Page 119 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 119
APRIL 21, 2005 - Page 7 FEATURES Shipley makes Budapest Cafe feel like home care of me - and always with natural inclination to go BETH MCLANE a smile," noted Josh above and beyond - Smith FEATURES EDITOR McCardle, a nontraditional calls it "taking the extra step," Each morning in 'the Sophomore. - is what also makes her a Campus Corner, customers can "She's a pal," Professor superb employee. observe a curious phenom- Pat Reed mentioned. Reed, a Smith feels that Shipley enon. regular customer who pur- does an excellent job of in- It begins with a simple chases a coffee each morning forming customers about smile. As food service em- before class added that "it's new promotions in the coffee ployee Glenda Shipley serves pleasant - you can come in house - a task Shipley cited your drink, she displays a rare and you can just talk." as the most challenging part quality in the college's fast- Shipley stresses the im- of her job. "It's hard keeping paced world: genuine kind- portance of having great cus- up with the new things tomer service. "l like to keep they're offering," she ex- McDaniel's coffee shop everybody happy," she ex- plained .. has become a haven for weary plained. "Even if it's not a "The campus needed students and scholars, largely good day, you try not to show something like this," Shipley through the genial efforts of its it." explained, referring to the main employee, Glenda. A 48- It is her commitment to new Campus Corner. "The year old mother of one, Shipley treating customers well that students really like the reno- has worked in the Pub since keeps them coming back. vation." She feels they appre- 1990, though for personal rea- There are many regulars, ciate the quiet space, and of- sons took a few years off at a mostly staff, who return each ten notices students studying time. In2002 she returned, and morning to have refills of in the coffee shop. has settled into her place in the their favorite drinks. "I know Prior to the renovation Campus Corner. what they want when I see in August of 2003, the drab GLENDA SHIPLEY Born in North Carolina them," she added. space had wooden decor, and raised in Carroll County, Shipley is extremely complete with pew-like Shipley now resides in committed to her job, further booths and a fireplace. "It tough, Shipley remains her experience in working for the Westminster with her 16-year- reinforcing her unsung hero was not comfortable," Smith optimistic self. While learn- coffee shop was intially learn- old daughter, Kayla. Previous status. "There is a lot of over- said. He was given the go ing to use the milk steamer, ing all the new tasks associated to working as a food services time," she mentioned. "I ahead for the redecoration, "the milk got too hot and with the job. She enjoyed gain- employee, ~h!pley cleane1 don't leave until everything's and "within three weeks, it bubbled over everywhere." ing new know lege about the houses for a living. taken care of - Iwouldn't do was a coffee house." She laughed about the expe- products, and veiwed the expe- As a full time employee, that to [the customers and Now, the Campus Cor- rience at the time, and her rience as challenge. "It was Shipley works 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. other employees]. I don't ex- ner - complete with stylish customers sympathized. something new that I've never each weekday in the pub and pect them to leave me either." Pier 1 furniture - is a staple "When you make mistakes, done before," she said. Campus Corner. She prefers Shipley also works on of college life at McDaniel for people laugh with you," she Shipley's passion for her her current job to cleaning catering big events at the many students. "I love the noted, making the coffee job and her customers leave a houses, and appreciates the school, and often devotes her new coffee shop," McCardle shop a positive work envi- lasting mark on each person she moments she spends with her weekends to food services if remarked. He has known ronment. meets. "She's just an all around patrons each day. help is needed. Shipley since she began Another challenge great person, and a great em- "Everybody's super "I just want to please working at the college, be- Shipley faced came in the be- ployee," Smith said. "We're nice," Shipley said, referring to people," she remarked. cause his father is a professor ginning, when the coffee very glad we have her." the students, professors, and "She's dependable, here. shop was newly opened. "It On any given morning, staff that make up her custom- friendly, and proficient," ex- Shipley's pleasant char- was really busy, and I was before classes begin and the ers. "I like seeing new students plained Cameron Smith, gen- acter has impacted McCardle nervous," Shipley noted. She world becomes a complicated every semester," she said. "I eral manager of Food Ser- and many other patrons dur- got through the tough time maze once again, there is one want to hear what their goals 'vices. "She's very good at ing the years she has worked with the help of her manager person each student, professor are." [her job]," at McDaniel, and she has no and her patient customers. and staff member can count on It is this extra effort that Her outgoing nature is plans to change positions. "I "Everybody's nice and cool for a bright smile, kind words, Shipley puts forth which makes part of the reason the Cam- already like it," she ex- and patient, so that was and an honest conversation. her a hero in some customer's pus Corner a welcoming plained. "I enjoy doing it." good, /I she added. Glenda Shipley is there to eyes. "Glenda takes excellent place for students. Shipley's Even when the job gets She noted that her best take care of everyone. Adam Scott, senior, Bill Druckenmiller, Brett Rough, junior, Laura Borchers, Ien Papaycik, junior, Kasey Ashcraft, , History and Political freshman, Exercise Science Business - sophomore, Business Sociology - sophomore, political Science - "Super strength; Administration - " I'd like to have X-ray science "To be a ventriloquist, so "Io be able to shoot lasers moving in and out of " I would be able to read vision so 1 could see "Omniscience, so I at parties people out of my eye like a school would be so people's minds and know whatever I wanted, wouldn't have to read wouldn't know where Cyclops. No one would much easier and Iwould what people truly whenever I wanted." or do any homework." the wacky comments dare mess with me." be one of the best thought about me." were coming from." football players of all time." If you could be blessed with one Compiled by superpower, what would it be and why? Todd Knepper
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