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NEWS SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 - Page 3 Freshmen From Across U.S. Varied And Diverse would attend whichever col- pating in four national tours, coming students. Before There are approxtmetely JILL STONE lege accepted him. visiting 5-6 cities around the school began, students were 23 states accounted for in the NEWS EOITOR So, here he is. However, country. They are also pre- able to join in on a discussion fall 2000-2005 profiles. There Kelsey Lindholm isn't Lindholm is noticing how paring for an international board with one another, has been a rise in the number used to how small Westminster quiet the campus can get dur- tour. check out their classes, and of Carroll County residents this is. ing the week. H is because of this tour even reserve their textbooks year, as well as a Significant rise Of course, the college Living in what he calls that over 500 interested stu- online. in multicultural students from town of Westminster could be a "small New York," dents with their families at- Elizabeth Towle, a areas such as Colombia, Po- considered rather large to Lindholm says that in Boston, tend the college fairs and pre- member of the First Year land, and Vietnam. someone in the more rural ar- "you can go ten steps in any sentations in each of these cit- Team, seems optimistic about Like Lindholm, Leah eas in states such as Kansas and direction, and you can get to ies, such as California, Geor- the incoming students. Beck is adjusting to college life Alabama, where some of the anywhere you want to be." gia, Florida, Maine, Ohio, "My own observation in Westminster. Beck, from students here at McDaniel are This year, McDaniel has and Texas. of them as a group is that they Pennsylvania, lives in Bucks from. received many incoming stu- "McDaniel is seeing the are very participative and County, where the 2002 movie, Lindholm, a freshman at dents from various states, at- results of these tours as this enthusiastic." She said. Signs, was filmed. It was in the McDaniel, and a Communica- tributing much of this to the year, in addition to our usual "They are becoming a part of town of Newton that she got to tions major, has lived in Boston success from the book and regional geographic repre- the community and the cam- see Mel Gibson in action. There are stories just like pus ... [ think they'll do good Massachusetts all his life, and website, Colleges tnat Change sentation ... " reads this one from Lindholm that learned about McDaniel Col- Lives. Martha O'Connell, the O'Connell, preceding her list things and make positive freshman are telling every day. lege through his career counse- Vice President for Enrollment of various states. contributions on campus." Where they are from, what they lors at his high school just out- management and Dean of O'Connell, along with With an increase of 100 have been doing with their life, side of Boston. Admissions in her recent En- the First Year Team at first year and transfer stu- and their dreams for the future. Thinning down his long rollment Management An- McDaniel, are excited about dents as compared to last Hopefully, as Towle said, list of possible colleges, nual Report in August stated the new college website, and year, Towle is looking for- we can see great things from Lindholm decided that he that McDaniel is now partici- what it has to offer for the in- ward to the changes she will see in the group of students. these students, and that the stu- International Students Flock to McDaniel different from the dents and faculty are always What makes this year at willing to give them guidance other years? and advice when needed. But McDaniel for New Experiences riety. This year, we have va- for now, all we can do for them is listen. Orientation "helpful" conr SIMPSON STAFFWRlTER [continued/rom page 11 "unified identity" and Like migrating birds, what causes international students to flock to McDaniel each fall? "grounds their college experi- Students come to this campus from around the world, from places like Hungary, Albania, decided to rejuvenate the ori- ence." Germany, and Korea. This semester McDaniel College welcomes thirteen new International entation process. The team, Student reaction to the students, in addition to nine returning International students. which consisted of Associate program was mixed. However, What attracts students to McDaniel College r-----------~ Dean Jean Shin, Associa te the response from a peer men- from places like Colombia and Australia? Dean Sherri Hughes, Associ- tor wili undoubtedly differ Fidan Sudzadinowa, a first year student from ate Dean Liz Towle and Sec- Poland, explains that her interest in McDaniel New Students are corning retary Tina Nguyen, reasoned from that of a first-year student. was long "Orientation College was built on the idea of a small close knit to McDaniel from all that since today's youth is be- and .at times boring, but over- community, along with the immense variety of over the world: coming more and more tech- all it was very helpful," said courses and the freedom to choose the courses she nologically oriented, perhaps Freshman [anine Volz. "I was wanted to enroll in. Giora Fried - Hungary the new program should be excited to meet new people, "In Poland, students can not design their own more computer-based schedules," Fidan explains. Anjeza Kadilli - Albania "The main difference and J knew that during orien- tation I could do just that." Jeffrey Lee - Australia "At a Liberal Arts school, like McDaniel, there Hajnalka Modis - Hungary between this year's program Fellow freshman Chris- is emphasis on search; meaning search of personal- Nuree Na - Korea vs. programs in years past is tina Cone agreed: "Some parts ity, knowledge, values, skills ... the Polish educa- Agnes Pataki - Hungary that ... we began to take ad- of orientation were fun, like tional system does not give such an opportunity." Fidan Sudzadinowa - Poland vantage of electronic speaker Mike Green and Thao Tran, who is also a first year student, is Thao Tran - Vietnam sources," said Shin. "It's Choices, but other parts were from Vietnam. She was drawn to the opportunities Sarah Wolf - Germany amazing how technology can very boring." McDaniel College advertised in their brochures. Michael Weisner - Canada help us to stay in touch with The general consensus on Thao says that she is pleased with the amount of Ana Salgado - Argentina students." the most "boring" part of ori- individual attention provided to all of the students, Claudia Mertens - Germany In place of "transition entation was having to read The and the diverse environment found here on cam- Melanie Mignon - France days" - when new students Kite RUliner. pus. used to come to campus for "I was surprised to hear "McDaniel gave me a chance - and 1went with one day during the summer that I had to read a book be- the flow of life," said Fidan Sudzadinowa. to meet their freshman advi- cause I thought that after high "International students enrich ou.r campus and the campus experience," said Rose sor and the faculty - all infor- school, I wouldn't have to read Falkner, coordinator of the Study Abroad Program. "We love having the students here." mation for new freshmen is any books during the summer now located on Blackboard, again," Cone said. Study Abroad Fair thanks to the McDaniel's Di- to think that the program Many freshmen also seem rector of Instructional Tech- nology, Steve Kerby should have been shorter and On Thursday, September 15, the International Programs Office will hold its annual In terms of advising, more relaxing. Steve Goldberg, Study Abroad Fair from 11:00a.m. to 2:30 p,m. in Decker Center (lower level). Shin believes that getting to another freshman, says he Many representatives from around the country, representing programs from around know their advisors via email wishes there had been "more the world, will be on campus to talk with students and faculty about their study abroad is vital. "In a lot of cases [on time to settle in," and Volz com- programs and internship opportunities. The representatives+-tncluding McDaniel College 'transition days'], students ments that if the process were Budapest "alums"- will be staffing information tables and passing out literature bro- met with advisor's they'd shorter, "it would have kept chures to students interested in learning more about off-campus study programs. never see again. It was not ef- more of us interested and not There will also be information on McDaniel College Budapest and our own overseas fective in terms of a long-last- as anxious for it to be over." Jan-Term 2006 offerings. Contact: Rose Falkner at rfalkner@mcdaniel.eduorx3376 ing relationship. However, Senior peer mentor Jodi September 26-October 3 - Study Abroad and Photo Display (Ensor Lounge) this seems to be a good sys- Hunter agrees that if the pro- October 1 _ The World Beyond Westminster: Opportunities for Study Abroad tem of checks and balances." cess were spread out over 4 in- (Family Weekend), This event will feature a panel of students who have recently returned More academic compo- stead of 5 days, things may from study abroad programs (9:00 a.m. to 9:50 a.m.: New Academic Building) nents were added to the ori- have gone more smoothly for "If I were a student all over again, McDaniel College Budapest is the kind of study entation agenda as well, the the students. "I think that [the abroadprogram I would choose," said Rose Falkner, coordinator for Study Abroad. most notable addition being time span] had a negative effect "It's an exceptional opportunity to live in one of the most exciting and beautiful cities summer reading. Incoming because by allowing the stu- of Europe and experience a different culture first-hand. Courses are available in all kinds students were to read Khaled dents more time between ac- of disciplines are taught in English. The best part of the program is that our students can Hosseini's Tile Kite RlInner tivities, it became more difficult take classes together with international students from around the world, and they have and to participate in group to keep them together as a plenty of opportunities to travel to other places throughout the semester." panels about the work. Ac- group and get them to ail the cording to Shin, the book pro- activities." vides the students with a
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