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MAY6, 2005 - Page 5 FEATURES The lighter side of Campus Safety's Mike Webster PAT O'TOOLE "While he might appear The Coast Guard uni- ' CO-EDITOR to a lot of people as a tough form, quite different from his guy or authority figure, he's trademark professional en- When walking through really got a pretty tender semble adorned nowadays, Rouzer Hall, it is far from un- heart," Sayre said. is not the only suit Webster common to hear the likes of has worn in his lifetime. In Eminem and Outkast seeping Webster also spends his high school he worked as a through the door cracks and time out of work teaching a janitor at a hospital to save bursting through the windows ·GED PFogram at Adam's money for college, spending of students' dorm - but County Prison. He described his days cleaning, of all you may hear such music ct?m- the experience of interacting things, the morgue. He has ing from an unlikely source as with inmates and attempting also pumped gas and trained well. to give them a second chance horses at a summer camp. Nestled in the basement as "very rewarding." Crowing up in Nor- of Rouzer, a McDaniel em- His teaching abilities wich, CT, Webster was the ployee imbibes in the very are also utilized on campus, oldest of five children in a same noxious beats and where he teaches a course working class family. He re- rhythms as many of the stu- entitled "Practical Applica- ceived his Bachelor's degree dents he spends his time focus- tions of Law Enforcement." in criminal justice from ing on. Yet his job is to .deter Junior sociology major Northeastern University in those students from imbibing in Sabrina Putro took Webster's 1983,and he worked as a dis- other ways. course during the January patcher for the campus police Students know Mike Term. She saw the course as at Wentworth Institute of Webster, Director of Campus being well-organized and Technology while earning his Safety, as the enforcer Of cam- enriched with interesting diploma. pus policies - the man who in- guest speakers. The course That humble beginning structs the officers who break was not entirely what she ex- became a career for webster, up their parties, the man who pected. and he eventually ended up lectured them during freshman "With the topics we at"McDaniel (then Western orientation were covering and [Webster 1 Maryland) in October of Who most students do being who he is, you thought 1991. not know, however, is the man it would be really serious." As the Director of Cam- WEBSTER with a gripping sense of humor she said. "It was a lot more pus Safety, Webster is respon- who sits in his office listening relaxed than I thought it sible for supervising approxi- to rap music, flanked by crayon would be." mately 18 employees. Sayre also notes, how- drawings and letters from his When he's not busy Due to the nature of his ever, that Webster can be Webster even sees humor children. with his work, teaching, or department, he puts a high rather humorous in his every- in his recognition of his repu- Family plays a large role children, Webster sometimes level of trust in his supervi- day interactions. He often tation on campus, calling it "an in Webster's life. His three chil- ventures from his home in sors who are on duty comes back from sailing trips, occupational hazard" and dren, a 14-year-old daughter, a Littlestown, PA to Annapolis throughout the course of the an activity that Sayre also warning his daughter that no- 9-year-old daughter, and a 7- with his sailboat, "Avalon," day. He strives to train his enjoys, with stories of trag- body will party with her if she year-old son, are involved in ac- in tow. . personnel so that they wi!! be edy and woe where fate al- comes here. tivities including martial arts Sailing is Webster's able to handle situations ef- ways seems to win out in an Yet no matter how the and softball and take up a large main pastime, and he is cer- fectively even when he is not amusing twist. campus sees Webster, he often looks at it through a different portion of his time. But that's tainly no stranger to the sea. around. Bobbi Ward, Office not something you'll hear him Before coming to McDaniel, Sayre recognizes that Manager for Residence Life, scope while sitting in his office, complaining about. he served in the United States Webster's training programs atte.sts to Webster's unique reviewing cases and listening to his admittedly eclectic music. "Being a dad isa full-time Coast Guard Reserve on the and high standards have humor. "My son made these 'for job," he said, smiling. crew for a patrol and rescue brought the Campus Safety "He's a New England me," he said while putting on Dr. Philip Sayre, Vice craft. department to a level that it person. There's a different President/Dean of Student Af- "The dumb things that was nowhere near in 1991. humor..a different reserve a pair of colorful pipe-cleaner fairs, has seen Webster's inter- people do on land are just ... "He has brought alot of there you have to get used spectacles. "I put these on actions with his wife and fam- amplified when boats are in- professionalism to that de- to," she said. "But [ like it. sometimes when I need a change of-view." ily first-hand. volved," he said. partment," Sayre said. We all need to be different." WHAT IS YOUR IDEAL SUMMER VACATION? fiOSeconds Compiled by Taylor Hebden Kimberly Spears Nicole Carter Veronica Armstrong Sarah Kathleen Andy Cohen Sophomore Sophomore Junior Grosh Freshman "Wherever the ocean "A tall, dark man "On the beach with Sophomore "Doing nothing." is, is pretty much on a swmy beach, a butterflies just "Lying on the beach ideal. ,.Ireally enjoy dog, and a martini." swarming around in Mexico with a Myrtle Beach." with Prince daiquiri." Charming down by the water."
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