Page 99 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 99
MARCH 10, 200:5 Page 11 SPORTS Despite loss of 7 seniors, baseball starts turning All-Conference play- said Keller. Wewentontosay AMALIE SHAFFER ers so everyone is going to that "keeping the starting STAFF WRITER have to carry the team con- nine healthy, and quickly al- cept," said Seibert. lowing our young pitchers to If there is one thing that Captain Chad Keller ex- provide us with quality in- Dave Seibert wants everyone to plains that the team's success nings," will bring success. know about the McDaniel base- will depend on how well they Seibert expects to be in ball team, it is that this season work together on the field. .the run for a playoff spot this is not a "rebuilding year, even He is very confident that the year if they can get some big though they have lost seven team can be successful this wins against Gettysburg Col- seniors from last season includ- year. lege and Johns Hopkins Uni- ing some who were All-Stars. "It will depend on how versity. The Terror beat "We don't have any re- cohesive we are as a team," Gettysburg once last year, 9- 5, but lost to them as well, 8- 4. The team also hopes to match up equally with JOMS Hopkins, whom they lost to twice last season, 9-2 and 8-1. With these big hopes, Seibert admits that there is not a lot of depth to the team this year, but he is hoping that everything will fall into place. His biggest concern are inju- ries that might be caused by a lack of available bench play- "The young guys are good; they just don't know that they are good." said Keller. Keller explained that he feels confident that the inex- perienced players will "step _ ' it up" and provide depth for the team. Seibert said that the Junior firstbasemanypitcher Jimmy Dahlgren most inexperienced part of nated hitter, as well as bring- of the standings to start the sea- the team will be the pitching ing a solid swing off the son because all teams are line up. Although there are bench as a pinch hitter. evenly matched. four senior pitchers, Tom Keller also explained Keller explained that he Marshal, Tyler Stewart, Matt that the opposing teams in wants to leave the McDaniel Cornelius and Scott Deitrich the Centennial Conference (who also plays second base), who are ranked preseason baseball program in better con- dition than when he came into they do not have a lot of fa- two through nine will be in miliarity with game situa- stiff competition, and that by it. The goals he has placed for tions. Along with all the other the end of the season, only a the team this year, he said, are "lofty," but he is confident they seniors, Keller uniquely de- few games will separate one can complete them. fined Thomas Szerlik as a ver- team from another. satile player who brings McDaniel figures to be in the "A 20 win season would Junior third baseman Kevin Salamone depth to the skill positions of middle of the pack after be- be very nice instead of fighting for the playoff spot." first base, catcher, and desig- ing placed in the lower half HIVTesting FREE TAX HELP Free & Confidential Testing FOR: Students and Other Low-to- In Smith House Moderate Income Taxpayers Spring, 2005 Schedule WHERE: McDaniel College-Lewis Hall Basement, IBM Lab (li2 hour appointments -by appointment only) Tuesday, March 1, 2005 2pm-4pm Tuesday, March 29, 2005 2pm-4pm WHEN: Tuesday Thursday Saturday 7-9pm 7-9pm 12-3pm Mar. 1 Mar. 3 Mar.S Tuesday, AprilS, 2005 2pm-4pm Mar.S Mar. 10 Mar.12 Tuesday, April 19,2005 2pm-4pm Mar. 22 Mar. 24 Mar. 26 Mar. 29 Mar. 31 Apr. 2 Tuesday, May 3, 2005 2pm-4pm "By appointment only, for an Call Student Health Services on x2243for a free, confidential appointment call Kyle Marotta at x appointment. Sponsored by Student Health Services in 3344 or 410-871-3344 from off- corijunction with the Carroll County Health Deparbnent. campus.
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