Page 81 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 81
FEBRUARY 24, 2005 - Page 5 COMMENTARY Can you hear me now? McDaniel students talking about issues that affect them Sex, drugs, weird roommates, students need advice CHELSlE HOUSER students would write to the have trouble handling, an odor problem, or is messy to get advice about all of these CONTRIBUTING WRITER newspaper and have their whether it's on campus or and never cleans their side of roommate problems, and questions answered by long distance. What if two the room. How would you any others first year stu- We've all read pamphlets a knowledgeable camp- girls are into the same guy, approach them about it with- dents may have. we were given in high school, us source. and he leads them both on,' out insulting them? Since it would be anony- andmaga- Students face problems is it time for a catfight? What about the room- mous, students could ask per- zine a r- that fall into three major cat- Leaving old friends mate that is always eating sonal questions without having ticlesoffer- egories: academic, social, and and making new ones can be your food? Some roommates to create an embarrassing situ- ing advice dorm life. For example, if a a big adjustment. An advice like to stay up late, listening ation with a parent, counselor, of how to student is falling behind in column could offer sugges- to music, watching TV, or or a friend. It would create an handle their work and needs help tions on how to make the talking on their phone. Hav- open forum where students can situations, with time management or transition easier. ing guests over isa great way discuss what is on their minds. but many waking up on time, they Problems with room- to study or hangout with I strongly suggest the newspa- times we could write about their prob- mates occur all the time, but friends, however, when these per consider having an advice have over lem to the paper. Someone students do not know how to guests seem to make too column, for an easier adjust- looked them because none of who has a suggestion would. handle them at first. Learn- much noise, are disruptive, ment and transition. If J were the material applied to us. It reply. It would be an effec- ing how to communicate is and use your belongings, it's you, start sending in your let- .would make sense if the college tive way to solve problems among the best ways to get a major distraction. ters now, before your problems newspaper recognized some of not just for the individual, your point across, but com- An advice column for get worse in the years ahead. these issues and offered sugges- but also for anyone who municating isn't always easy. Tfie McDaniel Free Press tions of how to handle prob- reads the column. What if your roommate has would be a way for students lems students face. For first year students, 1think The McDaniel Free there are new personalities, Press should open an advice behaviors, and situations we Did someone say "Free College?" column for students. Students find ourselves 'in that we could go back and forth and never had to deal with before. accompany that title are the give suggestions, like a discus- Pressure with sex, drugs and JESSE RINGGOLD great pay, benefits and privi- leader's training course at Fort sion board on Blackboard. If alcohol can be overwhelm- CONTRIBUTING WRITER leges that come with the rank. Knox, Kentucky during the students do not feel comfort- ing, and having an advice WeUit is now spring se- Upperclassmen often lament summer between your sopho- able talking to someone inper- column would be a great out- mester, '2005. As a current that they did not get involved more and junior year you make son at Smith House, this could let for students to vent and to sophomore, the newness of with ROTC. Faced with the up training missed during your be an alternative for seeking ad- also get information from a your freslunan year has worn prospect of repaying student freshman and sophomore years vice. Students would have the knowledgeable and impar- away and you are left with loans, an uncertain job mar- and are ready for the chal- option of anonymity to protect tial source. the routine of college. You ket, and intense competition lenges that await you as a jun- their identity. Much like a Having a relationship is may finally be wondering, for admission to the best ior and senior. "Dear Abby" advice column, a big issue many students It's not too late for gradu- "What am r going to do after graduate programs and in ate students either. Students college?" You may also be many cases possessing a who would like to have assis- wondering, "How on earth genuine desire to protect tance in getting their graduate am Igoing to pay for this?" their homes and country they education paid for can also join HIVTesting questions. leave without having ever ROTC and enjoy the same re- ROTC can answer both what known might have wards as their undergraduate Housed of Old Gill front portion in the squat been. For current freshmen counterparts. Dean Schmaltz, a gradu- Free & Confidential Gymnasium above the ath- and sophomores, it may not ate student enrolled in the be too late. For qualified stu- letic offices, every year the McDaniel ROTC program ob- Testing In Smith House ROTC department produces dents in good sfandi ng , serves that there are few oppor- scholarship money is avail- a small class of McDaniel tunities that allow a recent grad graduates who have had able, money that can pay for to lead and be responsible for Spring, 2005 Schedule their time at McDaniel Col- the remainder of your tenure many people and millions of lege paid for by both the at McDaniel and provide the dollars in equipment. Cadet (I/2-hourappointments - by appointment only) Army and the school, some- security of a high paying Schmaltz would recommend times in entirety. Those same guaranteed job upon gradu- that other grads completing graduates also have the en- ation. The rank of Second their degree consider the pro- during question of what to Lieutenant brings with it ex- gram as well. Tuesday, February 1, 2005 2pm-4pm do after college figured out perience and responsibility Any Student interested in Tuesday, February 15, 2005 2pm-4pm as well. They are destined to unlike anything faced by a the opportunities avarlable serve as commissioned offic- college grad uate entering the through ROTC should contact ersin the United States Army. civilian sector. Lieutenant Colonel Mark Mar- By enrolling in ROTC In addition to the lead- Tuesday, March 1, 2005 2pm-4pm ership, honor and pride that and attending the four week tin at 410-857-2727 or extension 2727. . Tuesday, March 29, 2005 2pm-4pm Tuesday, AprilS, 2005 2pm-4pm FREE TAX HELP Tuesday, April 19,2005 2pm-4pm FOR: Students and Other Low-to-Moderate Income Taxpayers Tuesday, May 3, 2005 2pm-4pm WHERE: McDaniel College-Lewis Hall Basement, IBM Lab WHEN: Tuesday Thursday Saturday 7-9prri 7-9pm 12-3pm Call Student Health Services on x2243for Feb. 22 Feb. 24 Feb. 26 Mar.S a free, confidential appoinbnent. Mar. 1 Mar. 3 Mar.12 Mar. 10 Mar.S Sponsored by Student Health Services in Mar. 22 Mar. 24 Mar. 26 conjunction with the Carroll County Mar. 29 Mar. 31 Apr. 2 Health Department, By appointment only, for an appointment call Kyle Marotta at x 3344 or 410·871·3344 from off-campus.
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