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..... creen TCffjJr SPORTS Vol. 3 No. 3 March 10, 2005, Page 12 Women's basketball repeats Conference .title, gives top team run for money in NCAA tourney MIKE HABEGGER ing 0-3 from 3-point range. SPORTS EDITOR Teaton shot 4-14 and grabbed game with full-court zone de- 12 boards. fense. McDaniel jumped out to Just two short weeks ago, "[If a team] has one a significant lead, and never the McDaniel College Women's player as a leading scorer, we looked back. Hopkins scored Basketball Team was trying to believe that playing total team 20 points on 8 field goals while figure out what seed they defense will help us succeed," McDaniel had 35 points on 13 would get in the conference said Head Coach Martin. field goals to lead at halftime. tournament, in the hopes that McDaniel wasted no Brooke Weimar made two they could have a home game time sticking it to Dickinson, 3-pointers to help the Terror and finish the season strong. leading 12-1 with 15:00 to go pull away. That home game was not in the first half. Dickinson did "I look to pass first," awarded until the opening not score a field goal during stated Weimar, "but the shots round of the NCAA tourna- thenrst eight minutes, and by came and r made them without ment, but to get that far, the halftime, the Terror led 33-21. thinking." Terror showed they have what "Our defensive pressure McDaniel pulled to the it takes to play on the road helps us get off to a good margin of 15 with 11:20to go in when the stakes are high. start," said Senior guard the second half. Brooke Weimar The McDaniel College Brooke Weimar. "It always added 2 3-point baskets, one Women's Basketball Team won turns into points offensively. coming in the second half. the Centennial Conference Earlier in the season, we didn't Hopkins pulled to within 7 of Championship last Sunday for come out so strong in the first McDaniel with 1:47 to go in the the second straight year, defeat- half, but OUf aggressiveness game, and statistically Ing lohns Hopkins 72-59 in Bal- will continue in to the outplayed McDaniel for the timore on Saturday and NCAAs." entire half. However, Hopkins Dickinson 70-54 in Carlisle on Dickinson kept within seniors. Ashley Felix and Sunday, earning a match-up striking distance in the first Ashanna Randall fouled out of with Frostburg in the first half by making foul shots. But the game, and watched their round of the NCAA Tourna- McDaniel kept the tempo up basketball careers end from the ment. and picked apart full-court sidelines as the "McDaniel 6th The Championship on man with crisp passing tb get Man," a.k.a. "The Terror Saturday featured a match-up open looks close to the basket. Senior forward Iacq Pundt takes her cut at the net follOWing the Te~or's Squad," chanted "ove~rated." with top-seeded Dickinson "The key [against Conference Championship victory over Dickinson on Feb. 27. . "It!s nice that" fans come The last time the two teams' Dickinson] was that they were stretched the lead to 14 with as two parents who got in- ou~ and support us," said met, McDaniel beat Dickinson overplaying us," said Martin. 9:00 to go in the game, and led volved with school officials Weunar. "Usually Itry to block 65-62 on December 7th. "So We were able to use back- by 20 with 6:30 left, much to who were monitoring the be- [the noise] out, but when the Dickinson boasted two players door cuts effectively. Passing the liking of the student sec- havior of the fans in an alter- game is almost over, I listen to on the first team all-conference: in basketball is all about de- tion. The team ended up win- cation concerning the strik- the crowd to pump me up." Ally Teaton and renowned ception. involving reads and ning going-away 70-54. Hopkins quite simply shooter Megan SheUey. The counter-reads." Although the "Terror ing of a pot with a wooden of Wasoverwhelmed from the be- spoon. The atmosphere Green Terror held Shelley to 11 The second half was all Squad" was rowdy, they did the €V'ening was electric, if ginning with the speed and ef- paints on 4-13 shooting, indud- McDaniel. The Green Terror- not cause as much commotion not radioactive. ficiency of the balanced attack Howard places 5th at wrestling points on 5-12 shooting with of the Terror. Kelly Cramp Scored 12 . "We stress team play," ex- 4 assists to lead McDaniel. plamed Martin. "We look for a Nationals, earns All-American label Heather Thompson also good game Where 5 or six play- ers can SCOredouble figures." scored 12 off the bench. Friday, but rebounded for a pion, Cody Koenig from the "We have good post Kelly Cramp led. SPORTS INFORMATION 6-} win over Wisconsin- players coming off the McDaniel with 14 points. FROM WEB REPORTS University of Wisc~nsin- bench," said freshman Robin Brooke Weimar had 11 and Lacrosse's Josh Chelf in the Stevens Point, 9-7. Howard Katy POwell added 10. ' , fifth place bout. face top-seeded Joe Gregg. "Anytime you can NORTHFIELD, MN _ Howard closes the sea- will take it inside, it's a plus, be- Cramp and junior for- Moon of Augsburg on Satur- McDaniel College's Tony son with a 14-3record, an AU- cause you can Score points." ward Kristy Costa were named to All-Centennial Howard finished in fifth place American label, and day morning in the semi-fi- , The night ended with Second Team. Conference in the 174-pound weight class McDaniel's best showing at rials Howard is McDaniel's the team celebratinp with the at the NCAA Division III Na- Nationals since the 1999 sea- first semi-finalist since trophy, cutting down the net, NCAA Tournament tional Wrestling Champion- son. and exchanging congratula_ Game, 2 March 2005. ships which wrapped up Satur- Andrey Brener made his way tory comments with friends, From the outset, day evening at St. Olaf College. NORTHFIELD, MN ---'- into the final four in 1999. family members, and oppos- Wednesday's game against Brener was the only semifi- Howard was ousted from Unseeded 174-pounder ing players. Frostburg State in the first the championship bracket by Tony Howard knocked off nalist in school history. suf- Saturday'S win in the round of the NCAAs was a Drew Reinecker the reigning national champion the fourth and fifth seeded fered .a 9-4 setback in the semifinals came against a 21- close Contest. Frostburg fea- at 174, Joe Moon, of Augsburg wrestlers in his weight class opening' round falling to Pat 4, 16-2 Hopkin's squad fea- t~red star senior forward Tracy College. Moon defeated to become McDaniel's first Bennett of Brockport State. turing two all-conference Little, who came into the game Howard '-0 before going on to AU-American wrestler since players, Ashanna Randall aVeraging 19.2 ppg. This type win his second national cham- 197-pounder Chris McNally He rallied in the first round and Ashley Felix. McDaniel of superstar attack is very much of consolations, pinning Ben pionship in as many seasons. 'earned the rank in 2002. held Randall to 8 points different from the way the Howard fell in the conso- Howard earned an 8-7 McReady of Loras at 5:57 while shutting out Felix. McDaniel plays by spreading lation semifinals by a Score of victory over Johnson & Reineckers All-America "Felix was really quick the ball all-around. Needless to hopes were snuffed out in a 6-5 to Johnson & Wales' Tim Wales' Tim Ruberg before 4-2 loss in overtime to UW- and aggressive," said Gregg. s~y, t~e match-up was very in- tngumg. Ruberg, whom he had beaten dispatching the 2003 NCAA Stevens Point's Mike Hayes. "Brooke did a really great job 8-7 in his first round match on 174-pound National Cham- on her." [See Basketball continued Both teams began the on page 10J
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