Page 123 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 123
APRIL 21, 2005 Page 11 SPORTS Dull released, team looking to future continued from page 12 academic honor-roll ath- letes from McDaniel over McKay, Rutland & the past two seasons. McNeeley), a trend that often The basketball team points to teamwork, but also had only one hqnor roll ath- exposes a lack of scoring con- Jete in 2004 and 2005,senior sistency, suggesting that Dull DJ Hynes. In addition, in was searching for a rotation the four years that Dull that would take-off and be spent at McDaniel, no Successful. In comparison, player he coached was the number one team in the named to the l't or 2 nd a11- conference last season, conference teams, nor were Franklin and Marshall, had any players given an hon- Women's lax is confident about s~~~~; only three different leading arable mention. Scorers (Wright, Smith & But each player ntint dfrom p ge 12 saying, "When she's not on confidently. In the team's Lynch). showed flashes of brilliance CD te a th f ld til" three remaining conference e in N~~~~s~::~Oft~:~:~o; ~~:ul~~t~:~h:c~;:~0;5 Bliss's alma mater, Goucher, M;D~~iel'/~:fe~:: is l~d games, they will face boasted thatdefenseandscor- against Washington that ;;~O~~~~~!:~.~~St~:~~ ~o:e~e~:h~:t~i~~i~:'a~~ ~~h~::~:~~0:~~~;~~~n5 ing would be up due to le night Chr ' RId I d senior goalkeeper Lindsey senior Lindsay O'Steen in teams in the conference will faster.more In-your-face style 1S utan p aye O'steen recorded 13 saves, the goal. However, while make it to the conference tour- ~cJ~~r~1 sc~:e~~~3~~~~:~ Z~;~~;~~g and s:~;~~s; hersecondhighesttotalofthe every team needs leaders, narnent, with McDaniel cur- and gave up 73. points on 3-5 shooting. ;:-i~~~~;~~l:c~~;;so~~~r; Ricks agrees with Bliss ex- rently standing' 7th. In 04-05, McDaniel Kyle O'Connor scored 25 goals on 12 shots. However, h~:i~~~'10~~:~~h~!tl~:~: sure %~~t t~:kt::~ich~s s~ scored 66 and gave up 76. The on B-13 shooting in a loss to Coach Bliss reinforces that a team." chance to pull off these wins? te h d nobody in the top Washington. [ameer Daniel fif~:n ~ defensive rebound- scored 14 on 3-4 (B-13 ft) McDaniel "~,eall~s~es~~s ~e Whhjilethebteam cur - it sho:~~~et~~ ;i:~~~.I.O;~:~ ing, and shot an abysmal .3~5 shooting in a loss to team game, an t at It s t e rently 0 ds the est recor d from the field, tied for last m Dickinson. ~~!eo~~s::;:a~~fel~~~ of any McDaniel spring ~~:ro~e~: ;~~~test teams I've the conference. In virtually they ~e~ t~~~e~~~~;r~~~ essary to pick up the big wins. ~~~~t,t~h~~~:l~~es!~;t i~h~~ While talent and skill are every other statistical cat- matter who takes over the The team's offense is led in their remaining confer- most definitely not lacking on ;~~~dtt; t~:~~~tt~e;~~;ere head coaching job. this year by senior Kristen ence games if they want to the squad, confidence and In the spirit of the school Said Rutland, "We are ~u::~h'el:~~~Oj~ni~Ot;~~ ~:Ct~~~~~rr!eO:;.of making :~~;V~:~;;il:h~t~:~!~i~~ recent rededication to ac~ ~7c~~~,t:'~:~~~;~h:n n~~~ say Ricks. Bliss also recog- . "We know the women thinking and playing demic exce~~e, !~~r~so~~er, coach is." nizes sophomore Michelle pressure's on us, and we'll like cha!'l'pions. therehave been numerous Mullen as a key to the offense get those wins," said Ricks Review: Canseco's Juiced explores steroid abuse, use with the help of steroids, and gambling too enticing to pass BRIAN PATTERSON in Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant more dramatic change than porary boost of energy. Canseco COlv1MENTARY EDITOR up. Like Canseco, he doesn't I did ... But nobody even saw something different. 'Raids. Smash Hits, and How . apologize for anything. cared what McGwire was "McGwire using andro Baseball Got Big he tries to In 1970, Jim Bouton re- doing." convince the reader that vealed in Ball Four the private We care now. would have been like a hospi- tal patient on morphine asking pumping up on steroids is no lives of players with all its Canseco's book, along for aspirin ... I'm virtually cer- big deal. foul, lewd behavior. Bouton with other allegations con- tain that Mark created the "We're talking about was a moderately successful cerning professional ball andro controversy as a distrac- the future here. I have no major league pitcher, and his players, led to a congres- tion," writes Censeco. doubt whatsoever that intel- book centered on the 1969 sional hearing in which Juiced is important be- ligent, informed use of ste- Seattle Pilots. He gave an McGwire refused to com- cause of what Canseco says, not roids, combined with human insider's perspective on base- ment about his past. It only how he says it. "To find well growth hormone, will one ball, a perspective that had gave more credit to' written prose try Kahn's The day be so accepted that ev- been carefully kept from the Canseco's testimony. Boys of Summer, or Michael erybody will be doing it," public. He was the first to In 199B, Canseco Lewis's Moneyball. As for inter- writes Canseco. break the confidentiality of played for the Blue Jays and esting material, Canseco is at Canseco who was the clubhouse. saw the McGwire and the top of the pile. As in any other field, known as "The Chemist" in Canseco combines the Sammy Sosa homerun chase Are steroids the wave of baseball is full of scholars. MLB circles boasts about in- approaches of Bouton and much differently than the the future? In 1970, no one There's David Halberstam, and jecting Mark McGwire; he Rose by exposing major rest of the nation. The public wanted to believe Bouton's sto- Roger Kahn. There are mode~ also writes that he schooled leaguers and admitting to saw two jyggernauts en~ rics about wisecracking players writers who try to give poetic the Texas sized sluggers Ivan breaking the rules of the gaged in a heated rivalry to who cheated on their wives. flair to the game like Thomas Gonazalez, Ivan Rodriguez, game. He goes further by im- break Roger Maris's record. When Canseco writes ~about Boswell and Dan Shaughnessy. and Rafael Palmeiro about plicating the entire league. Sosa looked bigger than ever similar behavior it's expected, Popular writers such as John the drug while playing for "The owners knew before, and "It seemed so it's the steroid use that is shock- Updike and Stephen King h.a~e the Rangers. Later in his ca- something was afoot. They obvious," that Sammy was ing. Steroids helped Canseco felt inspired to wax poetIc reer, Canseco educated could see it in the long list of taking steroids according to recover from injuries quickly, about home runs and little Tampa Bay Devil Rays Wil- shattered records, and in the Canseco. As for McGwire, "It and maintain the stamina leaguers. son Alvarez, Dave Martinez, long parade of ripped-and- took him a lot of injections to needed to last a whole season. Baseball is the national and Tony Saunders about ste- cut athletes they employed." get him past Roger Maris If that's all they are used .for, pastime, and people write roids. Bret Boone had a break . Aside from the finger that summer." then what's the big deal? He about it. But no matter how out year with 37 home runs pointing, Canseco educates As the race neared its advocates steroid use, but only many articles or books are pub- and 141 RBIs in 2001 through the reader on how players end, a journalist began to dig under educated supervision. lished about the sport, the the added umph of steroids. smuggled steroids on road into the issue of steroids and Canseco's book has al- ground breaking ones come "The challenge is not to trips (usually in a carry-on whether or not McGwire ready tarnished McGwire's im- from the players. find a top player who has bag), and disposed of used was using them. Any fan of age, and Alex Sanchez of the steroids," used Canseco Jose Canseco batted .266, needles (most of the time in a the game remembers the Tampa Bay Devil Rays was the stole 200 bases, had 1,407 RBIs, claims. "The challenge is to locker room trash can). He andro controversy. A bottle first player suspended under and hit 462 home runs during find a top player who hasn't." wonder~ why he became a of this performance-enhanc- the new steroid policy. Canseco In 2001, Pete Rose ad~ his career. He was the first mitted that he had bet on target, while his "Bash ing substance, which was le- writes convincingly, for the player in MLB history to steal Brother" McGwire escaped gal at the time, was found in simple reason that it's hard not 40 bags and hit 40 home runs baseball in My Prison Without unscathed. McGwire's locker. The me- to believe him. He doesn't seem in a single season. He did, it Bars. He broke the rules be- "How about McGwire? dia saw a player using a le- smart enough to be making ev- cause he found the thrill of He went through an even gal steroid that gave a tem- erything up.
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