Page 31 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 31
NEWS OCTOBER 13, 2005 -Page 3 Where Does Our Tuition Money Go? dent for administration and percent). is for Auxiliary Enterprises, services), intercollegiate ath- DAVID P. GREISMAN finance, the school will take in L Grants from outside operations that letics, admissions, and STAFF WRITER generate revenue for the and financial aid projected revenue sources, provided and used the registrar Whether your of $46,480,000 during this fis- for specific purposes school. $3,495,000 of this offices. tuition bills are paid by you, cal year. (expected to be about, 1.5 per- amount (7.57 percent) L $4,733,000, or 10.25 percent, your parents, scholarships or McDaniel's budget cent). goes to the residence halls, is for Physical Plant, the main- any combination of the above, currently allocates 99.35 per- L Other sources, mainly $3,536,000 (7.66 percent) to tenance and operation of the exploring where the money cent of the revenue to'be spent income from Mcljamel's aux- food services like Engler Hall grounds, buildings and cost of goes might make signing in certain categories, with the iliary enterprises like summer and the other outlets, and utilities. off on the next payment a little remaining $300,000 held as a conferences on campus, the $709,000 (1.53 percent) to the L $2,598,000, or 5.63 percent, easier. contingency surplus for unex- golf course and the rental of golf course, bookstore and is earmarked for Academic It is difficult, if not pected expenses. the bookstore space to Barnes summer conferences. Support, endeavors impossible, to provide a dol- A breakdown of & Noble (6 percent), Including room and board, that assist students' educa- lar-far-dollar breakdown on McDaniel College's revenue Mcfraruel's budget these operations will bring tions like the library and class- how just the ,tuition is spent, and budget: Is broken down into seven over $8.5 m.illion in revenue to room technology. because the college lumps As noted above, separate areas, constituting McDaniel. . L $708,000, or 1.43 percent, is income from tuition, room money from tuition, room and $46,180,000 of the total rev- E $5,269,000, or 11.41 percent, expected for uses designated and board into its total rev- board makes up 76.09% of the enue. The money will be goes to Student Services, by outside grants. enue, the latter of which then college's projected revenue. spent as such: which Seidel explains is "any As McDaniel being budgeted for use. The remaining $11,112,000 L $16,755,000, or 36.28 percent of our offices that support stu- College is a not-for-profit The college charges will come from: of the budget, is slated for dents but are not part of our institution, any remaining sur- total tuition fees amounting to L An annual subsidy provid- Instruction, academic programs." These pluses not used for unexpect- $46,801,000, but an estimated ed by the state of Maryland to which includes faculty offices include student affairs ed expenses are put back into $18,092,000 of that is covered help support the salaries, teaching supplies and (e.g. college the budget. by financial aid provided by quality of education (5.32 per- special lectures. activities, counseling, career McDaniel College. The cent of McDaniel's revenue). L $8,377,000, or 18.14 percent, remaining $28,709,000 in L Fundraising for the operat- for Institutional Support, the tuition, along with $6,659,000 ing budget, such as private administrative in room and board, accounts gifts and grants that operations that do not include for 76.09 percent of the are directed to the annual academic or student services. school's revenue. fund (4.52 percent). This category According to these L Endowment income taken encompasses the offices of the and other figures provided by from the college's investment president, provost, security, Dr. Ethan Seidel, vice presi- portfolio (6.49 finance, computing, administrative College Fights institutional advancement (fund raising), as well as the Flea Infestation school's post office. or 16.76 percent, r: $7,740,000, (from "Fteosron Page 1) nator in to take care of it." -ing with them? Whelan described the Elise Clark, a fresh- process of spraying one girl's man on Whiteford's third dorm room to dispose of the floor, is concerned about the fleas. "We fumigated her biting bed bugs in her room. room twice, shampooed car- "J woke up one day pets and gave her new mat- with bug bites all over my tresses," he said, "and she has- legs," she said. "But they did- n't had a problem since." n't itch, so it worried rne." Clark said that once After rushing to Smith House, her Whiteford dorm was Clark was told that the fleas sprayed three days after the could have come from the bites were spotted, the fleas foam party that was held on never returned. campus a couple weeks ago. lnverso said that Kate Becker, who lives maintenance tried to spray her on the third floor of Blanche, room, with a sort of "mouse said that she has heard of heroin" that made the animals many girls on her floor with wander outside before they flea bites, and has also spotted died. This seemed to work for mice shuffling around the a period of five days. After dorm rooms. this break, however, Inverse "My friend had a had caught seven mice, one of mouse in her room last night which a shrew, in the live trap and I saw one on first floor of within a period of a day and a Blanche on Saturday night, half. just climbing up the wa~l," Inverse said that she Becker said. After cleaning has heard that one mouse had her room, Becker found a actually shaken off fleas when large hole between the base- stuck on a trap. boards and the carpet, which In order to clean the could be the cause for the mice clubrooms and the dorms, getting into the bags of E~sy Whelan said that the school is . Mac cheese, and rummagmg "working with fraternities around in closets. and sororities to clean up "I feel that If T pay so those rooms. and they have much to come here, at least been very cooperative." keep the dorm clean and sani- Without having a mouse com- tary," said Becker. ''.1 feel gross plaint in about a week, in the room ... multlple rooms Whelan believes that they are have cockroaches; fleas and "getting a handle on things," and will also continue to clean rruce President Coley the rooms. With all the attempts understood the student's :;on- made to resolve this problem, cern, and took action. . My information says that It IS not lnverso. and others, hope that a widespread problem," she their next critter visitor will said. "T understand that "" come from Stuart Little, and not his pesky cousin. immediately got an exterml-
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