Page 122 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 122
APRIL 6, 2006 - Page 10 COMMENTARY Room Draw Changes Bring Some Discontent portedly graduating that year ty? By removing one of the looked for other options. PATQ'TOOLE and would have an equal few tangible incentives for STAFF WRITER Why was it necessary chance of drawing above academic prosperity, the net to move so drastically from a There are very few them. The fact that the student effect certainly has to be a merit-based system to one that areas on this campus where with 65 credits was obviously decrease in effort. Taking 16 is almost entirely based on one's merit is actually an scraping by over his or her credits a semester is a lot of luck? It seems that there could advantageous attribute. The first five semesters and would work, and taking 20 is even have been a compromise, such turn toward fairness as have to take heavy course more - but college should not as giving preference to those opposed to compensation for loads for the final three semes- be something that comes easy. graduating in 2007 and then hard work is difficult for some ters simply to graduate is no "I always thought it ranking those within that of us to swallow, but we most- longer a factor. Equally, the was an incentive to get people group based on their credit ly take it in stride due to the person in another apartment to take more classes and try hours. People often think. only few benefits one can garner by group who took 20 credits a harder academically," sopho- in extremes, and I believe that producing a solid academic semester to achieve senior sta- more Mike Habegger said in that approach causes prob- record. as a tus is now on the same level as reference to the old system of lems. Over the past couple whole if they are jointly apply- the person who will barely housing. To clarify, I am not of weeks, one of those main- ing). graduate. As an honors student, opinionated on this topic stays of rewarding merit was This new procedure is From my point of Habegger has struggled to because it affects me personal- taken away from students, a drastic change from the sys~ view, the system has essential- find housing after finding out ly. I did not go through room and the result has been wide- tern of the past, wherein a stu- ly moved from one in which too late that his abundant draw and am therefore not spread confusion and discon- dent's total number of credit academic virtue was acknowl- credit hours would not help directly tied up in it. I under- tent. hours would determine his or edged to another where pure him this year. He has been stand the administration's rea- When students her status in the room draw luck becomes the main focus. forced to live with a group of soning for the change, but I recently received the bright and lottery numbers were Now the only stimulus for seniors to secure a spot in have written my response to it pink packet containing the used only to separate those taking heavy course loads is Garden. from a differing perspective, information for this semes- within the same range of cred- the advantage those with Habegger's troubles one that I wish had been con- ter's room draw, most looked it hours. "l.,0re credits receive during elucidate another issue with sidered more fully before the over it without paying much Under the old system, registration for classes. Maybe the change: students were not change was enacted. attention to a little fact which a person "graduating in 2007" the college likes to encourage made aware of the shift early I would invite some- totally changed the outcome with, for example, only 65 students to return for a fifth enough to make the necessary one who has benefited from of the selection process. Under credits would have been con- year, as that is certainly a nice arrangements. At the time the this new system to respond to a WordArt representation of sidered a junior and would payoff once the scholarship packet was released, affinity my commentary. I have sim- the word "NEW!" the packet have been ranked below money runs up. Yet if housing applications were ply taken one angle on it, but stated that room draw would everyone who had at least 85 McDaniel is looking to reclaim already due, rendering that there are certainly differing now operate based firstly on credits (the cutoff for seniors). its spot on the lists of top liber- option unavailable. With more perspectives to the issue. the graduation date of each Under the new system, al arts colleges, shouldn't the time to prepare, those stu- student and secondly on the though, that person would be institution be attempting to dents relying on their credits lottery number drawn by that lumped in with all others pur- increase academic productivi- to get apartments could have WE CAN STILL BE FRIENDS. But_ynu nerd a more stab!« [uumcia! partner. At First Financial rcu we u nderstand that giving up the familiar can be difficuh . It can 1.111;0be rewarcli and beneficial to a strong financial Iuxure. 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