Page 114 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 114
APRIL 21, 2005 - Page 2 NEWS Wiesel: 'Sometimes there is no language' continued from page 1 including faculty,' students part of it," Wiesel said. the event was inescapable. education. Goldman's iriend- see and hear what nobody can and local residents gathered Wiesel thanked the col- "These are ideas and ship with Wiesel was instru- hear." two and one half hours later lege for giving him the op- feelings that will forever reso- mental in making the event Ryan was surprised that for the convocation cet- porhtnity to meet with fac- nate on this campus," said Dr. possible. Wiesel had returned that many emony. ulty members, have a discus- Emmanuel Goldman, Presl- "This is such an amazing times. President Coley and sion with the students, and dent and founder of the In- gift to the students that it's awe "I guess to make as much Chairman of the Board of for the honorary degree. terpreters' Forum Inc., an in- inspiring," Roth said. "Some- of an impact as he has on the Trustees James Melhorn Throughout the day, the residence group at McDaniel how, he found his way to the world, he needed to go to the awarded Wiesel an honorary and significance of our hill in Westminster." place where it all began," she doctorate in Humanities. said. "It was so special that at Senior Chava Roth, our tiny little college, in the who was a student represen- . middle of nowhere, we got to tative on the committee that spend an hour with a Nobel brought Wiesel to McDaniel Peace Prize laureate and ask and planned the day, read questions. " the invocation at the convo- The tone of the discussion cation ceremony, but had was not entirely somber as trouble finding the right some students took the oppor- words. tunity to ask lighter questions. "The process was far "What makes you more daunting and difficult . happy," sophomore Kim Spears than I imagined. It felt so asked. huge," she said. "It was so "Children are always the numbing and gut wrenching. focus of my activities. They I tried to set an inspirational smile at me and that makes me tone." happy," Wiesel replied. "When In his address, "An I read a good book, you'd think Interpreter's Life," Wiesel fo- I'd become jealous, but I be- cused on the importance of come happy." interpreting history and how After the enlightening critical it is for young people discussion, students dispersed, to become part of the world empowered by Wiesel's pres- around them. ence. "All of us cannot make A slightly smaller crowd history, but all of us can be a Invocation [Hebrew text of Leviticus 19:16-181 "You shall not stand aside while your fellow's blood is shed. You shall not hate your brother in your heart, you shall guide your fellow with honesty. You shall not take reve~ge and you shall not bear a grudge against the members of your people; you shall/ove your fellow as yourself' (Leviticus 19:16-18). In a world filled with noise, let uS"llsten - to an impassioned plea, to silent .tears, to the voiceless dreams t.hat ~lanket this earth. Let us listen to these words from Night that have been read in so many languages: The stars were only sparks of the fire which devoured us. Should that !!re die out one day, there would be nothing left in the sky but dead stsrs, dead' eyes. " My fellow student~ and I come J:om a small campus, but each human sou~, each pa:'r ~f eyes, :s never small. Each of us struggles with the burden of the past, and WIth the potential of the future. Each of us can choose their own mIss/on, their own song for a new generation. Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook wrote: "There is one who sings the song of his own life, and in himself hefinds everything, his full spiritual satisfaction ... Then there is one who rises toward wider horizons, until he links himself with all existence, with all G-d's creatures, with all worlds, and he sings his song with all of them ... and then there is one who rises with all these songs in one ensemble, and they all join their voices. Together they sing their songs with beauty, each one lend.s vitality and life to the other .... The song of the self, the song of the people, the song of man, the song of the world all merge in him at all times, In every hour." I pray we realize that one voice - one person - can become the world. -Written and delivered by Chava Roth, April 18, 2005 The lighter side of the Campus Safety Blotter Avoid the scare - before you turn the key to start the car,check out the backseat Everyone knows the ur- ing event took place, and it as the girl. He was tracked avoid camping, and eat nothing ANDYWU ban legend about the man in was captured in the Campus down by Campus Safety and but salad in Glar. Word is they STAFF WRITER a girl's backseat with an axe. Blotter. A student entered her arrested by the Westminster get most of their meat from kid- Most students I've talked to car in the Whiteford parking police. No axe was found. napped babies. (Editor's note: Andy Wu's impulsively check their lot to find an unidentified •Following this initial Ithink it's clear.the home- commentary is a bi-weekly column backseats every time they en- man in her backseat. urban legend-ish crime, less are to blame. Next time you that highlights some of the inane ter their cars at night. If only. Luckily, the apparently maybe we should expect see a bum, feel free to kick him reports fo which Campus Safety On April 1,closing in on homeless man screamed and more. So don't go parking and tell him to stay away from officers have to respond.) midnight the most horrify- ran from the car just as fast with that special someone, you. Don't let him look you in the eye. Make a big scene so he CampusSafetublot ter I've put off another issue gets the point. for some time now. It can't be avoided anymore. Occurred from Date Subcategory Type Outdoors Building Name Incident Status Why do we insist on con- 4/1/05 1:29 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 No Rouzer Hall closed by report tinually screwing with the fire 4/1/05 10:38 a.m- alcohol open container Yes Blanche Ward Hall closed by report safety system? Stealing and dis- 4/1/05 11:51a.m. vandalism vehicle Yes Whiteford Lot report incomplete charging fire extinguishers. set- 4/2/05 1:42 p.m. alcohol possession under 21 Yes Whiteford Hall closed by report ting off fire alarms, it infuriates me. There were six instances 4/2/05 unknown tampering wI fire extingusiher Yes Historic Drive inactive just this week. 412/05 9:15p.m. tampering w / fire extinguslher No Blanche Ward Hall inactive As Someone who has 4/2/05 10:00 p.m. vandalism property No Rouzer Hall inactive stood outside in a towel for a 4/3/05 12:35 a.m. vandalism property No McDaniel Hall inactive half hour at 1 a.m., I think any- 4/3/05 12:44 a.m. disorderly conduct - failure to obey Yes McDaniel Hall closed by report one found tampering with fire 4/3/05 1:04 a.m. vandalism property No Blanche "Yard Hall inactive safety equipment should im- 4/3/05 1:17a.m. trespass No HarlowePool closed by report mediately be set on fire. 4/1/05 11:00 p.m. vandalism property Yes Blanche Ward Hall report complete 4/5/05 1:34 a.m. tampering w / smoke alarms No Rouzer Hall inactive They would be horribly 4/9/05 1169 p.m. malicious mischief Yes ANWHall report complete burned and scarred because the 4/9/05 9,40 p.m. vandalism structure No Blanche Ward Hall inactive fi~e extinguisher they set off 4/9/05 10,30 p.m. alcohol possession under 21 Yes Tennis Court Lot closed by report rnmutes earlier would be use- less. Too bad. It's probably just 4/12/05 W,49p.m. malicious mischief Yes ANWLot report incomplete those homeless again anyway. 4/15/05 1:43 a.m. tampering w / fire equipment smoke alarms No McDaniel Hall report complete 4/15/05 1:51 a.m. drug violation possession No McDaniel Hall report incomplete
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