Page 125 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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".IS""'; Westminster, MD VoL3 No.6 PIffiS What would be your Championships, academic ideal summer successes and social hazards - vacation? See 60 Free Press pays tribute to the '04- Seconds on page 4. '05 school year. See pages 14-20. INSIDE BLARS may never be the same again shown to members of the fac- English 1101 would then be bal Citizenship" and now re- BETH MCLANE ulty, and also to students who offered the next semester, and quires a class on FEATURES EDITOR attended a recent meeting de- some form of upper level multiculturalism in the Ll.S.; Progress continues in signed to explain the new writing instruction would be and two courses on interna- the Curriculum Review Task proposal. determined by the major de- tional subjects. Force's efforts to revamp the The new outline sug- partment and offered during The outline continues to course load for McDaniel stu- gests small changes in some a students junior year. use some elements of past dents, and recently reviewed areas, such as Writing In- Other areas have bigger BLARS,though it does combine are the college's Basic Liberal struction, which, under the changes, including the many new terms and concepts. Arts Requirements, or proposal, may now feature a former Global Perspectives. BLARS.An outline for a pro- first semester English course In the proposed outline, it has [See BLARS continued 011 posed curriculum has been for under-prepared students. been transformed into "Ole- page2! rnx charter suspended for five years ROB GOEKE ing a final decision on an ap- .officers discovered what ap- The fraternity was repre- NEWS EDITOR peal to McDaniel College peared to be physical abuse sented at the hearing by three President Joan Coley. As of and alcohol violations. members, including Chapman, The Gamma Beta Chi now, the fraternity is not rec- The fraternity's presi- and went before a panel of six fraternity had its charter sus- ognized by McDaniel and did dent, Mike Chapman, was in- faculty, staff and students. pended for five years after not participate in Greek formed of the suspension on The panel included Rose, the group was cited for haz- Games. April 19 by way of a letter Dean of Student Affairs Philip ing and other campus policy The Betes had signed from the administration, and Sayre, Access Services librar- violations stemming from a up for a social event in their the rest of the group was sent ian and member of the Honor March 31 incident. club room, which prompted a letter through campus mail a regular check by Campus following a hearing before a Safety officers that night as six member panel on April 14. Spring Fling 2005 McCribs takes a look inside the boy's soccer house on Ward wasn't The rain held off for most of the day, so some students tried out the velcro wall and other activities near forum (left) while as dirty as you may think. Page 20. other' relaxed in the quad (right). Photos by Chanan Develik: See more photos on page 6. Seniors receive scare, Honors questions linger been for naught. were listed as one-tenth of a A+, which in theory makes it PAT O'TOOLE for the class of 2007, but the CO-EDITOR The letter, sent by Pro- grade point higher for each of more likely that students will 2004-2005 catalog had already vost Thomas Falkner, out- the levels. achieve higher Gl'As. Graduating seniors re- lined the requirements neces- In reality, the increased There was also a con- been sent to print before the ceive numerous letters on a sary for seniors to graduate standards for general honors cern at the time from some changes were passed. The daily basis. From planning with general honors (Suma do not affect the class of 2006. faculty members that too 2005-2006 catalog was printed graduation to awarding com- Cum Laude, Magna Cum According to Dr. Kevin many students were receiv- with the new standards in- mendations, there is a lot to do Laude, and Cum Laude). For Mcintyre, former chair of the ing general honors due to cluded, which means the class from an administrative per- as long as the seniors had Admissions Retentions and grade inflation, McTntyre of 2008 will abide by the in- creased honors qualifications. spective. been in school, they had been Standards (ARS) committee, said. The faculty voted on One seemingly- routine told that the CPA require- the change was initiated by and approved the ARS After the letter that falsely letter, however, inadvertently ments to receive those honors ARS in May 2003 as a way to committee's proposal. listed the honors requirements caused some seniors to ques- would-be 3.8, 3.6, and 3.4 re- account for the weighted The intention of the for seniors was sent out, Regis- tion whether their hard work spectively. In this letter, grading system that included committee was that the new [See GPA. continued on over the past four years had though, the requirements the possibility of receiving an standards would take effect page 2]
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