Page 30 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 30
OCTOBER 13, 2005 - Page 2 NEWS SC!,~s~~,~"}?!£~~n~Taf~~!fO~!~ch~S~~'~~~du~~e~e~~e!!ceto 1) biology, one year of general In fields closely associated receive from our faculty, both medical schools is a self-setec- "I will be the first doc- chemistry, one year of organic with medicine, for example, in the sciences as well as tion process," added Alspach. tor in my family," she added. chemistry, and one year of, genetics, ~io- across the c~pus," comment- Namely, students realize that McLean attributes her physics," said Alspach. chemistry, and molecular biol- ed Alspac~. Our students are they must have a high GPA to interest in medicine to her "These require- ogy." good thinkers and have be competitive, and that mother. ments apply to all medical What's McDaniel's shown themselves to be as receiving C grades will not ~et "I became interested schools worldwide. Some "secret to success"? Thesecret good as or better than other. them very far in the adnus- in medicine because my mom schools will require additional is no secret at all and is seem- students from highly presn- sions process." is a pediatric nurse practition- courses; for example, calculus, tngly a powerful academic tri- gious colleges." "Added to that is er," she said. biochemistry, and genetics." dent; smart students, a strong Pre-med students our track record; medical One reason both stu- The heavy dose of multi-disciplinary education, must not only attend classes, schools also do their home- dents gave for choosing the sciences may cause a and a good reputation with but do well in them, exhibit- work and know us and the McDaniel for pre-med is the change of heart for some stu- medical schools. ing responsibility and dedjca, caliber of students we train." excellent reputation of the sci- dents Of, at the very least, dis- "Our success is due tion. ence programs and the suade them from medical impressive medical school school specifically. acceptance rate. "On average, there Getting "Into" Sharks, "Currently we are about 40 to 50 freshman enjoy a very high acceptance students who declare an inter- rate for our students," boasted est in pursuing a career in the Cats and Mudpuppies Alspach. "Almost all of our medical fields," said Alspach. students who apply go to a "By the senior year, there are medical or other professional approximately 10 students Daring science majors at McDaniel College come head to head with all kinds of crit- school. If we did do the statis- who wish to attend medical ters during a dissection lab. Students investigate the innards & outers of a number of differ- tics, we would be 90% or school, and an additional 1-2 ent animals including sharks, mud puppies (which are a lot like salamanders), and cats. The above." with an intention to go to den- closest most of us have ever gotten to a shark is watching one on Animal Planet. Tnaddition, McDaniel' tal school. and an equally As an outsider, one might wonder how the students feel about required dissection labs. pre-med students are well- small number who desire to Katie Hickey, a Biology major, explains, "I think. it's really interesting. I could do without prepared for the MeAT. go to veterinary school." the smell ~f course, ~ut being ~ble to see all the anato,:,y up close is really fascinating." "Our students almost It may appear from Her biggest fear ISnot having to handle a dead antmal, as it may be for the rest of us, but rather, "accidentally cutting something Important out or destroying tissue (that needs to stay always score above the nation- these statistics that students intact) while searching for different structures." al average which generally with an original interest in the will guarantee them an inter- medical field had a change of Dr. Wilbur. Long, a Biology professor who guides dissection labs, lists the benefits of dis- view," explained Alspach. heart. This may not so as se.ctions Including, but not lim.ited to "the physical skills of dissection, mechanical properties "This is a very difficult test; it these numbers track only (~Ize, shape, texture, etc. ..) of tissues and organs, and a sense of the students own genetic rela- tionship to other organisms." takes one full day to complete those entering some sort of Why sharks, mud puppies and cats? What does the Biology department look for when (8-4) on a Saturday, and covers medical school, but not the selecting specimens to be dissected? all the major science disci- medical profession as a whole. plines as well as English "While these num- The speci~ens m~lst be ':ea~ily obtained, at a reasonable cost, easily preserved, large Composition." bers may indicate a large attri- enough that special eq~ltpment rsn t requited, sm~l enough for convenient handling and stor- Most medical tion, that is not completely age, and a representative of the anatomy one wishes to investigate, rather than an extreme schools require at least one . accurate, because some stu- form," Long explains. year of classes within the dents have decided to gu into Dr. Long shares a story highlighting the humorous side of students in the Biology depart. major sciences. an allied field of health - ment: "One of the college tours years ago encountered a student laid out on a dissection table "All candidates for physicians assistant, nursing, ~sif dead with an,?ther one in a red-stained lab coat "dissecting" him. It raised a bit of a stir medical school, dental school, podiatry, etc.," explained 10 the tour group. and veterinary medicine have Alspach. -Cori Simpson to complete the following "Others may be Lighter Side of The Blotter: Potty Problems unique calls.l . w~uld be Ray Le';is tack~ng a campus safety officer was the fight that he continued the S~~~~~R Thank. you McDamel rh,~oceros. But lmme~ately lucky enough to view such a round even while being inter- campus, my call for idio'!' has b~hind that, I would hke to spectacle. The vandal was raga ted by campus safety. The (Editor's Note: at a been answered. Crimes WItness a ~runken college stu- stopped on the football field student was cited for destru - glance, the blotter doesn't reveal h~m~n excrement dent push.lng over porta-pots where h.e switched ?ears from tion of property and spread. c some of the inane reports to which are simply hilarious. and spewmg doo doo every- potty cIlmes to boxing a tack- ing poopy allover the place. officers respond. Wu's commen- If Icould think of one where. ling dummy. Speaking of DOf, tary highlights some of the car Sight to see before I die, it On October lst, a He was so focused on don't park Drive. your Apparently on Historic pus an uncontrollable has lCaDTIJpus Sa~relll ~~ 0 tt e:r SOmeone on or around cam- compulsion to slash tires. Since September 29t~, nine cars parked on HistOrIC OccurredfromDate Subcategory Typo Building Name IncidentStatus Drive have been vandalized 9/22/052:39a.m. alcohol [j)()§sessionunder21 RouzerHall by a serial tire slasher. strike crimes These 9/22/053:55a.m vandalism roperty Gunn Plaza inactive me as completely sense'ee" 9/23/0511:09 .m. alcohol [possessionunder 21 GardenA t closedbY~rt 9124/0512:03 a.m. ta!!!.2_cri ll £.witiJfircequi . fireexti..!!E!!isher RouzerHall [open and therefore I must conclude that no one in our intellectual- 9/24/052:13 a.m. alcohol [possessionunder2l Walkway closed_Qyreport ly stimulated community 9/24/05 10:44 p.m. alcohol ~sessionunder2! BlancheWardHal! closed~rt would commit such atrocities. 9124/0511,0~m. disorderl conduct failureto obey HistoricDrive end!.!!&...courtoutcome It was' probably some 9/25/05l2:02a.ffi. alcohol [possessionunder2! BlancheWardHal! closedQy report townie who, realizing he will 9/25/0512:45a.ffi. trespass GillCenlcr endingcourtoutcome 9/251051:20a.m alcohol ossessionunder21 BlancheWardHall closed~rt never own a car, was driven 9/241058:00p.m. vandalism structure Penn.Ave.House inactive by envy to vandalize our 9/23/057:20a.m. assault hands/feet BakerCh~1 [Qpen property. ·Its only natural he turned first to slashing tires. 9126/05g,0~m. tamperingwith fire ui. fircext~isher RouzerHall mactlve All his life he has been 9126/05 8:05 p.m. tamperin_gwithfirceaui. fireextinguisher RouzerHall inaciive 9/27/059,00_Lm. taf!lperiQlLwitiJfireequi fireextin isher AlbertNormanWardHall inactive cutting .stuff up. French frie;~ 9128/056:00 .m. vandalism 8 s~rale autos vehicle HistoricDrive ~n Pizza, lines of coke - people 9/30/200512:43 a.m. . decen~offense ublicurination Garden~rtffients closedb reoort actions are influenced by 10/2/053:00a.m. theft frombuildin2S Penn.Ave.House inactive familiarity . 10/11059:50 p.m. vandalism roperty BairStadiumLot closedby report Still, he needs to b~ 10/2/0512:55a.m. alcohol [possessionunder21 SmithHouse closed.l:l:.~rt caught. And when he do~s, a 10/2/052:40a.m assault othersi~e GardenApartments closed_Qy report propose we throw him In 9/28/05 12:00p.m. vandalism vehicle HistoricDrive _Qpen porta-pot and push it over. He'll be covered in feces.
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