Page 34 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 34
OCTOBER 13, 2005- Page 6 CENTER SPREAD Easy, Fun Dorm Room Recipes tooth), and the last third CORI SIMPSON remain little, brown, solid STAFF WRITER beads, hanging out in the bot- Simple snacks like tom of the bag. Frustrated, chips, crackers and popcorn and a little confused, one are becoming a thing of the might attempt to put the bag past. McDaniel students are back in the microwave. Big concocting new and improved mistake. The burnt popcorn ways to hold themselves over smell is. liable to make you, between meals. your roommate, and everyone The truth is the else in the hall vomit. Gross. Microfridge doesn't always The thought of the smell cut it, especially I've found, makes me cringe. when it comes to cooking pop- In addition to the corn. The directions on the never ending existence of the box might as well be thrown infamous Ramen Noodle out the window, because these Soup, here are some other microwaves have a mind of easy to make snacks worth their own. abandoning the lingering By the time there is smell of burnt popcorn. approximately two seconds On the recipe cards between pops (which is when you'll find simple concoctions it is suggested to pull the bag), you can make in your dorm about one third of the kernels room, which also come with are properly cooked, another reccomendations from stu- third partially cooked (and dents. That way you'll try could still possibly chip a something new, and avoid the Glar Feeds Neighbors in Need the Sodexho Company, CHANAN OELIVUK GLAR's employees have also ART DlRECTOR participated in the Food Bookstore Offers Lots of- have complaints about may Salvage for Humanity. They Many students Program, local the Habitat Gourmet Food For Just $5 quality and overall selection have tested new biodegrad- of GLAR food. However, that there are things beyond theĀ· able plates that are better for the Environment, according to Grab sunflower seeds, you might as well grab a food aspect of GLAR of which General Manager of Dining ALYSE HOLLOMON peanuts, or anything low fat Chocolate Brownie Yoohoo to these students are not FEATURES EDITORS Services, Cameron Smith. to eat. Any of these items wash down that candy bar. GLAR employees are also As you walk out the would range from $1-2. So We all need a caffeine GLAR, Sodexho part of the Fair Trade door for your three o'clock that would leave you with fix every once in a while. Alliance food, and facilities Program, which ensures that class, which happens to be enough money to get a fla- Luckily, the Bookstore has management services are migrant workers are compen- three hours long, you realize vored Dasani water, a Vitamin Starbucks Prappachinos and working together to stop sated for their products dur- that you're kind of hungry. Water, or a Minute Maid juice Double Shots that can wake hunger. ing the trading process. Then, you find $5 in your to go along with your healthy you up real quick. It also has As President of the The employees of GLAR pocket! snack. numerous energy drinks, Happy Helpers here on cam- continually inform each other Believe it or not, the In a junk food mood? none of which exceed $2. So if pus, I wanted to incorporate of upcoming events that they college bookstore offers fine Go straight to the register you're in a real hurry and GLAR in our fight to help end could possibly take part in. gourmet for $5. It helps to where there is an array of need a boost, just grab one of hunger. Once or twice a Most of the time, the employ- decide what mood you're in; chocolate and other goodies! these drinks. month our group troops to the ees will know of such oppor- do you want to be healthy, go These fun snacks are cheap Without spending a city of Baltimore to give food tunities through word of straight for the junk food, or and easy to eat while you're lot of time or money ($5 and to the homeless. Thanks to the mouth, or through the support just get a caffeinefix? on the fun to class. And since five minutes or less), you too generosity of the staff, we of the students. have been able to distribute In a healthy mood? you're in a junk food mood, can enjoy Bookstore Gourmet. The amount of partic- 100 sandwiches, cookies, and ipation from GLAR to uphold boxes of apples and bananas the Sodexho stand to try and Sandy Always Entertains every time we go. generosity end hunger is only as large as GLAR can make it. the employees doesn't through stop there. Together, However, students could Sodexho the kids more often." she is always nice. Sometimes Company's support of ending become more involved, just MELANIE CHUPEIN On a typical day she I would get in line for tacos like Happy Helpers has. For STAFF WRlTER arrives at 6:00am to get every- just because she was the per- world hunger, GLAR employ- more information, visit the A hard worker. Likes thing ready. She starts by bak- son serving them." ees have done their part to try McDaniel website and click on and aid in hunger issues by to have fun. A Christian ing muffins and other pastries Outside of work, donating to local shelters and the Dining Services Link, or Enjoys helping people. These for breakfast. Then she begins Sandy enjoys reading, church events. They also try contact the General Managet are all words Sandra Zepp baking for lunch. After that NASCAR, being active in her and monitor food servings in Cameron Smith for more would use to describe herself. she makes all of the desserts church, and playing bingo. hopes of decreasing food details. Sandy was born in for dinnertime. Once all the One thing that she's always waste amounts. "Personally, it's Frederick County and she cur- baked goods are put on trays, dreamed of owning her own For twenty-years important to me," remarks rently resides in Westminster. her work is done for the day. deli. now Sodexho has been the Smith regarding the fight She has been working at She usually leaves around What is Sandy's most food service company for against hunger. McDaniel College for four 2,OOp.m. unforgettable memory from McDaniel College. As part of Is it to you? years. She is a baker in Englar The students agree working at McDaniel? "I've dining hall. that they wish they could see met so many kids I care about DIVERSITY When asked if she Sandy again. Last year she and when they leave I miss could change one thing about was working at the wrap sta- them. It's hard when they The next Center Spread feature will explore the her job, she said, "I like my job tion so she was able to talk to leave. I hate May." topic of diversity. Learn more about students and but I miss seeing the kids. I'm everyone. Junior Amanda- stuck back here by myself and Gensler said about Sandy, groups on campus - learn more about the world. I'd like that I could see the "She's very personable and
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