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Dmen TeffjJr SPORIS Vol. 2 No. 4 October 28, 2004, Page 12 Men's soccer looking to make playoff run BETH MCLANE mas Kane, and the challenge ference championships, and STAFF WRITER was one of many to over- make sure the team stays. on come. track." The men's soccer team The injuries came as a With three returning cap- has faced this season with one mixed blessing, though. tains and all but one of a return- unified goal in mind: getting to "A lot of guys got the ing starting line.up, Brown the Conference playoffs, and opportunity to step up and would like to see the playoffs winning. Already ranked sec- play," according to won through leadership. ond in the Centennial Confer- Defibaugh. By staying with the pre- ence, the team has been Todd Knepper stepped vailing attitude and keeping through rome tough times, but up and put in key goals, the goal in mind, Defibaugh is ready to take the future head which helped with the feels that the success the team team's many wins. Other desires will be in reach. When For some inspiration, they players to watch for include faced with difficulty, the team first looked to the past. Freshmen Peter Gaitens and "picks each other up," he said. On Homecoming, along Bill Druckenmiller. "There is a team chemistry with a strong win against Defibaugh feels the there." Ursinus, men's soccer learned game against Muhlenburg The team has the desire the real meaning of the word was a turning point in the to achieve something great, and "team." Thirteen members of season. the trials of the season seem to the 1959 men's team met with "We finally came to- current players, showing what gether and showed a little bit finally have been worked through. a team can truly accomplish. of heart," he said. "We're looking forward Assistant Coach Ryan Junior Brian Defibaugh thought it was a Sanmartino still feels that the to the playoffs and winning the good experience for the current team is not hitting its poten- championship inthe end," said freshman Brian Druckenmiller. team. Senior Trevor Brown deftly advances the ball in a match earlier this season tial in Conference play. But, The visiting 1959 team "The 1959 team had like the rest of the team, he served as an example for what stayed friends through all the men's soccer is ready to make every teammate because the , isconfident that goal of play- can happen through teamwork years," he said, "and the meet- history of its own. team has maintained a 4-1~2 off victory can be accom- Druckenmiller was im- ing showed that a team is more Their already tumultu- record in the conference. Key plished. pressed with the experience. than just the game itself." ous season has left the Terror players suffered injuriesearly Senior Captain Trevor "It was pretty cool," he With the bond of the older with a 8-5-3 record, but the in the season, including last Brown is determined to said. "Maybe we'll be doing teammates a strong inspiration, playoff goal isstill in mind for year's Player of the YearTho- "help this team win the con- that in 20 years." - Young team, early training fuel swim' team SARAH BLACK Easterday, said her team is nior Nick Grigsby tore his STAFF WRITER very young this year. ACL while playing intramu- "There's more excite- ral football and is currently Despite the onset of ment on the team this year going through treatment for swimmer's ear and other pos- because we're a young team, hisinjury. sible injuries, the Swimming and that's one of our stron- "Right now he's in a Terror are starting out strong strengthening stage: condi- and are preparing for competi- tioning and physical tion. therapy," explained Head Coach of the Green Easterday. "Hopefully, the therapy strengthens everg- thing and his surgery can take place after the season." In spite of this downfall, the swim team still has a lot of potential and abilities will improve, according to the women's co-captain, junior The swim team practices at Harlow Pool, an activity that McDaniel swimmers spend much of their college careers participating in. Brooke Bennet. Bennet also expressed that she is excited brings everyone a little leadership, but we'll move on." for the competition season closer." As for threats and rivals because "it really ups the When asked what the for the Terror this year, it's too team morale and the adrena- affect of losing top swim- early to determine who the line and excitement really mers like Melanie Pulley and toughest fights. will be against. hits you and gets everyone Dan Pickett has on her team Easterday pointed out that they involved." this year, Easterday an- "don't know what the other You may have seen the swered· by conceding that teams have yet," but we can swimmers running around every year is difficult be- surely count on F & M being the on campus earlier this semes- cause you lose people, and , top conference team. ter. This was some of their "it's weird in the beginning, Easterday showed that early training to prepare for because you expect to see she is confident in her team this their upcoming season. them there, but you don't." year, stating, "We want to focus Easterday stated that she To ·get over this, she on team cohesiveness. The thinks "the running and early said that the team will follow team record. will be as good as training really gets everyone the examples set by those it can be." Sophomore Greg Mihalek works on his backstroke during practice. excited for the season and it swimmers. "We'll miss their
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