Page 124 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 124
APRIL 6, 2006 - Page 12 COMMENTARY From Europe to the Hill: Thanks To Robby Everybody had their individ- ing the Same Sex Marriage es loud! You made those voic- SARAH E. WOLF ual job, just like a brain cell panel discussion' that took es be heard! Thank you for STAFF WRITER has its little job to focus on place the same night as the that, Robby. I'm glad that I've Alright, McDaniel, something, but we were able international dinner. . met you and that 1 was there first of all: A HUGE, GINOR- to function as one, one big It made me, little to witness that particular MOUS THANK YOU to brain. German girl, or Canadian, so moment, standing right next everybody that came to the Next year it should be happy that You stood up for to your side! International Dinner. It even better, because now we yourself and for what You Cherish that moment. seemed to have been a suc- know what not to do! But believe in. Always keep it in your heart, cess. The members of the Club right now, I want to really take You were so strong, because I know that a lot of received a lot of good feed- advantage of having this col- and proudly said what you people, who heard you speak back from people that attend- body who sponsored our little umn, (like I have never done had and wanted to say. I think that night, will! ed. Club. Not so little anymore, that before. n and speak out a more people should be that Alright crazy In fact, a lot of stu- eh? And, of course, I want to huge compliment and thank way. McDaniel College, a slightly dents said that they would congratulate the members of you to Robby Bieschke! Thank You set an example different column this time, but like to join the club. the International Club for all you for ruining my make-up that night, stood up for a lot of hey .... makes it more interest- 1 just want to, again, their hard work and time. that night, Robby! people, who are not strong ing,. eh? emphasize how happy I am Sometimes you really need to You got me all teary enough to, and spoke out of Until next time, "stay that so many people showed work together as one! and emotional! their hearts. You said things classy," McDaniel, and be up and enjoyed themselves. I think that day we No, but for real and . that they feel, exactly like you, international! Smoochies and The music was fantabulous. were able to accomplish that! serious this time: It was very and hugsies to you all! Iwant to thank every- inspiring what you said dur- You made those voic- Heat Will Get Worse Before it Gets Better and humid on' the other. is little point in trying to For now, students and to having two sets of clothes MTALEXANDER Rouser is stifling and odorous change the room temperature. faculty wilJ have to continue each day: one for the frigid S:TAFFWRITER (but that's another matter alto- "You turn the heaters adapting to the unbearable winter days, and the second Coming in as a fresh- gether). Blanche is riddled off, and they just come heat the same ways they for my hot-muggy room in man this year to McDaniel with hot water pipes nght back on always have: keeping win- Whiteford. College I received lots of e: dows open constantly, switch- It's a nice thought to advice on what to bring to the ~~l~;::~~~::ry ~~~z:;:;:r,e:i~~:~ ~~~ ing on multiple fans. Ice packs know that spring is here and dorms. The Fan made my Top The ques- l~ '"'" 109 lJ1 Blanche will also have to rest between soon I'll only have to deal Ten list. It was understandable tion has been '" "" The college IS 10 you and your chair, and the with one set of clothes for one that a fan would be needed asked countless"'\ the process of finding a occasional fake excuse for an type of temperature: HOT. during the hot summer times every year: new Improved system AC Unit. Imyself have taken months, and there are always WHY IS IT SO HOT "The ultimate goal," a few balmy days during the IN HERE?!? says George Brenton, FREE PRESS STAFF beginning of autumn. Not to "It is a real prob- Director of McDamel mention fans come in handy tern at night when we leave ~ College Physical when trying to rid your room Wri_ Editor-in..chief of that nail polish remover ~~~e;i~~::h;~~nl~~i!;hi~ ~ ~!:~~I"l:y!~e~avt~a~ Beth McLane '07 JQhn Bennett '06 smell. But 1 never thought I Rouzer says, "because at allows the climate to Katie Hickey '06 would use my beautiful, 3:00a.m. dump trucks come to be adjusted not just from Art Director Erik Hot! '06 three-setting desk fan during pick up trash outside Glar. building to building, but from Chanan Delivuk '08 LaWann Nelson '06 the cold winter nights. Wakes you up every night." floor to floor within each Features Editor Courtney jordan '06 The heating systems The current building." Alyse Hollomon '08 Lindsay Graham '07 in all the dorms and even the AC/Heating unit installed in Students won't, haw- News Editor Djerdj Matkovik '07 academic halls are faulty at aII McDaniel buildings, ever, see any advancement in Jill Stone '06 Joey Morningstar '07 best. Whiteford is known to be Honeywell, is outdated. the dormitory heating systems Commentary Editor Rob Goeke '07 freezing on one side of the hall Students complain that there for another few years. Sarah Black '07 Ryan Chell '{)9 Clayton Rosa '09 Sports Editor Tom Michaels '06 Mike Habegger '08 NYC Trip* Kathryn Young '08 'Iodd Knepper '06 Page Design Kristin Lamb '09 David P. Oretsman '07 MJ Alexander '09 Beth McLane '07 Franz E. Schneider '07 Sarah Black '07 Kathryn Young '08 Hey, wowlcin't it be Pu~~yiP I Amalie Shaffer '07 Danielle Azoulay '09 wore tkis shirt o~ tile trip? Emily Biondo '09 Shelly Hom '06 \ I do~'t k~ow". would it be Photography/Dlustrations Emily Biondo '09 Patrick Bonaduce '08 Andrew Wu '06 Pu~~yiP you were sltt7f? Indira Gonzales '07 Carl Simpson 'OS Advertising Managers Meredith Adams '07 Emily Funk '07 Ryan Chell '09 Um". yee? Rachel Bryant '06 Taylor Hebden '08 Copy Chief Melanie Chupein '09 lenni Evans Jane Libert '08 Copy Editor Laura Hutton '09 'Ieri Hamer [en Harrington '07 Kelsey Lindholm '09 The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of The McDanielFree Press staff, the faculty,or the administrators of The ~per welcomesfree..~~~a:~~~l::'press@mcdaniel edu. The r e~!ors reserve the right to edit for darity, length, and libel and to tS~ ~s space perrnjts, Please include a name and phone number or verification.Names will be withheld only by the discretion of the Th Editors--in·Chief. e.~cDaniel Free Press does not discriminate based on age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, condition of handicap, or marital status. Mail to: The McDaniel Free Press McDaniel College,2 College Hill Westminster, MD 21157 (410) 751-8600 FAX, (410) 857-2729
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