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APRIL 21, 2005 - Page 4 NEWS Phi Alpha Mu letter challenges hazing allegations To The McDaiel Free Press false. This is the only year but contempt and the reaction upset, but we will not let our and staff writer Shelley Hom: that we have had this vast was that the article was com- longstanding traditions die, I would like to say, thank This letter is in response number of depledges and we pletely biased. You were in with the false accusations of you for raking the sorority and to the allegations in the are very upset about this. such a rush to get the campus 'only TWO girls. its' women through the mud McDaniel College newspaper But, just last fall, we had an in an uproar, that you printed No, we do not have an without getting the full facts and the questions you have entire pledge class of 6 the article without getting any underground pledge class, and our side of the story. Please sent to me in an email. women, so that completely statements from any member and no we will not go under- do not take anything Ihave said First of all, we stand by rebuttals your statement of our sorority. This is in fact, ground. We will remain to- out of context and please do not our statements that the allega- about '5 or 6 pledge classes'. unfair. Also, we are hurt by gether as women, but not a so- try and contact any of us again. tions you printed in the news- Furthermore, the deci- these allegations, because at rority in the school's eyes. You have done enough. You paper were false, as we have sion made by the board is not one point we truly wanted Also, I am fully aware of like to consider yourself a re- said from the start of these ri- public knowledge, so you these girls to be a part of some- a number of letters sent into porter, so report the facts. diculous accusations. Second have no right to know this in- thing so special to us. After the paper by various fraterni- Sincerely, of all, your statement that there formation .. the articles and the decision, ties and sororities on our be- Leslie Waller is consistency in the past 5 or 6 Our feelings after the Phi Alpha Mu, its members, half, so why haven't they been phe Mu Vice President of Phi Al- pledge classes is completely previous article were nothing and its alumni were hurt and published? Free Press Staff Greek life missing minorities Co-Editors-in-Chief Writers/Reporters continued from page 1 said Bryant. mind, the biggest problem is Katie Martin '06 Patrick Bonaduce '08 According to Amanda many students lack of exposure Pat O'Toole '07 Emily Compton centage makes it difficult to- Rose, current Assistant Direc- to African-American fraterni- tor of College Activities and get the number of members Chanan Delivuk necessary to sustain a fanner Greek Residence Life ties and sororities. Art Director [enni Evans multicultural Greek organiza- Coordinator, in 1999, 2000 and "We need to try to get more students informed about Liz Matthews '06 Lea Fiddick '07 tion at McDaniel. 2001, two men attempted to what these organizations do," Eric Fuller '08 "With such a limited begin an Iota Phi Theta (IPT) said Williams-Forson. News Editor James Gibbs pool of potential applicants, it chapter, another member of Bryant mentioned that Rob Goeke '07· Mike Habegger '08 is hard to get the numbers the "Divine Nine," at some students of color who had McDaniel. Both have gradu- needed" said Dean of Student . Taylor Hebden Affairs Phillip Sayre. "But ated. been interested in attending McDaniel during high school Features Editor Alyse Hollomon having one on campus would Sayre noted that the lost interest because of the lack Bayley Fannin '05 Shelly Hom be supportive of the minority men interested tried to follow of a Historically Black Greek population. No one wants to Suzane Lester be by themselves on a college the College's regulations for organization. bringing a Greek organization Commentary Editor Todd Knepper campus." to campus, as outlined on . "Having these organiza- Brian Patterson '05 Leon Mach '05 While in college, pages 53 through 55 in the stu- tions on campus is an excellent Geoff Peckham Johnson-Ross and Williams- dent handbook. But once their way to retain students of color as well as getting them to ma- Sports Editor Jacqueline Pundt '05 Forson were both members of two main members gradu- triculate to McDaniel," said Mike Habegger '08 . Kelly Rampmeyer DST, one of the four sororities ated, the fraternity disap- Bryant. "It is far past time to peared. and five fraternities that make Greg Sand ruck up the National Pan-Hellenic Like Felix, Malcolm and consider adding one of these Copy Editors Stacey Shaffer Council, or the "Divine Nine," Quashie, the two men became organizations to campus." Beyond Historically Black Jesse Feldman '07 Amalie Shaffer an affiliation of Historically members of IPT off campus; Greek organizations, some ef- Teri Hamer '07 Jill Stone Black Greek organizations. joining the fraternity's chap- forts have been made at other Since students could not . ter at Morgan State University Marissa King '08 Jon Teter '08 get a DST chapter started on in Baltimore. institutions to begin chapters of Michael Vyskocil '05 campus two years ago, three The men also became multicultural or Hispanic Page Design Beth Williams students, including graduates members of the IPT chapter at Greek organizations. But none at far occurred have so Lindsay Fairchild '08 AndyWu Naomi Felix and Kedesha Morgan State University in McDaniel. Beth,Mclane '07 Malcolm and senior Arnelle Baltimore. "As far as I know, no ei- But IPT is the most re- Alyse Hollomon '08 Ad Manager Quashie, rushed DST off cam- cent addition to the National forts have been made to begin pus as part of the sororityJ~ Emily Funk '07 regional initiative. Pan-Hellenic Council. Ac- a Latino or multicultural Greek Photography According to Johnson- cording to, the organization on campus," said Rose. Sarah Black '07 Ad Representatives Ross, all three' attended the Council's official website, IPT According to Bryant, only Indira Gonzales '07 Rachel Bryant DST's annual regional confer- was not chartered until 1963, 24 Latino students attend Suzanne Lester Christine Beers ence in the past and went while the other eight mem- McDaniel. The numbers are not the pledge process bers were chartered between through Jonathan Schultz '08 there. 1906 and 1922. great enough at the point. Potential still exists for they "The fraternity The McDaniel FreePress is published biweekly. The For Quashie, DST is a chose [IPT] was the one that one of the "Divine Nine" to opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those family tradition, as her sister has the least amount of his- come to campus, but bound- was a member of DST while of The McDaniel FreePress staff, the faculty, or the she attended college in New tory, so it was harder to get aries still need to be overcome. administratorsof McDanielCollege. "It is [Residence Life's] York. students motivated about general policy to support the "It's a good network to joining," said Sayre. founding of an organization The paper welcomes free-lance sent the have," said Quashie. Bryant echoed this sen- like this," said Sayre. "It is too freepress®mcdanie1edu. The editors reserve the right But a~graduation nears, timent. "IPT had the least bad efforts to begin a chapter to edit forclarity, length,and libel and to publish as Quashie feels a tinge of regret. amount of history so, natu- have. not been successful thus space permits. Please include a name and phone "Iwish Icould have seen rally, the interest was less," far. Ihope they can come onto number for verification. Names:will be withheld only it happen while I was here," she said. campus sometime in the near by the discretionof the Edilors-in-Gtief. said Quashie. "Getting black In Williams-Forsan's future." students, especially males, in- volved in something besides 17",McDaniel Free Press does not discriminate based sports would benefit every- on age, race, religion, gender sexual orientation, one." Have an opinion? national origin, condition of handicap, or marital The characteristics of status. historically black Greek orga- U you would like to s~ your nizations differ from social Mail to: fraternities and sororities at thoughts about issues that affect 17",McDaniel Free Press McDaniel. Students cannot McDaniel College students, send McDanielCollege,2CollegeHill pledge until"the beginning of Westminste~ MD 21157 their sophomore year and submissions to (410) 751-6600 their purpose is more service- freepress@mcdanieLedu. FAX: (410) 857-2729 oriented. E-Mail: "Having them here Submissions should include your would do nothing but en- hance. Mcl.ianiel's campus," name, email and/or phone number.
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