Page 69 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 69
FEBRUARY 10, 2005 - Page 5 COMMENTARY The Student Voicebox McDaniel Students talking about issues that affect them Putting 3.5million to good use, a 24 hour library has gone, our plan to get all present. For a few work- jOHNATHAN SCHULTZ swipe-card entrance, study- confirm that McDaniel's ad- STAFF WRITER of our homework completed study students who are night ing at two o'clock in the ministrators encourage stu- is ruined. owls, working in the library morning or seven thirty the Different people study in No oneshould have to overnight would be a great dents to study all day long. Not different ways. Some people go through trouble .to get way for them to make money morning of a big exam would many colleges have libraries be possible. can remember more informa- homework done before they and get homework done at that can be accessed any time tion during the morning better, go to sleep for the night. The the same time. These extra It could also save a stu- of the day, and having this and some people are the com- college should allow students shifts would also provide dent from missing a home- simple, yet neat feature could plete opposite. So how is it that the access to the library when more work study jobs to fi- work assignment which in- possibly sway some prospec- McDaniel College can limit the they need it, even ifit is in the nancially assist those stu- cluded material only found tive students to this side of the . number of hours students can middle of the night. in the library. Students "which college" _fence. study in the quietest places on If McDaniel College in- dents who need the help in would not have to accept a Having a college library campus? A library is a great corporated the technology of paying tuition. zero as his or her grade be- open sixteen hours during Part of every student's place to study, with its low tol- everyone's ALLCARD, and tuition goes into keeping an cause they honestly forgot weekdays and less during erance for noise, ample space to used it as a swipe-card en- up-to-date library with the about an assignment until weekends is not necessarily spread out and get organized, trance to enter the library at latest ~ournals, periodicals, they woke up the day it was hurting students scholastically,' a wealth of resources, and very any houri every student and texts for the use of every- due. The swipe-card en- but bavtng a library open few distractions. would have the ability to en- one. Nevertheless, thou- trance would also provide a twenty-four hours a day could As students, we have all ter the library at his or her sands of references are "get out of jail free" card for only help. Twenty-four hour been introduced to the college leisure, any time of the day, locked up, every night, pre- . the good student who might library access would simply occasionally fall behind on scene and have started to un- weekday or weekend. We venting us from accessing his or her work for one night. give students a chance to do derstand what time manage- would not need an "over- them. TIle financing of the added work when they feel most com- With its "newly ment really is. Wealways have night computer pass," which implementation and use of feature, McDaniel would be fortable and a chance to step up to read the next chapter, or do only gives access to comput- the ALLCARD swipe en- able to boast about the addi- from where they are. three pages of exercises, or ers; all we would need is a trance is available with the tion of the swipe-card en- This availability of re- study for an upcoming test. little will power to get 'mov- recent donation of $3.5 mil- trance. The card reader could sources is an important issue, There is always work to be ing and our ALLCARD to un- lion to the library. keep track of the number of and should be looked at seri- done, but we are free to do that lock the library.ยท / Having. the library ously, as it could affect all work or not. Weabuse this free- Moreover, the security open twenty-four hours a students entering the library McDaniel students, as well as dom in some way. We might of the library and its contents day would greatly benefit and 'show McDaniel stu- prospective students caught grab a bite to eat with our would not be an issue. Secu- countless students. Not ev- dents' strong commitment to between colleges. The installa- friends for lunch and not get rity devices are already in- eryone can study during the learning, or, with the lack of tion of a swipe-card entrance to back to our dorm until twelve stalled to guard the entrance hours the library is currently students entering the library, the library would definitely be o'clock that evening. This has and exit so theft can be open. Some students might show that McDaniel students a worthwhile investment, with- happened, or will happen, to thwarted. In addition to the . be so involved as to not even know the key to passing a test out "breaking the bank," and just about everyone and by the security measures, a few li- have the chance to study at is a good night's sleep. the would provide students with a In either case, time we realize where the day brary assistants should be those times, but with the swipe-card entrance would valuable academic tool that could be used at any time. HIVTesting Forget safety, I'm going sledding prohibited" policy which ap- hill is off limits. Free & Confidential AMALIE SCHAFFER peared on the web site dur- Many of the students STAFF WRITER ing January Term. claimed they went near Harvey. "We are aware that both Testing In Smith House There is no better way students and members of the Stone Park. They were far away from the beloved construction to spend a day when classes community use the College's site. are canceled and there is golf course for winter Tokeep people off the leg- Spring, 2005 Schedule snow on the ground than sports," the policy states. con- endary sledding spot, the Col- on the big going sledding "Unfortunately, hill. It is the most triumphant tinuing construction makes lege needs a policy that has some punch. The little memo feeling to walk from the other this activity particularly dan- (1/2hour appointments -by appoi'}tment only) side of campus to the sled- gerous this season. Therefore, on the College's website states no consequence for failing to ding hill, sit down on the sled we ask our students and oth- and then just regress to a time ers to cooperate by refraining abide by the new rule. in childhood when nothing from sledding, snow board- One student even sug- Tuesday, February 1, 2005 2pm-4pm mattered. ing, skating, and skiing on gested that by the time campus safety gets to her, stops her (Well, nothing seemed Tuesday, February 15, 2005 2pm-4pm to matter until you walked the golf course this winter." from sledding and then gives Despite the College's into your house with your best efforts, many students her a nice little lecture she will have' already had her fun. Re- Tuesday, March 1, 2005 2pm-4pm wet clothes on only to be have gone sledding and cently, when she went sledding greeted by a mom concerned claim they will continue sled- Tuesday, March 29, 2005 2pm-4pm about clean floors. The same ding throughout winter. I the first time, the only other sledders were a father and his mom banished you to the love sledding on the hill, but son having good '01 bonding f~ont porch for the strip I was not a rebel like some of time. Tuesday, AprilS, 2005 2pm-4pm down). the students I talked to be- Let's be honest, if the ad- Sledding on great hills cause 1 forgot my Michelin Tuesday, April 19,2005 2pm-4pm 'or even getting soaking wet Man snow pants. ministration really wanted stu- . won't be happening as much However, if I had those would have made some typeof dents to stay off the hill, it Tuesday, May 3, 2005 2pm-4pm this winter. pants you better believe 1 consequence or at least had The fun on the hill at would have been out there campus safety patrolling it like McDaniel has been restricted sledding. it was the Visitor Parking lot. due to construction work on The sledding hill is not My suggestion is to edit Call Student Health Services on x2243for a the golf course. only a historic place to sled the new rule and outline an The drastic shift in sce- for the College students but free, confidential appointment. Sponsored narios (from sledding bliss to also for the community. There area around the construction site where people can not sled. by Student Health Services in conjunction construction mess) is due to is so much space on the hill This way the puzzling con- the College'S new "winter with the Carroll County Health Department. sledding of the golf course that I do not think there is any struction site is safe and every- reason to say that the entire one can have legitimate fun.
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