Page 29 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 29
iiiiD"§'ii" Wesminster, MD Vol. 4 No.3 Piffis Inside the Center Spread Two Students Attacked Science the college community by involved a grey Cutlass BETHM'LANE posting signs around campus. Sierra." Earns CO·EDITOR The sign states: "On 10/09/05 The names of the stu- . dents have not been released Two attacks on there were two separate and details about the incidents High McDaniel College students assaults that occurred early in that occurred October 9, 2005 the morning on campus. Both are limited since it is an ongo- have the college community involved non-student assault- ing investigation. Ranks on alert. The attackers do not ing students. Both occurred in Throughout Sunday attend McDaniel, according to the area around Smith House and early Monday morning, SHELLY HORN Campus Safety reports. and the alley behind the PA there was a flurry of IM's, STAFFWRITER The Department of Ave. houses at the lower end emails and calls around the Campus Safety (DoCS) alerted of campus. One of the assaults (see "Attacks" 011 page 8) McDaniel students preparing for a medical career can feel confident that they're in good hands. Though there is no labeled pre-med major on campus, McDaniel students consis- tently perform above the national average on the MCAT, the standardized test for medical school admission, and enjoy a high acceptance rate into medical school. Dr. Sam Alspach is the pre-med advisor. Alspach counsels students who express an interest in attending medical school Green Terror football and informs them of class- defeated Ursinus last es req uired by medica I weekend in their sec- schools, general require- ments, testing procedures ond home game last (MCAT), and the applica- weekend . See high- tion process. lights from the game McDaniel Junior 11.JOTOSUBMITfEDBYRorc on page 12. Cadet Aaron Faticone smiles for the camera during a leadership reaction course obstacle. The cadets Kaitltn McLean, a biochem- recently spent a weekend training at Fort Indiantown Gap, PA. istry/biology dual major, and Senior Biology major ROTC Training Cadets Melissa Wisner are two such students. McLean aspires to become BENJAMIN GLASS P.A. The exercise included time 1 fired anything bigger an ER doctor and Wisner STAFFWRITER leadership evaluations on a than a .22, it was definitely an hopes to enter a family series of obstacles both in the experience, especially to hear Over the weekend field and in the barracks. all those rifles going off at practice. "I have wanted to of the 23rd to the 25th of For the first time in once," said cadet Alex See what's so special September cadets from the a couple of years cadets were Becker. be a doctor since J was a about this Suburban Green Terror Battalion partici- also able to fire and qualify At the firing range child," said Wisner. "My favorite toy was a fake doc- on Page 5 in McRides pared in a field training exer- with the M16A2 service rifle. cadets were drilled on the tor's kit." cise at Fort Indiantown Gap, "lt was the first (see "Cadets" 011 page 5) (see "Science" 011 page 2) Fleas and Mice Infest Several Dorm Rooms Those prickly little hairs brush Ellen Inverso said that Although they could not find they were moved to higher JILL STONE against a toe - prickly hairs of she has kept a tally with the any holes for the mice to floors, the mice moved out of NEWS EDITOR a mouse. other girls in Blanche as to escape in to, they did believe their summer home and into it started with the Students in Blanche how many mice they have that the mice were coming the corners of dorm rooms. faint scratching against the and Whiteford have been spotted and caught. So far from the Bachelor's clubroom McDaniel And doing what is to rid the walls, following with the sharing their rooms with mice they have caught 11, and seen downstairs. buildings of these repugnant nervous glances between since the opening days of 25, scurry around in their clos- "1believe that some of roommates. Could it really be school. Now the mice have ets, in the bags of Cheez-Its, the furniture that was stored vermin? "Maintenance has the scurry of a little hairy biting fleas and the students' and in trashcans. over the summer may have been great," said Inverse. monster? Or maybe they were patience is wearing thin. "I was having trouble become the source of the "Every time we had a mouse just hearing things.' "The mouse problem studying," Inverse said. "T mouse problem," stated they have taken care of it." The roommates idly is not campus wide," said Mel didn't sleep in my room for President Joan Coley. "... and return to their studies, their Whelan, the building services about a week." She called therefore, the fleas as well." But why have they Inverso said that the •ears straining for the next coordinator. In fact, most of maintenance, and had them old furniture were like kept coming back? And what could they possibly be bring- unfamiliar noise. And then, the mice have been caught in check every nook and cranny the dreaded moment happens. Blanche. of her first floor dorm room. "mouse mansions," and once (see "Fleas" 011 page 3)
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