Page 71 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 71
FEBRUARY10,2005 - Page 7 FEATURES Crude, rude, inspiring, even kind: T-Shirt slogans tell all about Greek life that catch your eye and that "On the surface, JENNIEVANS are funny," Raeder said. OUf STAFF WRITER quotes are witty and clever. Alpha Gamma Tau: "Love Us, Hate Us, But You'll According to Sean However, there is more to "If Only We Could All Be Miller of q,D,8, it's not just them; we choose [slogans] Never Forget Us" So Lucky .. "Chances are you're about being funny, but also that will represent us not only used to seeing slogans like this about taking a walk on the as a sorority, but as individu- Alpha Sigma Phi: "Because'The Man Who Doesn't on sorority and fraternity rush t- more risque side as well als as well," said Arpineh Spend Time With His Family Can Never Be a shirts all the time, but have you "My personal view is Mehrabi, a member of I:r. Real Man" ever wondered why slogans like the more raunchy and at- .Kristen Pohl of Mis of this one - taken from a rkt- tention-grabbing the slo- the same opinion: "We [look1 Phi Delta Theta: "Delts in Your Mouth, Not in shirt - are chosen to represent our gan, the better the shirt," for something a little more Your Hand." campus' Greek organizations? Miller explained. witty and edgy, but still Are they inside jokes, privy However, there are classy." Phi Kappa Sigma: "I Want YOU To Rush Phi Kap." to members of each group? Or those who prefer a slightly No matter what the are 'they simply clever phrases more introspective slogan. catch phrase on the shirt may wi'thout much "meaning" be- As Lee Stewart of AI:so be, one thing is made abun- Sigma Phi Epsilon: "I Pity The Fool Who Don't hind them? eloquently states, "[Our slo- dantly clear; whether chosen Rush SIGEP" Believe it or not, the major- gans] repre~nt the bond we for "fun" or for "depth," the ity of Greeks agree that the slo- have as brothers and the slogans mean something to Alpha Nu Omega: "Damn Right, It's Better gans aren't randomly picked out commitment we make to each organization on cam- Than Yours:' of a hat; each phrase is chosen each other as fraternity pus. So the next time you see with some degree of thought, men." a fraternity or sorority mem- Phi Alpha Mu: "Spend Your Days in a even if only for its sheer come- For some organiza- ber wearing a shirt "advertis- Purple Haze:' dic value. Greg Raeder, a mem- tions, there's a simple way ing" their organization, just ber of rE, says that his to achieve a happy me- remember that in some way Phi Sigma Sigma: "If You Could Only Have Two fraternity's t-shirts are picked for dium: choose an eye-grab- or another, the phrase is im- Wishes, What Would The Other One Be?"" one reason: to make people bing slogan that also en- portant to the group as a laugh. compasses a more "mature" whole. "We just try to make shirts side. Professors with the Here we go again ~ rxaL-r~uu.a.;..~~ PAT O'TOOLE the usual realm of student in- CO EDITOR volvement. I look forward to only been at McDaniel Col- Another new semester, working with Katie and I will )OEGEIMAN lege for five years. and with it comes another do my best, but it is every He teaches some of the volume of The McDaniel Free successor's torment to be fol- STAFFWRlTER most difficult and complex Press. One year ago, Co-Edt- lowing in the footsteps of some- With boots propped on a courses on campus, such as tors-in-Chief Brian Patterson one that set such high stan- thick stack of eleCtromagnetic Electricity and Magnetism, and Katie Martin imple- dards. notes, Dr. Jeff Marx's eyes gaze Thermodynamics, and Math- mented myriad changes in Much to my relief, Brian though a swim-pool blue emattcal Physics. Walking the way that this newspaper has taken over as Commentary aquarium. He could have been past the pristine white class- is run. We would like to think Editor and is participating in a plumber, he says with arms rooms of the third-floor phys- that the overall quality of our the layout process. Rob Goeke is continuing as News Editor, crossed. ics department, you never newspaper has improved ex- Bayley Fannin is remaining as "If I wasn't in the scientific hear the drone of lecture and ponentially throughout the field, I'd enjoy doing manual frenzied scribbling of pencils. course of these changes, and Features Editor, and Mike Habegger work with my hands," the Assis- Instead, shouts and laughs, that we are bettering this cam- Sports Editor. is taking over as Additionally, tant Professor of Physics re- MARX hard questions and thought- pus as a result of that im- Beth Mcl.aue is continuing her marks. Explaining why bubbles ful pauses fill the meta!lic provement. vital role in doing layout and spiral to the surface or how to thing - art, history, void. As is required of a stu- Liz Matthews is onboard once connect networks of plumbing philosophy ... the more top- "He is so enthusiastic," dent newspaper, the Free Press again as Art Director. are the questions that latch onto ics Icould teach, the better," said Natash Borjemscaia, a is undergoing changes once We are working with an his brain. . he said, senior physics major. "He is again this semester. Brian amazing staff, one that will While he never picked up Marx thrives off a col- interested in us as learners. Patterson has chosen to relin- a wrench in his boyhood days in lege like McDaniel where Marx understands that se- quish his role as Co-Editor-in- make this transitory period as Milburn, NJ, it was physics that liberal arts give him creative dated chalk talk cannot reach Chief and will hopefully find eventless as possible. satisfied Marx's curiosity in the flexibility. He teaches a hik- the current crop of students. some time to savor his last But we are always look- machinery of the phystcal world. ing class on Fridays, where "You have to sneak in semester on campus. I have ing for more students interested He was a physics major at he gets to slap on his back- content," Marx explains. "It's moved from Sports Editor to in journalism to help us main- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute pack and trudge along a relationship, and the more take his place as Katie's part- tain our high standards of qual- ' from start to finish, even return- three-hour hikes with stu- work I can get out of my stu- ner, and in doing so I am left ity. If you have any desire to ing there to earn his doctorate dents, pointing out geologi- dents, the better." His office with the task of trying to fill become involved in the Free degree in physics edu.catio~ re- cal features of the terrain door is always open. This is an enormous void. Brian's Press in any aspect, come out to search. He deals with lilummat- along the way, . where student and teacher contributions to the success of our next meeting on Tuesday at ing physics rather than deriving "He could have been dig through the theories of this newspaper went beyond 7:00 in Hill Hall room 104. physics. an environmental consult- Gauss while Bono blares "With physics, you can ex- ant," Dr. Vasilis Pagonis, a from his speakers. Not to mention that he books: Geology, stars, juggling. plain so much with a few simple fellow Associate Professor "He's a friend," has a son who is almost one His mother recently bought .ideas, from the smallest scales to of Physics remarks. It Borjemscaia says . year old. him juggle sticks so the clack- the most universal," he says. seems like everyone has a Not only does Marx However, if all this ing of the spinning wood could Geological maps cove his different idea of what Marx show dedication to his stu- stress on his time has jaded fill up his spare time. office tables and Hubble snap- could have been. They all dents, he devotes equal time the energetic professor, he ks no surprise that Marx shots of nebulae are pasted on the might be right. But they to the interests of the school. hides it well. would be a good at juggling. walls. A posted guide to the lo- were glad they were wrong. He is an active member of "I like it all," he says After all, this is what he does cal bird population is fixed right Marx won the presti- five committees, from the w-ith eyes narrowing, as if on a daily basis as he keeps an next to the third-story window- gious Ira G. Zepp Distin- Curriculum Task Force to a searching for a chink' in his eye on all of his campus en- a view overlooking the snow guished Teaching Award in faculty technology commit- exuberance. Daily challenges deavorswhtls constantly reach- covered trees below. Marx is al- 2004,given every other year tee. He is also teaching five seem to fuel him. ing for new challenges. ways looking through a broad to "recognize inspired class- classes this semester, includ- Marx's hobbies read His eyes, however, never lens at the world. room work and dedication ing several brand new like an old box from the attic wander too far from the stu- "I wish I could teach any- to students." Yet, he has stuffed with childhood dent.
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