Page 27 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 27
SPORTS OCTOBER 14, 2004 - Page 11 Cramp, fall golf in full swing; teams fairing well Method- strong challenge to outper- McDaniel brought in 3 fresh- MIKE HABEGGER ist is likely to be form last year's win of more men, and has a "B" Team in STAFF WRITER the first team than 70 strokes. which 5 of the team's 11 play- selected, as "The key here is that ers participate regularly. One The rnenrs and women's they are the de- our players need to be up for of the freshmen, Gerry Butler golf teams are off to a strong fending na- that match. Just because you from Ocean Pines, has been im- start in their fall season. The tional champs. won last year by 70 shots or pressive in the early compen- women's team, headed by "what we want more doesn't mean anything. nons, signing for an 80 at Will- Coach Mike Diehl, finished 2rd to be able to do Golfers have bad days," iams. in a tournament at Kutztown, is beat [rivals] Coach Diehl said. "We have started a senior PA, and 3 rd out of six teams at Mt. Holy Oak The early results from [Brendan Zadrozny], two jun- the Lehigh Fall Invitational. In and Amherst in the men's side are also very iors [Tom Michaels, Steve both of these matches, head to head encouraging. The team fin- Perrone], one sophomore McDaniel had medal winners. competitions." ished 3rdout of 18 teams at the {Carey Chemer] and one fresh- This type of start to the So far the Wesley College Invitational, man [Butler]. The whole key is \ s~ason was expected, esre- women have 13 th out of 24 teams at the Wil- finding the right combination," cially since the team has five finished ahead liams Invitational, and 1st out Moyer said. returning starters, including of Amherst and of 15 teams at Hershey, where In the summer many of Kelly Cramp, who competed Mt. Holy Oak they shot an unprecedented the players traveled all over the individually at nationals last in both tourna- 299, defeating perennial na- east coast to play in tourna- spring. Garnett Pumphrey is a ments, a trend tionals' selection ments held in North Carolina four year starter who has em- that must con- Susquehanna. At the and Florida. But this practice braced the system that Diehl tinue if they ex- Gettysburg Invitational on does not guarantee success. "To has established for the team. Tuesday, October 7th, succeed, you need the talent to pect to make ~i~~~ili::~~~~~:~~Only Sophomore Kristina nationals. McDaniel finished. 5 th with a be there and also the luck, and Malkiewicz finished 100),over- two teams from tally of 336. ability to perform in the all at Kut;town, and lS" at a region that Senior Kelly Cramp continues to dominate in the world "Playing in these early clutch," says Moyer. He states Lehigh against stiffer compe- stretches from of women's golf. She .has post~lop 5 finishes in every tournaments helps to build that his goal, Like the women's Virginia tition. ihto match thus fM, including two first place honors confidence," says Coach Scott team's goal, is to win the con- Cramp followed a first- New Yorkare selected to par- playing good competition," Moyer. "Not only have we ference championship, and be place performance of 77 at ticipate at the National adds Coach Diehl, who feels defeated. teams in our confer- one of the three teams from the Kutztown with another nice Championships. that the committee will see ence, but we have also played MAC selected to participate in round of 80 at Lehigh, earning "It's all about numbers. that McDaniel has consis- better than Division 1and Di- the National Championship. a third place finish amongst The selection committee tently outperformed rivals vision 2 schools." "What we would like to many division one recruits. looks at the numbers to see Amherst and Mt. Holy Oak. Part of the process in do is be the first men's and "We have the opportu- who should go and who The women's team fig- the fall for men's golf is de- women's team sport to both nity this year to be the second shouldn't," men' ures to win another Centen- ciding what combination of win the Conference Champion- team selected for nationals," Scott Moyer said. nial Conference Champion- players will yield the best re- ship the same year." said Coach Diehl. "But it's also about ship this spring, and face a sults for the team. This year, Women's soccer holding own Smith named new they only look to be getting proud of the way they MEREDITH ADAMS stronger. played." head softball coach STAFF WRITER The team's head coach, Senior Kim Lowry, who Tom Gosselin, feels that even suffered an injury earlier in track. He has adapted a hitting The Women's soccer team though the girls lost, they the season, is also very im- STEVE FURST program used by many of the has started out remarkably fought hard and played their pressed with the way the STAFF WRITER Olympic and Division One with a record of6-s-1. While the best. girls have been playing. groups, with an emphasis on girls have had some tough "We have a strong vet- With an appearance at breaking down the swing and losses against conference teams eran defense who have been Regtonals and a 27ยท11 record giving the team more swings such as Muhlenberg, Dickinson playing together for three last year, retiring coach overall (approximately 150-200 George Dix has left a lot for and Franklin and Marshall, years," she said. "Our goalie, swings per practice for each Sophomore Michelle Mullen, newly hired Phil Smith to live girl). Pitching, however, is go- just recently set the record for up to. Coach Smith, however, ing to be Coach Smith's main most shutouts in a career, and is no stranger to the game focus. our offense has been working and is certainly the man for "Offense wins games, de- hard all season and they con- the job. An All-Conference fense wins championships," he tinue to improve." baseball player in his college said. The girls have a lot of years, a player for a year in With two returns from depth on their team which the minors, and a coach since last year and one transfer com- they feel helps them to work 1998, he has the experience to ing in, the talent is certainly even harder than they nor- lead our already-accom- there. Smith considers himself mally would. plished team even further. an "aggressive" coach, with an "All of the girts are He has coached some emphasis on pushing the team great players. There isno way intense travel and high to their limits and working on to pick out just one who is the school progra!TIs, with many everything that can be worked best," Gosseling explains. players moving on to play for on in practices, feeling a good He uses the "us" con- Division One'schools. With coach needs to "control the cept to describe his team. that in mind, Coach Smith controllables and everything "There is no '1'; they does not feel that adapting to else will fall into place." practice as one and they play the intercollegiate level is go- So who are the players to as one. Each and every one of ing to bea huge change. Still, watch this season? It is a young them comes motivated to his plans for the season and team. Although there is only play every day and they the future are no small order: one returning senior, standout handle things in a very pro- he wants to win the confer- Caitlin Burns, there are a couple fessional manner." ence and make another ap- of incoming freshmen in addi- Although Coach pearance at Regionals. In the tion to returning players Mary Gosselin feels that the girls future, he wants to develop Abrams, Megan Mitchell, and have not played their best the Terror softball team into Abby Canntstrac! that Smith game of the season yet, he has a consistent Top 20 finisher, wants to develop into top play- high hopes for the playoffs. and eventually go to Nation- ers. With a team fuU of talent "T believe that we will als. and a clear set of goals, Coach eventually have our break- With such lofty goals, Smith feels completely confi- through and do well enough his coaching program has dent in his outlook for this sea- to dominate in the confer- been developed accordingly son and the future, remarking Senior Katie Kirley ha~ played a iar~e3~~;~t:':~ ~~~~: ;~!~.ewomen's ence," and there is no doubt it will "nobody steps on the field to SOC<:erlearn, contnbutmg 4 goals an keep his team on the right lose."
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