Page 67 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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FEBRUARY10,2005- Page 3 News standards, with an alarm ROB GOEKE clock ringing at 7:15a.m. and NEWS EDITOR a Spanish class 45 minutes When Matt Cowdrey later in Hill Hall. transferred from Lehigh Uni- "Matt exuded a positive versity to McDaniel following attitude and participated fre- his freshman year, he lived on quently in class," said Aaron the Hill for 111 days during the Sorkin, spanish professor. fall 2004semester. "He often asked good ques- The men's lacrosse team, tions Iremember him with a of which he was a member, held constantsmile on his face.He 16 practices while he was here. was some one with which He was present for 73 you could have a peasant days of classes. Though, if you conversation." talk to some of his teachers, it But Matt could take a was probably more like 55. lengthy nap until his three In such a short time, o'clock class. Many remember Cowdrey's smile, shown here in the company of friend and Suite 301 resident, sophomore Amy Ford. Cowdrey was still able to make • "He did not talk a lot in Jamie Bodden, another 301 the size of McDaniel's, Matt a lasting impression on his class, but when he did, he resident. "But we were com- relished the chance to stick "Someone was wearing an friends, teachers and everyone was always on target," said fortable with him living here. out in a small community. Easton lacrosse jacket. [went to who he got to know. But on Terry Dalton, Media Ethics All of us saw him as a big "He liked to go out and Introduce myself and when he January 17, he was killed in a professor. brother and agood friend. He enjoy himself," said sopho- said he was Matt, I was sur- prised," said Townsend. "Most canoe accident near his home- Cowdrey and junior always looked out for us." more Harvey Horsey. "You of the time when a player com:" town on the Eastern Shore. John Floyd lived on the first The five suitemetes. could always see him smiling mits to another school, you tend "I had just started to get floor of Rouzer Hall and which included Bodden, because he loved to show off to know him," said Jim made the best of it.They were Hollingsworth, Talia De his really white teeth." to forget about him. But I was happy to see Matt again." Townsend, Men's Lacrosse not the best of friends but got Leon,Amy Ford and Lindsey Horsey and Cowdrey After keeping in touch coach. "I am just disappointed along and enjoyed each Miller, presented an en- both grew lip in Easton, Md. with Townsend through the that Idid not get the chance to other's company. graved silver bracelet to and attended elementary, summer, Cowdrey committed get to know him better." Matt "He had a cool stereo Matt's parents, Roy B. and middle and high school to- to transfer to McDaniel in Au- was one of Townsend's prized system set up with his lap Dael Ferris Cowdrey. It bears gether. Through basketball, gust 2004. Townsend's hopes recruits. top," said Floyd. "He loved the insignia "McDaniel La- footballand lacrosse,they be- were high for Matt in the com- "He was the best left old school hip-hop likeTupac crosse #24" on the outside handed pure shooter r had ever [Shakur] and [Notorious] and" Always in our hearts- carne close friends. ing season. "I anticipated him being "Whether it was hunt- coached," said Townsend. The B.I.G. So a lot of times, I Suite 301"on the inside. Each ing, fishing or athletics, Matt the leading goal scorer for the only opportunity Matt had to would play video !?amesand of the suitemates and Matt's always loved to have a good team," said Townsend. "He was get to know the lacrosse team he would bang some beats mother now wear the brace- time," said Horsey. was during four weeks of pre- and we would just chill." let During the upcoming the best out of our recruiting class." season practice this fall. Buthe had plans this se- His Tuesdays and lacrosse season, the team will Everyone on the lacrosse ' mester to move into suite 301 Thursdays were more forgiv- wear stickers bearing #24, On Friday, January 28, a team worked out, hung out in Daniel MacLea Hall, be- ing with a single Sociology Matt's number, as a tribute. meeting with' Matt's parents took place at St Mark's United and prepared for the season to- coming the only male resi- class at 11:40. "We will dedicate the Methodist Church in Easton, gether, getting to know each dent with five girls. "I got a kick out of Matt season to him;" said Maryland. The men's lacrosse other well, said senior Joe "Wewere excited to get in class because you could Townsend. "I just hope we team organized a bus to-drive Figola.a lacrosse team member. to know him because all of us joke around with him and he can make him proud." to it. The day before, Dean of "He never had the oppor- had hung out a lot," said just had this laidback dispo- The men's lacrosse tunity to play here," said Pigola. sophomore Brooke sition about him," said Shan- team also plans to frame Student Affairs Phillip Sayre in- vited the rest of the campus, "Now we have to take our op- Hollingsworth, a resident of non Tinney,sociology profes- Matt's jersey and present it to through a phone mail message, portunity to show him that this suite 301."He was open and sor. "[He was] a friendly face his parents at a home game to ride the bus to the meeting. season.will not go to waste." friendly and charming and in the class to look out on as I during the 2005season. According to Sayre, the bus was It has been difficult forall fun." gave lecture." Townsend heavily re- associated with the team to deal The sophomore girls all From all accounts, Matt cruited Matt, an attack man, "pretty much full" and many drove them- other students with. set rules about his girlfriends had a relaxed attitude not out of McDonough High selves to services either Friday "As a coach, you try to and qualifications for his only in class but in life. "The School, where Matt had teach your players that it is life buddies. They would only let one thing that will always transferred to from Easton or Saturday. "We waited in the line to and things like this happen," him use the bathroom after stick out for me was his High School following his said Townsend. "But it is hard he promised not to destroy it smile," said sophomore Steve sophomore year, only to give meet his parents for a long to find a positive with this and the gossip he heard was Hoffman, a member of the la- up hope when Matt commit- time," said Hollingsworth. "It negative." never meant for male ears crosse team. ted to Lehigh. was amazing to see how many touched." Matt lives that As a communications and was never to leave the Transferri ng from But, Townsend major, Matt's Mondays, suite. Lehigh University, a school glimpsed an unexpected Hollingsworth noted that Matt's memorial service, held Wednesdays and Fridays began "The rules we set up whose undergraduate popu- sight in Gill Center last on Saturday, January 29, was at the crack of dawn by college were funny," said sophomore lation is roughly three times March. standing room only. Big Fish, Small Town Hearl: Michael Dirda A writer and senior edt- "I really enjoyed teach- spent the last 25 years in the week at a house on campus at . SHELLEY HORN tor for Washington Post Book ing." he says. "LeRoy and nation's capital, will enjoy the McDaniel, convenient for leach- STAFF WRITER World, Dirda received the Joan invited me tocome teach small town feel of ing.lnadditiontohisresponsi- Pulitzer Prize for Dtstin- here forone semester. if Ilike Westminster. bilities at the Post and "When I was a kid, I guished Criticism in 1993.He it and they like me, I'll con- "I'm delighted to be McDaniel, Dirda currently has wanted to read every important holds a B.A., with highest tinue." here," says Dirda. "The two book contracts and occa- book in the world." This child- honors in English, from Though some students people have been really sionally writes magazine pieces. hood ambition proves fruitful Oberlin College and an M.A. may find his credentials a bit nice." Bringing even more hu- in many· ways for Michael and Ph.D. in comparative lit- intimidating, Dirda quickly Perhaps Dirda's sched- mane qualities to this literary Dirda, prizewinning Washing- erature from Cornell Univer- shares encouragement for ule provides a comfortable Superman are his responses to ton Post literary critic, now sity. successful as well as strug- balance between big city and questions about pet peeves and McDaniel CoUegeguest profes- Just what brings this gling students. small town, his present and hobbies. sor. A welcomed addition to "big fish" to the Hill? "I had a lot of trouble his past. This Ohio native of . "My pet peeves are traffic the English Department, Dirda "Three or four years when Istarted at Oberlin Col- Russian/Slovak dissent grew jams, lines, or waiting of any is teaching classes entitled ago, I spoke at the Holloway lege. I was a smart-alecky up in the working-class steel kind," Dirda admits. "I've been "Love's Mysteries" and "Liter- lecture and was well re- kid," Dirda recalls. "The first town of Lorain, Ohio. He known to abandon full grocery ary Journalism." ceived. There r met LeRoy grade I ever received in an now lives in Silver Spring, carts at the checkout if the lines "I have to stay on my toes Panek end joan Coley,"Dirda English class was a D+. Maryland with his wife are too long." to keep up with these guys," explains. Eventually, 1 got it together Marian and three sons, Chris- "My only hobby is day- Dirda said. "They have read Dirda was once a visit- and graduated an English top her, Michael and dreaming." their assigned readings and ing professor in the Honors major with highest honors." Nathaniel. classdiscussion is lively and in- College at the University of Some may wonder how Dirda spends Tuesday teresting." Central Florida. a man like Dirda, who has through Thursday of each •
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