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Dmen TCffjJr SPORTS Vol. 4 No. 3 September 30, 2005, Page 12 Volleyball in "Relentless Pursuit" of Wins by not singling anyone ing off point for us in MERIDETH ADAMS out, the girls are able to the season," said STAFF WRITER maintain strong team Captain Sarah Fessler. JI Any team can unity. "We are very "We greatly appreciat- beat any other team on team-oriented. It feels ed the support that we any given day." This is like we spend every received at that match the attitude that the waking hour together," and would love to see Women's Volleyball Eiser explains.' The continued support team has going into only thing the girls feel throughout the rest of every game. Their goal they need to work on the season." The this season is to never this season is their team's other three wins underestimate their communication on the were against Salisbury; opponents, and with a court. Wilson and Villa Julie. record of 4-6 they will The best win the With strong continue the rest of the team has seen this year serve receiving and year with this same was against strong defense this attitude. Gettysburg. This was year, the girls are 100k- Senior captain the first time the girls ing forward to some Krista Eiser feels that had beaten Gettysburg more wins. "Without everyone on the team in fourteen years, and OUI defense, we have plays a very important they feel that this no offense, so that's role. "It is impossible to match was the best the what we pride our- PHOTOCO,UR'J'ESYOPSTINEPEED pinpoint certain key volleyball program has selves in," Fessler con- Sarah Fessler goes up for a block."Without our defense, we have no players because our seen in years. "It was a eludes. "Our motto this offense, so that's what we pride ourselves in,"Fessler recently team has so many," true underdog victory year is 'Relentless explained. . Eiser says, noting that and an amazing start- Pursuit.' If Football Undefeated, Tennis and Golf Preparing Meikos Parker rushed for a swered points to make the were singles winners Bill Ross The group will travel MIKE HABEGGER game-high 105 yards and score 24-17 in the fourth quar- (0-6, 6-2, 6-2), Mark to Lewisburg, PAto play in the SPORTS EDITOR three TOs, earning Centennial ter. Backup QB Brett Gibson Winkelstein (6-1,4-6, 6-3),and Bucknell Invitational Football: The Green Conference Offensive Player threw a touchdown to Jamie Adrain Pettaway (6-4, 6-7 [2- Saturday; October 8th. Terror football team received of the Week. Unger as the dock ran out to 71, 6-4), the 4-6 players in the The Men have been a an exciting scare last weekend After leading 17-0 in induce overtime. After a lineup. Brian Kastner and little busier, picking up right (9/17) in an overtime win the first half, but allowed series of missed and blocked Winkelstein teamed up to where they left off last year against Catholic, 37-36. Catholic to score 17 unan- PATson both sides, McDaniel defeat Villajulie's Ryan Morse with a first place finish at the kicker Jay Leonard sealed the and Korey Garner to provide Wesley Invitational on 9/8. victory following Parker's the decisive win. Steve Perrone shot an dive into the endzone on a The match was the unprecendeuted 68 on the fourth and one. only competition for the teams course to lead the Terror to a Drew Abbamonte this fall. one stroke victory over peren- intercepted two crucial passes Golf: Green Terror nial winner Wesley. Senior Pat and tallied 10 tackles in the golf was also in action last Hayes, junior Gary LaBreck game to elicit the conference weekend. As defending and sophomore Gerry Butler Defensive Player of the Week Centennial Conference cham- atso shot in the 70s. honors. pions, both teams will face Sophomore Steve Meier shot a The Terror had this stiff competition in the spring. 72 for the B team. past weekend off, and wi\1 Coach Scott Moyer The team also fin- face Ursinus on October 1st in told the McDaniel Freepress ished a respectable 7th out of a Centennial Conference com- last year that "Playing in these 15 teams at the Randolph- petition. early tournaments helps to Macon Invitational in' Tennis: Men's and build confidence." Ashland, VA on 9/17. Low- Women's Tennis had a warm- The Women finished scorer for the Terror was up match last weekend (9/17). 4th out of four teams at the LaBreck, who recorded a The Men beat Villa Julie 5-4 Lehigh Invitational on 9/16, a stroke total of 151 for the two while the Women won 8-1. tournament where they fin- days. Katie t-4cLean and ished 3rd out of six teams a Both teams look for- Helen Brooks won in straight year ago lead by All-American ward to playing in the 1st sets for the Women. Doubles KellyCramp. Junior Christine Annual Waegner c.u.P. golf Danielle Magid / Emily Malkiewicz, who figures to be tournament on Sunday Taylor and Georgina Kafes / a standout conference player October 30th. Whitney Hines won 8 games again this spring, recorded an Meikos Parker attempts to escape the dutches of a C~tholic defender during McDaniel's to none. 86 at the Kutztown invitation- 37-36 overtime win agaiflSl th~ Cardinals. Parker rushed 23 times for 105 yards and th,ree Standouts for the Men al and an 88 at Lehigh. touchdowflS to earn Centennial Conference Offensive Player of the Week honors
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