Page 126 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 126
MAY 6, 2005 - Page 2 NEWS Curriculum requirements soon to be changed continued from page 1 Evergares said. which required Humanities, no means permanent. She Another new section Natural Science and Math, also noted that "it doesn't af- with cross-listing, it should be A Sophomore IDS Colloquium entitled "Critical Inquiries and Social Science. fect any students who are doable." is a new addition to the outline, into the Liberal Arts," re- Evergates explained here now." Evergates emphasized and Task Force Chair Donna quires seven credits in sepa- that at press time, the pro- The proposal was pre- the point of cross-listing in the Evergates explained that the rate subjects, such as Scien- posed outline has been sub- sented to students at two proposed outline, because it will help make the' required course is designed to be an in- tific Inquiry and Quantitative ject to editing, and is already meetings on Tuesday, April courses easier to complete. She terdisciplinary class focusing Reasoning, Social and Cul- different than that printed 19, and junior Sarah Hale also mentioned the importance the sophomore year. tural Understanding, and here. She also noted that the was present for the evening Evergates noted that it Textual Analysis and Cre- faculty has not yet voted on meeting. "It looks pretty of creating a more rigorous could take various forms, in- ative Expression. This differs the proposed outline, and good," she said. "At first it Course load, by making stan- cluding team-taught classes fo- from the original BLARS, stressed that the outline is by looked overwhelming, but dard classes such as January cusing on one theme, but rang- Term and Fitness Classes more ing in disciplines. The Task challenging. Force chose sophomore year "It looks pretty good. At first it looked over- The curriculum changes based on the need to declare a whelming, but with cross-listing, it should be doable." will not be immediate, but the major at the end. task force continues to work to- "We felt it might help un- - Junior Sarah Hale wards creating an effective cur- decided students into majors," riculum for students in the fu- ture. Higher GPA will soon be needed to earn honors . '" 1 thenew~tandards. were in place when he or she The question remains the situation and would in- continued ;rol11 page junior Jon Fitzgerald,d as a freshman. as to whether underclassms-, valve the least overlap. trar Jan Kiphart reported that caught a glimpse ofthe letter If r were a. student, I will be held to different Per now th h the stu- her office received a "flurry of and was immediately sent would be upset,lf the stan- Dean's List standards than dents will ha;e t~~ai~ for a fi- calls" from seniors who were into a panic. He believes that dards for Latin !i0nors their upperclassmen peers nal verdict on the academic confused by the discrepancy. a 3.8 could be attainable changed ,~fter.I received my due to the difference in the honors issue. Kiphart said that Senior Kacey Barnes, a within the next two years, but ca ~alog, ~ald Dr. Henry general, honors requirements the Admissions Retentions and double-major in f:listory and a 3.9 is,,far ou.t of re~ch. Retff: assoc.I,atedean of Aca- they wl.ll be held t~ at their Standards committee will not Political Science, went from The first t~mg to go dernic Affairs. respective graduations. In discuss new business until the thinking she was on the border- ~hrough .my mind was, Yetthere isa discussion other .words, the system opening of next semester, and line between Magna Cum Wh?:,~ .dld they .change still taking place over how ~ould .mvolve aliowlOg jun. their efforts along with those of Laude and Cum Laude honors that. .Fltzgeral~ said.. the issue of the Dean's List lors~lth~PAso~3.4onto Ute Provost Falkner will be vital in to wondering whether she Fitzgerald Immediately and Departmental Honors Dea~ s List while ?nly ac- coming to a conclusion. would receive any general hon- ran to check the 2004-2005 will be affected by the in- cephng freshman With GPAs The mistake with the se- ors at all. catalog, and was surprised to crease in general honors re- of 3.5 and above. niors may have caused distress "I was disappointed more find that the change had in quirements "[That system] would for some, but it may have actu- than anything else," Barnes fact been listed. All previous According to Kiphart, create an inconsistency that f ally benefited the admirustre" St~oind'to"t'ha~ll~tgt,,~.e~,;~iatida~~epa~;~:~~~~~t;~~:~e;~~~I~O~t:~~ ~~~d:~~~~e~~~s c~t~~~ !~~:~~.ldn't want," Dean Reiff tion to have the changes , .. '" "" br?ught out for open forum at even more pressure on myself dards. Dean's List and Departmen- . Reiff suggested tha t this point in time. for this semester." The contention of the tal Honors requirements that simply making all standards "It's not going to take care Barnes was never made majority of the administra- mirror those of the general apply to everyone at once of itself," Dean Reiff said. aware of the error by adminis- tors and faculty is that a stu- honors, a decision that was may seem to be "premature," "Now it gets onto the front rretion, but was relieved to hear dent should only be required made by the faculty and cor- but that it would be the most burner." that she would not be held to to abide by the standards that responding committees. consistent way of handling The Lighter Side of the Campus Safety Blotter Did we really fling with spring? Not according to the blotter ANDYWU Tobegin, Iwould like to tivities" on the most enter- to get written up, at least strip STAFF WRITER express my shock and disap- taining day on campus. I was naked and run around for a ing to mention is worth discuss- pointment regarding this also under the impression ing only because I am baffled (Editor's Note: At a glance while. Give your fellow stu- as to how the culprit failed to the Campus Blotter doesn't reveal week's blotter. It was Spring that as college students, it is dents something to talk get away with it. On April tz". some of the inane reports to which Fling. What were you all do- our responsibility to behave about. a student was seen stealing a ing? Irresponsibly Campus Safety Officers respond I think it is safe to as- Alas, we left our mis- drink from the pub. , Andy Wu's commentary high- sume that 90% of campus stu- tations Nothing but alcohol ci- chievous inClinations back in We all know it doesn t and boring old lights some of the most unique dents were "enjoying the fes- vandalisms. If you're going our rooms with our books. take a master thief to burglar- calls.) The one crirpe I am go- ize the pub; we all know that Campus Safetu blot t er tage of a "free" refill noW and countless students take advan- then. Of all the crimes to pur~ sue, give this one poor so~1 a break - Or police the place Where it COunts: the fountain Occurred from Date Subcategory Type Outdoors Building Name Incident Status Sodas. Inmy opinion, saving the 4/15/05 2:00 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 2 McDaniel Hall closed by report 98 cents for a soda is not worth 4/16/05 12:26 a.m. alcohql possession under 21 2 ANWHall closed by report the risk. Perhaps we should as- 4/16/05 12:39 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 2 ANWHall closed by report 4/16/05 12:46 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 2 ANWHall closed by report sume that the huge theft was an . 4/15/05 3:30 p.m . vandalism structure 2 ANWHali inactive aCcident. You know, exam stress, 4/16/05 10:15 p.m. theft shoplifting 2 Decker College Center closed byPOC Sleep deprivation _ It's easy to 4/17/05 2:37 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 2 Hoover Library pending court 4/21/05 857p.m. alcohol possession under 21 2 Rouzer Hall closed by report aCcidentally do a lot of thingS. 4/22/05 2,05 p.m. vandalism vehicle 1 Historic Drive inactive Yeah, we're college students and the price of a drink is equaJ 4/22/05 2,06 p.m. vandalism vehicle Historic Drive inactive to the cost of doing a much 4/22/05 7,00 p.m. vandalism vehicle Whiteford Lot open needed load of laundry. But I'm 4/23/05 6,04 p.m. assault hands / feet Blanche Ward Hall closed by report sure if you really try, obtaining 4/23/05 5:30 p.m. assault hands / feet McDaniel Hall open 98 cents is an attainable goal. 4/24/05 12:25 a.m. assault knife/btade Daniel McLea Hall report incomplete Then again, I can't reaUy 4/26/05 H5p.m. theft from a building North Village open sympathize, because for me, 4/29/05 12:52 a.m. drunk and disorderly conduct Rouzer Lot pending court money ain't a thing.
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