Page 44 - mcdanielfreepress2004
P. 44
APRIL 15, 2004 - Page 10 SPORTS KlMLQWRY of the top ten individual av- SPORTS WRITER erages in the conference .. As a group, they lead team av- erages by more than forty With the season in full swing, the Women's Golf Team strokes. Cramp has ruled the has a commanding presence links for McDaniel for the Team Averages in the CC over the fairways. (as of April 2, 2004) The team currently holds past three years. Her swing first place in the Centennial Con- is as poised as that of golf- ference, and has its eyes on a ing legend Annika 1. McDaniel 355.2 Sorenstam. third consecutive conference 2. Dickinson 398.5 title. "We're trying to work 3. Gettysburg 424.5 The Terror has been suc- harder to get our scoring av- 4. F&M 427.0 cessful at both matches this year. erage down to do better in The team enjoyed slightly the higher caliber tourna- ments," said Cramp, a mem- warmer climates when they trav- ber of the All-Tournament eled south to jekyll Island, Geor- team at Jekyll Island. gia, for Spring Break. They re- The experience and tal- turned to campus finishing ent of the junior duo has es- eighth out of sixteen total teams. tablished the foundation for At the Kutztown Invita- tional, the Terror tied for second the four-year old program. ,and "[Cramp with Lehigh University, a team Pumphrey} are leaders on that usually beats the Terror with Women's ease. and off . the course ... the younger players really look Most recently however, the 1. Gettysburg 5-0 10-1 Terror team finished an unex- up to them," said Diehl. 2. McDaniel 4-0 8-1 Diehl will rely on them pected ninth out of nine teams. in years to come to continue 3. Washington 3-2 6-4 This would be considered Junior co-captain Kelly Cramp prepares to take a putt. Cramp is currently 4. Swarthmore 2-2 7-3 the number one play in the Centennial Conference based on average score the success a horrible performance, if it were team. of the young 5. Ursinus 2-2 4-3 not for the fact that they were de- "If we play our best, we number one and number four, As for now, the Green 6. Dickinson 1-2 4-4 feated by eight Division I pro- should win [the conference respectively in conference Terror golfing gurus have 7.F&M 1-2 3-5 grams, to golfers that were get- tournament] hands down," standings. one more match to prepare 8. Haverford 1-3 3-5 ting paid to play the game. said Diehl. The Green Terror is for; the Centennial Confer- 9. Muhlenberg 1-4 3-6 Head Coach Michael Junior co-captains Kelly dominating the Centennial 10. Bryn Mawr 0-3 7-3 Diehl is proud of his team's Cramp and Garnett Conference. In fact, members ence Tournament, to be held constant improvement. Pumphrey lead the team as of ~e Terror squad claim four April 24 in Ocean City, MD. TO LEARN GET READY Track outstanding at Messiah Self-defense and Sophomore Kristy Woodward conspired .-ual assault prevellflo) COURTESY OF SPORTS Costa turned in second place with Stuart Johnson, Scott INFORMATION performances in the long Koleszar, and Cody Durbin jump (4.50),discus ~ith a sea- to take the 4x400 relay with a sonal best mark of 119'2",and mark of 3:29.88. lidl II~l! Christine Johnson led the javelin. Sabrina Putro fin- Broderick Maybank led women's team to a second place ished in second in the shot the field effort winning the finish in the six team field at put (34'6.75"),and third in the triple jump by covering Messiah College on Wednesday discus with a throw of 43'11.5" He took second in by taking victories in the 400 106'0-.5" Beth Rudolph the 100 meter dash (11.09), hurdles (1:10.6S) and the triple contrbuted a third place fin- and the high jump (5'10"). jump (3S'10.2S"). Her triple ish in the javelin with a hurl Josh Murray recorded a trio jump is the best mark in the of 91'9" of second place the Centennial Conference this The men were led to a throws registering a 38'6" ef- spring. third place finish in the six fort in the shot put, a 124'9.5" Johnson also added a sec- team field by Calvin hurl in the discus, and then ond place finish in the 100 Woodward's personal best in threw the hammer Su'even. meter hurdles (16.49), tied for the 400 meter dash. The se- Joe Palkovic finished second second in the high jump, and nior took first with a time of in the javelin throw (140'7"), took fourth in the long-jump. 51.94 seconds. Prior to that while Stuart Johnson and and April Brown won the 100 meter effort, Woodward added a Scott Koleszar allowed dash in 12.90 seconds, and fourth place finish in the 200 McDaniel to sweep the top placed second in the 200 dock- with a personal best-In the three spots in the 400 meter ing a 27.91. event, clocking in at 23.2S. dash. 233 East Main Street. Westminster, MD t.. lite fare organic organic. organic • • coffee pas rres espresso tea Awesome Live Music! Mondays from 8:0O-10:00PM, Fridays and Saturdays from 8:30-10:30PM, & Sundays from 10:30AM-1:00PM • Handpainted Chen, Checl~er, Bacbgammon, & Mancara Tables • • Wireless Computer Access •
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