Page 72 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 72
FEBRUARY10,2005- PageS .......... - ~.... A recent snowfall blankets the gazebo outside of Blanche and Hoover Library, while a lone student walks outside of Hill Hall. Photos by Katie Hickey. Snow signals time for indoor and outdoor fun ALysE HOLLOMON catch up on work or to catch "I stay in. r cozy up to unique to the college." ~arndt, a History and Econom- up with friends. STAFF WRITER my gas logs; I knit or cross- Other students don't "When we were stitch a little, which feels like feel like going out to bear the :;s dO,ublemajor, enjoys going In a town where the aver- snowed in last year and a real luxury to me because I drunk sledding and playing age snowfall for January and classes were cancelled, all my normally don't have time for Westminster cold air, so they snow football." t take fun snow activities and February LS at least 14 inches friends and Icollected all our my hobbies," Morton ex- bring them inside. . Preshma-, Lindsay and a daily high is considered good movies in one person's plained. Pairchtjd said she enjoys hav- FreshmaJ\ Gavin Lutz, ,35 degrees, students must get room and just watched them Sophomore Maggie a Philosophy major, said, "A ~g a good old-fashioned party used to the cold and the chance one by one with lots of pop- Ross, a Commtmication ma- few of us wanted to go sled- In ~er room Where the only re- of being snowed in. corn and hot chocolate," said jor, enjoyed her classes and ding but didn't want to go quuement is "to get dressed in Harsh, snowy weather sophomore, Allison Dower, a time sledding last year. outside and put the effort .all your snow gear." conditions are a common sight History major. "Last year sledding was into it so we decided to try Whether students are in Westminster during these Professors also like allowed on the golf course,. sledding down the stairs in- cozying up to a good movie, winter months. So what do when classes are cancelled. and it was so much fun," Ross stead. It didn't work out too ~Iedding in a hallway, or party- folks do when they're snowed English lecturer Linda said. "There were so many well, but it passed the time." mg the best way they know in and can't get around easily? Morton takes the snow days people out there sledding on Some McDaniel stu- how, it's guaranteed that Having a day off from to cozy up at home and catch the hill at night and I really McDaniel students know how class is a nice little vacation to up on her hobbies. . felt like that was something dents take snow as a reason to have. fun when they get to party. Joe Freshman snowed m. If CRIBS Snazzy makeover makes for JILL STONE lounge was given a a comfy commuter lounge r _ room. Thenextcomm time betweendasses, vided, while watching TV and a STAFF WRITER makeover. between classes. way for commuter students sociatio '. ute s as With new blue and While it is important to It's not exactly easy to find white walls to brighten the be involved in the Commuter to meet others living the col- Feb. 15~~;;~~~g IST~esday to the . outside of the dorm a place to go between classes if room, the new sofas, tables, Student Association, a.rn. you are a commuter student. and computer give the Alexander stresses that "you Since the library isn't always a lounge a more inviting ap- don't have to be a member to very comfortable option, the peal. use the lounge." commuter lounge is a cozy al- "Every four years [the If there are any com- ternative. lounge has] changed," ex- muters interested in the As- Located next to GLAR, plains Mitchell Alexander, sociation, the group offers an this communal, commuter advisor of the Commuter open invitation to come and McCrib is equipped with newly Student Association for thir- learn more about the exciting donated sofas and a computer, teen years. bake sales and other various along with a new microwave, The back of the door is fund raisers that the group and entertainment system for covered with flyers and ad- takes part in. Association the television. vertisements for upcoming members also gather to dis- The lounge is like a dorm events at the college. There cuss important issues regard- away from home for the every- is also a calendar filled with ing corrunuter students. and day commuter. college events for each day on provide any helpful advice Jamie Ridgely, President top of the entertainment cen- for the new commuter stu- of the Commuter Student Asso- ter. The couches line the wall, dent adjusting to college life. ciation, explained that Over the making it easy tei relax and The Commuter Lounge January Term the commuter munch on the snacks pro- is a comfortable way to spend INTERESTED IN STUDYING CALLING ALL STUDENTS! ABROAD? Two study abroad representatives will be visiting campus to Please come to the St~dy Abroad Information SeSSionon Thurs- talk with interested students and faculty about semester, year, and day, Febr~ary 10,at? p.m. in Lewis Hall of Science, Room 222_ for all summer study abroad programs and internship opportunities around st:u.dentsInterested m learning about the many study abroad opportu- runes available to McDaniel students. the world. Please stop by their Information Tables in ENGLAR between ll a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on the follOWing dates: There will also be an ~ntroductory ~nformation Session on Tues- day, February 15,at 7 p.m. In Hill Hall, Room 017, for all students 1) February 23: Cas Sowa from the Institute for Study Abroad- interested in the McDaniel College Budapest program for fall/spring Butler University. Study abroad programs in England, Scotland, semesters 2005-06. Come and meet students who have partiCipated in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Cuba, the program recently. Costa Rica, and Mexico. For more information about study abroad opportunities and the 2) March 1:' Lindsay Hauser from International Studies Abroad application process, please visit the International Programs Office (ISA). Study abroad programs in England, Australia, Spain, Italy, (BMC-room 103), or call x 3376 to schedule a meeting with Rose France, Costa Rica, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Chile, Mexico; Falkner, Director of Study Abroad. Multi-Country programs.
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