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creen Teffllr SPORIS Vol. 2 No. 3 OCTOBER 14, 2004, Page 12 Terror football Bullet-proof PATRICK O'TOOLE SPORTS EDITOR It was a boisterous Home- coming on the HilL Students and alumni alike had come out in droves hours before the game, doing what Terror fans do best: grilling, conversing, and drinking plenty of bever- ages from unmarked red cups. Entry fee collectors estimated that over 500 cars entered the bowl to get closer to the action. All too often, the game it- self can be lost in all of the ac- tivity surrounding it. Football seems to become solely the con- text for the party surrounding it rather than the main event. But as sophomore quar- Clockwise from top left: Brad Baer hands the ball off to Broderick Maybank as holds its ground. The McDaniel defense takes a breather as it awaits the opportunity to return to terback Brad Baer began his 69- the field. Defensivelineman WillEppscombines effortswith another McDanieldefender to obliterate yard jaunt to paydirt on the the Gettysburg quarterback. Defensive coordinator Brad Fordyce converses with his players. opening play of the game, he PHOTOS BY SUZANNE LESTER made a definite statement toa11 "I think once Brad and shut-out of the season. The of those attention-deficient Broderick and Meikos get to Bullets only managed 150 fans: If you want to know what the second level. anything yards of total offense and all this cheering is about, you can happen; and thank God were forced to punt 9 times might want to watch the game. itdid for a touchdown," head by the end of the game. Lead- A score on the first play coach Tim Keating said. "It ing McDaniel's defense was Maybank, on the other can be so uplifting for the ben- certainly excited me." junior linebacker Ron hand, pointed to Baers early "We feed off of each efiting team and so demeaning On McDaniel's ensuing Ringgold who amassed 7 to- touchdown as the reason for other," Maybank said of his re- lationship with the offensive to the other that the rest of the possession, the Green Terror tal tackles, including 6 solo his large accumulation of line. "If they do their job and game is immeasurably im- marched down the field to set take-downs and a tackle-for- yardage. they see me hitting the holes pacted. After Beer's run, the up a 34-yard field goal by se- loss. The defensive line also "The first drive I'm al- when they make them ... we're stage was set for the Terror's nior kicker Nate Getchell. kept consistent pressure on ways kind of tense," working together. That makes dominant 31-0 stampede over The Terror made it 17-0with Gettysburg's yonog quarter- Maybank said. "Little butter- us a lot better." Gettysburg. By the end of the 56 seconds remaining in the back, giving the secondary flies, trying to see what's go- afternoon, the Terror would ac- half on a I-yard run by senior the opportunity to intercept ing to happen ...but when he McDaniel rarely passed in cumulate a new school record fullback jason Hartman. 3 passes on the day. broke that, that just relaxed Saturday's game, but that in no of 470 net yards on the ground. At the beginning of the "They're a young me; Hartman too. We both way indicates that the team is becoming 4-1 on the season, 2- second half, the Bullets went group, they're just getting said it. Wecame on the side- offensively one-dimensional. o in the Centennial Conference. three-and-out before better every day," defensive line and we were like, The running game was work- "It gives you confidence... McDaniel junior running coordinator Brad Fordyce 'Alright,all the jitters are out. ing and gave the team a huge When everything's going right, back Broderick Maybank said of his players. We can just go out and play advantage. It allowed McDaniel to control the ball for it's fun to play," Baersaid of the broke a 59-yard run into the Offensively, the success our .game and do what we .almost 15 minutes longer than first play's impact. endzone on the team's first of the Terror rushing game have to do to win this foot- Gettysburg, a feat that is re- The play was not overly offensive play of the half. was made possible by several ball game."' markable in and of itself. Baer complicated, but the results Sophomore running back key factors. Another reason for still completed 7 passes for.77 showed that simplicity can of- Meikos Parker completed the First of ail, McDaniel McDaniel's record-setting yards on the day, and Coach ten be a positive attribute. Baer scoring frenzy with a 5-yard possessed multiple threats performance was the excel- Keating recognized that he ran an option to the left and run at the beginning of the from the backfield. The four lent play on the offensive line could have passed even more immediately recognized and fourth quarter. touchdowns on the day were throughout the game. if he had wanted to. made use of a gaping hole in The Terror defense kept scored by four separate play- There was nary an of- "We're going to throw the the Bullets' defense, at which Gettysburg's offense in its ers: Baer, Maybank, fensive down when the line ball," Keating said. "Weshould point it was a footrace to the place for the entire game, Hartman, and Parker. All lost the battle up front, as evi- have thrown it at the end be- endzone. posting McDaniel's second four of those players also con- denced by the short-yardage cause they kept blitzing and I le~rIJIiiI: tributed to consistently mov- success of the team. Hartman, didn't want to do it because I ing the ball down the field. the team's fullback, was Baer ended with 166 yards, never brought down for was afraid that we would score Somemore, and J don't need to Maybank totaled 155,Parker negative yardage. do that." carried for 63, and Hartman "I think we're just com- This Saturday, the Terror - finished with 58. ing together as a team; work- will attempt to extend their Baer credited his pro- ing together, gelling as a Centennial Conference record ' lific day on the ground to unit," offensive line coach to 3-0 at home against Maybank's dominating per- Omar Phillip said. "We're Dickinson. With the way things formances in the previous working hard's are going, the possibilities for weeks. just showing from practice this season are seemingly end- "Because Broderick's onto the game field." less. been doing so well, people The rushers themselves "I would have to say that are trying to take that away recognize that they would we are in control of our own and I think it's opening up have nowhere to run if it destiny. Let's do it right, and holes in other spots," Baer weren't for the big guys in we can have a great year," said. front of them. Keating said.
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