Page 123 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 123
COMMENTARY APRIL 6 2006 - Page 11 "Flight 93," Fictitious Story of a Tragic Day SARAH BLACK allies who confronted an leading filmmakers to dramat- flight crew; her friends, whom COMMENTARY EDITOR unthinkable situation." The ically investigate the events of she had worked with for sev- key word in this quote is that day." NO, it's not. eral years. It is only due to this "September 11, 2001. Four "attempts"-meaning they Movies are for entertain- chance of pure luck that my planes were hijacked. Three of are trying to imagine what ment-that's it. Besides that, aunt is still with my family them reached their target. This happened because they fiction filmmakers are the last today. So when I look at the is the story of the fourth." DON'T know what happened people we should rely on to movie photos, and I see the This is the tagline for on that plane. perform a job as monumental fake flight crew posing for the the upcoming movie "Flight Besides the recorded as trying to figure out what camera with their fake smiles 93," from the director of "The phone calis, and the record- happened on anyone of those and their fake uniforms, it's Bourne Supremacy." ings from the plane's black planes on September 11. gut-wrenching for me, and I Honestly, I think it's across an official "' site: box, we have no idea what I am infuriated just at want to scream. Despite the disgusting-morally disgust- went on in between those time the thought of this tragic event fact that [ didn't lose anyone ing-that they, Hollywood, My first thought was to find frames. The filmmakers can't being made into a movie. I in those devastating terrorist would try to make money off out if proceeds from this fill in the gaps with facts, so take it personally because my attacks, I still feel very con- such a horrible tragedy-a movie were going towards the they are using assumptions of family narrowly escaped nected to that horrible day. tragedy that some (including Flight 93 Memorial, and they what they THINK happened. tragedy on that day. One of Aside from the myself) consider the nation to are not. I also found some . Junior Alex Barnold my aunts, as a flight attendant recordings we have, no one' still be mourning over. quotes about the movie and also has strong opinions about for American Airlines, was can imagine what those pas- Junior Josh Murray by the director that seemed this film: "That's so wrong. supposed to be on the plane sengers went through during considers this event a shaky weak and lacking facts. For No matter what kind of mes- that ended up in the side of their final moments, yet we're issue still today, almost 5 years example, "This film attempts sage it sends out, that's totally the Pentagon. She switched willing to make a movie about after. "I don't know if they to understand the abject fear wrong that we would use that schedules with one of her col- it. For Hollywood to fabricate should be making that into a and courageous decisions of as our form of entertainment." leagues, so instead her col- those last moments is sicken- movie. It's a touchy subject." those who ... transformed from The director is quoted league took her place on that ing and appalling. Upon searching infor- a random assembly of dlscon- as saying "The time has come day. So when that plane went mation about this film, I came nected strangers into bonded for contemporary cinema's down, my aunt lost her entire Everglades a Mix of Fear and Excitement just didn't realize how far and the sun was beginning to We were still "mts- ing laps trying to find the chic- CORI SIMPSON STAFF WRITER behind. set. When we finally reached placed," it was now dark, and kee. We chose the campsite, On our way we saw at the spot where the chickee we still needed to find a place which was called Lard Can If anything, this col- least eight alligators. The first was supposed to be, we were to sleep for the night. (hysterical, Iknow). It looked umn about canoeing through one I was directly in front of horrified. We canoed around a just big enough for one tent, the marshy wet lands of the the canoe, staring right at me No chickee. No other little longer in the dark, in cir- but the fact that it had a Spot- Everglades during Spring and not moving. I tried to people. No other signs of life; des - and Katie flashed her a-John made it enticing. Break is an understatement splash water on it to scare it our own voices echoed back light on the water ahead of the We all passed out in about what really happened. away because our canoe was through the darkness, through canoe. Beady little sets of our tents, preparing ourselves The full truth will only ever be headed right for it, but it did- the miles and miles of croco- gator eyes glared up from the for the early journey back to fully comprehended by the six n't budge. I flinched, thinking dile-infested swamp. water below us. shore. souls that experienced it all that it would rock the canoe a Ten minutes before Eventually, len gave At five 0'dock we firsthand. little, but we didn't hit it.._the sun wa.ยง.completely out of.- us two choices-sleep in the woke up, packed up camp Our mission was to Creepy! Sight, we heard someone talk- canoes and tie up to the banks, and headed out. The spiders follow markers to our camp- We had been canoeing' ing in the distance. It was [en or set up the tents on this little had been busy that night spin- site on a chickee, a platform for what seemed like 2 - 3 and Alex. What a relief - but campsite on the ground that ning webs across the water on stilts in the water. But we hours (nobody had a watch) not a complete relief. we noticed when we were tak- amongst the trees. After about never made it to the cluckee: fifteen hit my face and stuck to instead, we spent the night on my hands, I opted to limbo an island roughly three miles undemeath them. from civilization in a place Eventually, we made made famous for the co-exis- it back to the first road we tence of alligators and croco- entered, sat down in our diles. soppy clothes on the side of Two people to a the road and ate bagels while canoe, along with tents, sleep- we waited for the last canoe to ing supplies, cooking supplies pull in. and a heavy cooler. It was We were safe and another girl and me in one sound, but it was only canoe, two girls in another Tuesday. canoe, and a boy and our We did a lot of things instructor, [en, in the other. while in Florida - we swam The two canoes with' with wild manatees and dol- girls got right to it, weaving phins, snorkeled in the coral and winding through the reef, joined flamingo dancers creek in Hell's Bay. Since we at a Cuban Restaurant, dined were moving so quickly, [en. in an authentic Greek the faculty advisor who chap- Restaurant, and visited Ernest eroned the trip, told us to con- Hemingway's Key West home tinue following the markers (notorious for thirty-some that would lead to our camp- cats, some with six or seven site. toes). So we took off, leav- We even ate alligator. ing the last canoe behind; we Congrats 2006 Phenomenal Women! If You Feel Down, Pick This Up Faculty: Staff: Students: "The greatness of a man's power is the measure of his surrender." Ms. Margaret Boudreaux Ms. Jan Pazzari Ms. Suzanne Gilbert - William Booth - Founder of the Salvation Army Ms. Kate Dobson Ms. Margaret Griffin Ms. Ashley Boone Ms. Becky Carpenter Ms. Kristin Lister Ms. Tiffany Mack Have you ever considered that your power is the strongest Ms. Donna Evergates Ms. Judie Hart Ms. Laura Miller when you admit that you don't have much? Think about a Ms. Ramona Kerby Ms. Cindy Zimmerman Ms. Autumn Nicole Hancock time when you had trouble with a homework assignment or a Ms. Lauren Dundes Ms. Beverly Herndon Ms. Kristy Costa paper ... and you decided to ask for help. The greatest moment Ms. Laurel Penn Ms. Kristen Ion was when you realized your spirit was humble enough to ask Ms. Brenda Palsgrove Ms. Stacy Fitzwater guidance and overall direction. So the next time you feel as Ms. Terry Page Ms. Erica Wormley if you are ashamed to wave your white flag, remember it Ms. Judith Thomas Ms. In Shil Lake could save your life! ~ Torreka Jordan
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