Page 122 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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APRIL 21, 2005 - Page 10 FEATURES Faculty and students debate value of evaluations survey," and feels that stu- those professors who look jENNIEVANS [Course evaluations] are ef- measure a professor's "popu- sTAFFWRlTER dents are more apt to judge very highly upon the evalua- fective to the degree that larity" rather than the material how "popular" ~heprofessor tions. Julia [asken of the En- they're used." taught in their coursets), what It's nearing the end of the is rather than said professor's glish department says she Senior Greg Raeder be- could be implemented as a bet- semester, and you know what curriculum. thinks "it's really important lieves that while the evalua- ter means of evaluating.curricu- that means: it's almost time for "I've got nothing for professors to get feedback tions are "a good way to re- lum? the traditional distribution of against the student evalua- from students. It encourages ward a lgoodl.professor for Dr. Boner points out that student evaluation forms. You tions; J give them every se- them to make their teaching their dedication and the hard every 4-5 years, the Mathemat- know the drill - the professor mester, in every class," he philosophies and assignment work put into the class," so- ics department sends out a hands them out, leaves the says. "I just don't like how objectives clear. I value the called "bad" professors aren't questionnaire to all alumni in room, and everyone gets that they're used. I think the pur- feedback students provide affected at all. his field. The questionnaire one last chance to let the adrnin- pose is to evaluate 'good and use it to make changes to "I don't understand pertains to whether or not the istration know about the teaching,' [something] we my courses the next time I why [professors] would ask strengths and weaknesses of its haven't yet defined." teach them." for our input and then com- math courses taught were effec- tive in preparing the alumni for faculty. Dr. Boner also points What about students pletely disregard it," Raeder the "real world," and Dr. Boner But do students-and fac- out that, "Students aren't in themselves? Most agree that explains. "It seems like it's says that, "Good feedback is ulty alike - really take these a position to judge the class the evaluations are a useful kind of a waste of our time if received because of the evaluations seriously, and are because they have no way to method of letting professors what we say isn't taken into alumnae's experience." the forms effective tools in mea- compare it to [the same know what works and what account." Maybe someday suring whether a course is course] taught at a different doesn't, but only to an extent. Junior Stephanie McDaniel College willimple- taught appropriately and effi- institution ... [students] don't Senior Andrew Lebo Alvarado agrees: "In the past, ment a different method of ciently? have the necessary experi- says that it depends on the I felt like the evaluations evaluating its courses. Until According to Dr. Robert ence yet; when they're out of professor: "Some pay atten- didn't really make a differ- then, break out the pencils, be- Boner of the Mathematics de- college, then they can make tion, and adjust their courses ence at all ... however, now I cause whether you love 'em or partment, the answer is a re- judgments [about course ef- according to what [students feel that action is occurring to dread 'em, studentevaluations sounding no. He views them fectiveness]." say}, but there are those pro- correct that problem." are an integral part of our col- as more of a "client satisfaction However, there are fessors who disregard them. If the forms really do lege education. Grease that watermelon - Greek Week nears "The entire purpose of groups and donated to the the sororities together, and its ALYSE HOLLOMON lobi Larrick, a senior So- STAFF WRITER the week is not just a compe- charity of their choice." friendly competition. We ciology Major and member of tition between fraternities With all of these fun ac- have a lot of athletes so they Obstacle courses, relay and sororities though, it is a tivities Greek Week is a week really enjoy it," said Phi Sigma Sigma, remembers medleys, and chugging con- way to get everyone out to- that Greeks look forward to Samantha Smith, a junior En- fun times during past Greek tests - sounds like a fun-filled gether socializing, the same and have many memories glish and Communications Weeks. "There's nothing like day at an amusement park. In- as any Greek Happy Hour or from. Dual Major and member of watching your sister push a stead it's Greek Week - a week other social event would," "Its always fun, brings Alpha Nu Omega. greased watermelon down the pool!" full of fun activities, many continued Mitchell. memories, and the chance to Some events that prove which fraternity or soror- Greeks will be able to partici- .. ity is the best. pate in include the 50 yard @~:i:~~@) "Greek Week is a sort of dash, the 100 yard dash, Iello festival starting May I" to the eating, Kool-Aid chugging, the , . 'Il~ Open Daily 5 1h ," said Dorsey Mitchell, a medley relays in the pool, "~~~:171 ,AM'IOPM sophomore Mathematics major cannonball splash, tug-a-war, POU'h.u,.cafe.c.m~ e(,tlr~ F'i.&Sat.Open • and member of Phi Kappa and much more. Another .tt: 'nlnPM Sigma. He, along withAmanda event that goes on the week 233 East Main Street. Westminster, MD Rose, the assistant director of before these games begin is college activities, are organiz- the Penny Wars. organic orgonic orgonic ing this year's events. "Each chapter has a coffee· pastries·. espresso· lite fare • "Throughout these days bucket and anyone can put tea there will be organized events money into the bucket," ex- Awesome Live Music! for Greek members to partici- plained Rose. pate in," continued Mitchell. "At the end of the Mondays - 8:45 p.ot- tolD p.m. During this week of week all the money is turned Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays - 7:30 games and obstacle courses, all into points and the fraternity p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Greek Organizations get a and the sorority with the Fridays and Saturdays 8:30p.m. to 10:30 p.m. .chance to take a break before most points win," Rose Sundays - Brunch and 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m . finals to come. out and have fun added. "All the money raised .$10 cover,$3 goes to local charity. with other Greeks. is 'then split between the two Want to try your hand at writing for the Free Press? The staff is constantly looking for new reporters and it couldnt't be any easier to get involved. Call Pat at x8178 or Katie at x3833 for details.
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