in the future - I truth." ways of communicating their view in classes for much the willing to go to try to' get our implore you sign your name. Then the writer con- political views to students. same reason that caused you point across. Night without day tinues his/her incredibly well- The first make their to remai.n anonymous. This is From the Vietnam era, leaves us all in darkness; a researched, articulate and ideas/beliefs known in a pas- scary. It sets a bad precedent we see many images and arti- faceless coin has no value. Full Moon Pub & Grill ~ ~ Compiled by Laura Hutton Party Inside & Out All Year Long Ever wonder what was going on with stu- NFL Package Bar & Tiki dents from Western Maryland College 80 MonAAi fooJbal1 ~pu;ial-1toC.lo~e.-$S dome.~ti~ pit~here years ago? The news was both bitter and sweet. ALlC.£'~hrimp $IO.QS Bur Vong Available. October 6, 1925 • ~-l-C.lo$e-Bud Lite. 1:>0111e.$1.2S, 4 to II, The Gold Bug 2'1unl wing~ On a foggy night, three male students • went out for a drive. They had trouble see- \'Iwnesda'{-l-c.\o$e-Mi\ler Lile Bott\e.~ $1.2'1 ing where they were gOing,.and ended up • ~ -l-C.looe-c.ool"$ Lite. Bottle. $1.2'1 veering off the road. Luckily, their only • £'ve.l'(da'{ AI\ Dil'j-Mil\e.r High Life.Lite. C.ane $1.00 injuries included: minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises. rlapP1 rlour 11-1 So here is a bit of advice, if it is foggy out- • ~-II-?- rlalfVri~e Burger , side; don't drive. "Ez" Williams was "selected captain of Rt. 140 Reisterstown, MD the Green Terrors for the 1925 football sea- 410-526-5565 son". While at Western Maryland, Williams held an "enviable" record in athletics and in the classroom. He earned lett~rs in both bas- YOU NEVER KNOW WHO YOU'LL ketball and football. His amazmg athletic tal- MEET AT THE MOON! ents in addition to his dedication to his school work made him an mspmng leader for our football team.
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