Page 33 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 33
FEATURES OCTOBER 13, 2005- Page 5 McRides: Pimped Out Chevy A "Beast" together. was around 3,000 dollars. TAYLOR HEBDEN A lot went into But Chad said he's not STAFF WRITER "pimping out" Chad's ride, done "pimping" it yet, "I want "Back home, we call it including: replacing the air, oil to put on bigger and wider 'the bus.'" and gas filters, changing the tires, a loader exhaust, and If you're ever walking spark plugs, giving it a new maybe an intercom system." in the parking lot next to the paint job, putting on bigger According to Chad, football field, look for a mas- tires, giving it a dual exhaust, the back of the Chevy is where sive 1990 Chevy suburban putting on euro taillights, and the party's at, "The back seat with giant 33" by 12" wheels installing a new stereo system is not in right now and the and a Budweiser hood crna- with an I-pod hookup. middle row falJs down flat, ment. But wait, there's one making the back huge. I can This "beast" of a vehi- more thing, Chad said, "My haul anything back there, cle belongs to sophomore favorite piece is a Budweiser from 20 people to a mattress." Chad Marth. When Chad tap hood ornament. When Chad also notes, received the vehicle from his you pull it an ooga hom goes "Picking up drunk people has parents, it wasn't in the best off." always been fun. Since the condition. So, him and his dad The total cost of back is so huge, people tend to decided to "pimp it out" "pimping out" Chad's ride party back there." How do Chad's Chevy is the place to be if you're bored on Friday night you think Cadets Tackle Obstacle tuition is Course, Rifles, and More invested? (from "cadets" session of formation maneu- ensued and cadets spent the Compiled by Clare Bodnar page 1) vers and marching presented next few hours perfectly by Shippensburg's proper ways to handle, oper- cleaning and recleaning rifles sergeant ate, and clear malfunctions in major. After the show sub- before turning in for one more the M16A2 servi~e rifle. After sided, the cadets were bused night. "I think it goes to a lot of dif- receiving instruction on the back to the barracks for rifle "Cleaning the ferent places, some we are prone position of firing, func- cleaning. M16A2 Service Rifle was one aware of - like salaries, cam- tions of different buttons and The leadership of the most tedious tasks I've pus improvements. Tuition switches, and range discipline reaction course involved done in my life. It took forever also goes to other places we cadets were allowed to zero in many squad-sized units trying (average 4 hours) to get rid of don't know about, places that their rifles. to overcome imagined scenar- ail the assembled carbon from don't have to do with our After the zeroing ios using teamwork and per- every piece of the rifle," said immediate needs." shots were fired, cadets were severance. Squad members cadet Daniel Spurrier. - Courtney Jordan, senior given forty rounds of ammu- each took the opportunity to Sunday morning nition to try to qualify for the be the squad leader at a differ- the gear was stowed in the army's standards of marks- ent position on the course and van and the bus, loaded up manship. were evaluated on their abili- with weary cadets headed for "It was fun and dif- ties by senior cadets. home. ficult at the same time trying "The LRC allowed Feeling senses of to hit the set amount of 'targets cadets to be challenged and to exhilaration, relief, improved required for the marksmen" learn to overcome adversity to self-confidence, and a host of "Paying employees, keeping ship qualification," said cadet accomplish the goal of their other emotions cadets arrived up the landscape, buying Aaron Pancone. mission," 'explained by senior back on campus to jump back computers, class materials Once the rounds cadet Robbie Dodd. into the routine of coUege life and for extra curricular activi- were spent, the cadets were A long night of rifle once more. ties." surprised with an impromptu maintenance instruction - Natalie Foley, senior "Quake" Offers Audience Wacky Artistic Adventure Lucy's dreams. realistic states to heated BETH McLANE Dower's convincing dream-states in moments - CO-EDITOR portrayal of That Woman was came off as artsy and ultimate- "For more computers, Though it had a lot to one of the hlghbghts of the ly successful. extracurriculara, and new aca- do with love, sex, and serial- overwhelmingly successful The hard work put demic buildings." killer astrophysicists, Quake, show. Each minor character, into this production of Quake - Kim Pavlovsky freshman the play performed last week- some played by the same actor a was evident, and each small end in Alumni Hall, was, or actress, was fascinating to element - the creative stage above all, a journey of self-dis- watch, not only for what their design (with seats on either covery. character was saying, but for side of the stage), the use of The story was the how they played the new Mr. "disembodied" hands as char- whirlwind tale of perpetual Wrong right. acters who handed props off, single girl Lucy, played bril- Behar's performance even the blow-up dolls (don't liantly by junior Jess Behar, was on-spot the entire show, ask) - made the show visually and it took the viewer on an' and she received an lrene stimulating at every moment. adventure across America in Ryan nomination for her role Quake, written by search of Mr. Right. as Lucy. Melanie Mar nich, was an The viewer follows One of rpy only interesting foray i.nthe psyche Lucy among the all the Mr. qualms was the slightly con- of the single girl. Lucy's story, "As a professor, I think tu"ition Wrongs, and her carousing fusing plot line. But rather combined with wonderful act- supports my extravagant with "That Woman," aka jun- than affecting the show nega- ing and creative set design lifestyle." ior Alison Dower, the man- tively, the complex story - made Quake an adventure for - Dr. Robert Kachur, English killer and scientist that haunts which often switched from all who attended. Department Got a nice crib or hot ride? Wanna see it in the Free Press? Give Beth a call at x8352
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