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MAY6, 2005 - Page 3 NEWS Incoming freshmen and Campus Safety first to benefit from upgrades to McDaniel facilities KEVIN JOYCE two-phase renovation of main an all-male freshmen been talking to is Campus Decker College Center, the foot- STAFF WRITER Rouzer Hall. Starting in May residence hall after the reno- Safety," said Seidel. "We've ball stadium, and even the roads two rooms will be over- vation. come up with areally nice looping campus-not all of the Administration officials hauled on each floor to cre- "We have taken the at- design that gives them more improvements are likely to be responsible for implementing ate a lounge for residents, titude that it's nice for the space that is right by an en- carried out. Improvements to McDaniel's Master Plan will Seidel explained. first-year class to bond to- trance to the campus and all of the residence halls, how- soon be shifting their focus The following summer, gether ali a class, and it's also easy to find for ever, are on the definite list and from academic buildings to the second phase of the reno- useful to have single-sex visitors ... There is a good will be carried out as time per- renovating dormitories and vation will expand the housing in the first year," said chance that will happen." mits, said Seidel. other non-academic facilities- lounges forward through Sayre. He added that there DoCS isn't the only de- In fact, renovations to the much to the benefit of incom- what is now the front wall is no plan to change the partment slated to get im- other residence halls are likely ing freshmen and their down- andadd a glass front. This policy of classifying fresh- proved facilities. In fact, the to include changes more exten- stairs neighbor, Campus Safety. will enhance the original men residence halls as sub- plan includes provisions for sive than those to Rouzer, such With construction com- renovation by adding more stance free. renovations to most campus as conversions to suites or add- plete on the North Village space and providing light for With this renovation facilities, many of them ing bathrooms so the entire floor Apartments, and nearing what are currently dark and the Department of Campus geared towards improving isn't forced to share a single completion on the new aca- windowless corridors. This Safety's office in the base- campus living. For example, bathroom. Seidel added that no demic building beside Hoover phase of the renovation will ment of Rouzer is likely to be the Master Plan includes the list has been established to de- Library, the school is preparing be completed by refurbishing moved to Winslow Hall to possibility of using a vacant termine which residence halls to redirect its focus to renovat- the interior and redecorating take advantage of the space lot on Pennsylvania Ave. to will be renovated first. ing the existing dormitories the 1970s-era center stairwell. made by the psychology de- build a new Smith House, While some impending and non-academic buildings, "It would be great to partment moving into the Another project that the renovations will benefit the en- said Dr. Ethan Seidel, the vice have a lounge in Rouzer, then new academic building, said college is planning to do tire campus community, such as president of administration and we could hangout and not Seidel. within the next two years is a the improvements to Gill Cen- finance. have to worry about getting Mike Webster, the direc- massive renovation of the ter, incoming male freshmen This shift is in accordance written up for having too tor of Campus Safety, noting Gill Athletic Center. This will certainly be envied for the with McDaniel's Master Plan. many people in our room," that the move will both im- renovation would update the major renovations in the near This plan is a ten year outline said Ryan Quillen, a fresh- prove accessibility for visitors physical fitness center by future to Rouzer. aiming at improving the man. "I'm just upset that I and provide an increase in adding a two-level structure The last time the campus institution's academic build- won't be able to take advan- floor space, said the DoCS on the same floor as the cur- implemented a plan of this scale ings, residence halls, and extra- tage of [the renovations] be- office is definitely moving. rent basketball courts. was 1989 during the renovation curricular facilities. fore I'm out of freshmen "I've said for the last "An addition to the fit- of the-library, said Seidel. Byall "The real focus over the housing." decade that we need to move ness center would be great," accounts that plan accom- next decade will be a shift to Philip Sayre, Dean of somewhere closer to a main said freshman BillKauffman. plished its goals and proved to improving student life," said Student Affairs, said that entrance to the campus," said "I'm from Arizona so [didn't be a dramatic change to the Seidel "We have been doing while he couldn't rule out the Webster. "I think that by the come to college with a mem- school. small-scale renovations [to dor- possibility of changes to the time visitors stumble on us to bership to a local gym like "Part of the [1989] plan mitories] but we haven't been freshmen housing .system in ask for directions they're al- some of the students from the was to make the center of the doing anything where we the future-such as coed ready lost." surrounding area." , campus pedestrian; when I change the layout that much," housing or mixing first-year "We have a fair amount While the Master Plan started teaching here you had to The first part of this shift students with upperclass- of space becoming available includes renovations to sev- look both ways before walking will begin this su~mer with a men-Rouzer Hall will re- and one of the groups we've eral of the school's facilities- out of Hill Hall," said Seidel. Betes kicked off campus for five year period continued from page 1 noise and came in [the that Chapman "answered the Greeks into trouble. They of charter and why the Phi clubroom] without knock- panel's questions as truth- know who they can attack" Alphs only received three, Rose and Conduct Board Jane fully as possible and properly Given that the Beres' stated that "there were very se- Sharpe, Assistant Professor of =s The Free Press w~s un- represented our fraternity" suspension occurred so close rious allegations in this case." Economics and faculty repre- able to get copies of Campus But in his opinion, Campus to when the ~hi Alpha Mu She also noted that Cam- sentative to the Honor and Safety's reports regarding the Safety distorted the facts with sorority's three year suspen- pus Safety had pictures of the Conduct Board Kevin incident because the decision their final reports, which sion, many students believe events in question and detailed Mcintyre, Inter-Greek Council about the group's punish- were presented at the panel. that the school has ulterior reports. Rose also noted that President and member of the ment has been appealed and "lt was unfair," said motives towards Greek life. "first hand knowledge from Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity Ja- the investigation is ongoing. Figola. "None of what Cam- But Rose countered this Campus Safety had an impact son Fratto, and senior Chava Pigola also noted that pus Safety and the Commit- sentiment. on the outcome." Roth, who is also a member of the Betes, which was char- tee said was true." "I do believe in the ben- . "[College Activities] McDaniel's Honor and Con- tered in 1922, is the oldest fra- In Pigola's mind, the efits of Greek life," said Rose, doesn't hate Greek life," said duct Board. ternity on campus. case came down to Campus "and I've seen the good of it Rose, "we support it 100 per- Sayre felt that the panel "It is sad to see the Safety's word versus the through the individuals who had a "broad representation" of school take away something Bete's word have been and still are mem- cent. However, this institution or any other instituion will not the student body and that the that has been a part of it for "[Campus Safety] bers of Greek organizations, support any student organiza- boa;d "handled [the situation] so long," said Figola knows when and where to We want students to be safe, tion that is not moving forward, well given the circumstances." "[McDaniel] is losing a lot of find trouble and they are tak- healthy and have the best col- being positive and having pub- According to Assistant history." ing advantage," said Figola. lege experience possible." Director of College Activities Though Ptgola was not "[The school I is looking for A~to why the Bete's re- ltc growth." Sayre also was concerned and former Greek Residence present at the hearing, he felt any singular excuse to get ceive~ a five year suspension about how the suspensions Life Coordinator Amanda Rose would be interpreted, in the original article, Campus The Betes, which was chartered in 1922, is the oldest fraternity "I don't like to do things Safety "stumbled into" the in- like this and generally, rulings cident in question. The original on campus. like these can be misread," said article also stated that "sources Sayre. "But the goal is to set up said that the clubroom activities "It is sad to see the school take away something that has been the fraternity in such a way involved physical abuse." where it comes back stronger Senior Joe Pigola, secre- a part of it for so long. [McDaniel] is losing a lot of history." and in the mainstream of Creek tary of the Betes, disputed these - Senior Joe Figola, Betes secretary life." claims. Although he was not in Sayre had the final say in the club room at the time of the the decision to hand out disci- event, those there claimed that "1 don't like to do things like this and generally, rulings like plinary action, but he let other Campus Safety Officers had not these can be misread. But, the goal is to set up the fraternity in panel members discuss what knocked on the door to let them was discussed during the hear- know they were coming in, like such a way where it comes back stronger and in the mainstream ing. He then listened to and fol- they" are supposed to do." of Greek life." lowed their recommendations. "They did not ask to come in," said Figola. "They heard a -Philip Sayre, Dean of Student Affairs
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