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cmeR TCrmr SPORIS Vol. 3 No. 5 APRIL 21, 2005, Page 12 Women's lax starts strong, looks to finish stronger inBliss' first full year ment" and even furthermore lacrosse record at McDaniel MARK WINKELSTEIN that they. "believe that [they] in 3 decades. She now serves STAFFWRJTER can win" the tournament. as the head of the youngest The 2005 McDaniel In her first full year as coachingstaffof any division Women's Lacrosse team has head coach, Coach Bliss says III college lacrosse team in exhibited a quality so far this she is excited to have a group the nation. season that no team wants to of girls that are "driven, fo- The highlight of the face. Win or lose, they will play cused, and have a passion for team's season thus far has any team that is matched the game that is unmatched," been a 13-11 win against against them tough and to the Bliss served as the interim final whistle of the game. VVhile coach for the 2004 team that the team's 6 wins have come by a combined 41 .goals. their 4 loses have only come by a com- bined 14 goals. The team has won two big Centennial Conference games against Haverford and Bryn Mawr, and has dropped four tough conference games in- cluding an 8-10 loss to the #6 team in the nation, Gettysburg. Coach Muffle Bliss explains, "Every conference opponent is a tough opponent. ..We have had some unexpected losses that shifted ourstrategy." Whatever their strategy, the team has not shifted their expectations. With a conference record of 2-4, junior center Lindsay Ricks says that the team is "still expecting to get Members of the women's lacrosse team celebrate a play in a recent game DAVES!NCLA!R into the conference tourna- against Goucher. Senior Katie Kirley scans the field in this file photo. Dull released after four difficult seasons his position. The Green Terror won MIKE HABEGGER "I'm sorry that Coach only 10games against confer- SPORTS EDITOR Dull is gone now, and I en- ence opponents under Dull's joyed having him as my tenure. As of last Tuesday, Jay coach," said junior forward Dull leaves behind a Dull is no longer the head coach Chris Rutland. team comprised of mostly of the men's basketball team. It is true that the play- underclassmen. Leading Assistant Coach, Kevin Selby ers will miss Dull personally, scorer Kyle O'Connor is a has taken over as the head of as will the rest of the campus sophomore; Juniors Chris basketball operations. The that found him to be a down- Rutland and Mike DiPiero team finished 5-20 overall and to-earth, sincere gentleman. are likely to fill the void on 3-15 in the' conference for the In addition to coaching, the offensive end that fifth- second straight year. Dull also taught several EPE year senior Sam Anstead Dull spent four seasons at courses for the school, where once filled, who averaged McDaniel, managing the squad he got to know a substantial 11.2ppg. for a total of 100 games to a amount of students. He Throughout the season, meager record of 22-78 and a pushed his policy of academ- the team got off to a strong winning percentage of a .220. ics and family taking prece- start but failed to close out To compare, the Green dent over sports to players games. The Terror were win- Terror have an overall winning and students. ning or tied at halftime in percentage of .383 since 1898. Dull championed seven of their losses. The team averaged just over 5 "Over-achievement," his phi- Consistency was also a wins per season under Dull's losophy that explains how to problem. The team had leadership. win games with only ad- seven different Single-game Although no members of equate players, players said. leading scorers (Anstead, the athletic department com- If everyone plays better DiPiero, Daniel, O'Conn~r, mented on the issue, Sports In- than they are supposed to, formation has confirmed that then the team will win some [See Dull conlinued on Dull was in fact released from games. page 11]
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