Page 39 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 39
OCTOBER 28; 2004 - Page 11 SPORTS EMILY COMPTON STAFF WRITER ing to Tyler Reese, who plays for the Bachelors. For hardcore football fa- Because there are so many natics who are all about the friends between the two frater- game but not so much about the nities, the competition is much pain, intramural flag football more intense, as well as the teams have been meeting every back slapping at the end of each Sunday since mid-September, game. where a total of ten teams play lilt's fun to go up against highly org:anized and competi- your friends," says Jersey, who tive games throughout the en- plays for the Betes. tire day. The one rule that seems to lilt gets us away from the have priority over aU the oth- school work for a little while," ers is to leave everything on the says Phil Of Adamo, about the field. This way, friendships do games on Sunday afternoons. not get in the way of a good "It is something fun to do. We game of football. are serious and want to win, but "There are no friends on we always have fun with it." the field," admits seruor Rob Of Adamo plays on the Weaver, who plays for the Alpha Stg team, who lost a Betes. Complete enemies on the close game to the-Phi Delts on field can be seen laughing and Sunday. Action hegins as the ball is snapped in a quarter-finals match between the Alpha Sigs-end the Phi Delts this past joking with each other as soon Although flag football Sunday. The Phi DelIS would go on to win the game, which was decided in the closing seconds of regulation the game is over, does not involve tackling, it can mon interest in football as He is the man behind in their league, and making it "The on-field competition get very physical. With names well as some level of expert- the scenes, who posts the fli- through the semi-finals and does not really effect friend- like The Violators, Skulls, and ence. ers, holds the meetings, and the quarter-finals, the team ships. off the field," says Pirates, the teams can't help but The players enjoy the makes all of the schedules. who wins the championship D'Adamo. get down and dirty sometimes. somewhat friendly competi- Once all of the business is game not only wins the respect "Intramurals have defi- "It does get pretty brutal nitely grown, and Iwould like out_there, I'm not gonna lie," tion of the game because it is taken care of and the teams from other teams, but intra- to see them continue to grow," t-shirts as mural champion more laid back and less dan- are ready to go, his work admits 0' Adamo, as he-holds gerous than the football they study students become time well. says Townsend. up a pair of tom athletic shorts are used to, bub it is still keepers, referees, and score These two elements > Townsend isalready gear- to prove his point: highly athletic. keepers for the games. ing up for the winter session of For the most part, cloth- "It keeps finely tuned The games continue un- alone are enough to fuel the Intrarnurals. Floor hockey and ing is the only thing that suf- athletes like myself playing" til early November, ending competition until the bitter basketball will begin shortly af- end. fers from injuries during a says Joe Pigola. who plays on with a much anticipated The Bachelor and the ter flag football and other fall game. One of the biggest perks the Betes team. Many of the championship game between Bete teams both take the intramural sports end. of flag football is that it is just guys who play spring sports the two teams who hold the games very seriously, and as intense as tackle football, but keep in shape by playing flag best records. have developed "a rivalry as not quite as painful. football in the fall: After Playing each team fierce as they come," accord- All of the recognized fra- Jim Townsend, the ternities on campus, as well as Men's lacrosse coach and the a few independent teams, par- intramural director, is the one ticipate in flag football. A wide . who makes flag footba!2,Rnd variety of athletes come out to all of the intramural sports play, but they a11share a ~om- possible here at McDaniel. Football team remains stellar During that game, and PATRICK O'TOOLE for the second week in a row, SPORTS EDITOR the team set a school record. The McDaniel football Brad Baer completed a 98- team continues to steamroll its yard touchdown pass to way through the season. At 5- Jamie Unger, a new record for Pizza & Subs 1overall and 3-0 in the Centen- both longest pass reception nial Conference, the team is sit- from scrimmage and longest Carry Out or Delivery ting atop its conference and is play from scrimmage that ranked 22nd in the nation by had remained intact for 21 "Best delivery food In and 51 years respectively. 410-848-3600 Throughout its six games, For their next game, the Carroll County: the team has posted 164 points Terror will face a tough - Baltimore Magazine 45 Pennsylvania Ave. while only allowing 39, Addi- Franklin & Marshall team Having a party? Westminster, MD tionally, the team has accumu- this Saturday on the road. lated 2,250 total offensive yards The contest against the thus far while only giving up Diplomats will provide a We guarantee the best prices to McDaniel students 1,256. good test for McDaniel as far The legs of running back as the conference is con- 1 New York Style 2 Large Broderick Maybank are respon- cerned. F&M is the only team sible for a large portion of that to have beaten Muhlenberg. Only Deep Dish Sicilian lTopping Pizzas& yardage total. He has amassed the second-place team in the 790 yards, averaging 6.7 yards conference. A good showing $12.99 ..... ~ni7.99.~.2 Utersofso~a per carry and 125.7 yards per on Saturday will undoubt- game. edly provide definitive proof Al:ldltlooaltopplng&exba The team had a bye-week that Coach Keating's team NotvaUdwlhaayotiltr AddltonaitoPllIAISIlItI8. this past weekend. The previ- means business. afflttWlUltbiUlOlipolOlltf. NQlvalldWltllalyother offu.WltfItflilcoupon(Jlliy. ous weekend the men soundly UMffiEOTlMEONLY. UMmDTlMEONLY. defeated visiting conference opponent Dickinson, 20-0. All Major Credit Cards Accepted,
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