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NEWS MAY 6, 2004 - Page 3 George C. Marshall Award RO'FC Veterans of Foreign Wars Award Cadet Christopher J. Smith Cadet Toby A. Mcintire American Veterans of World War II Award Distinguished Military Graduates Cadet Ryan M. Coleman Cadet William W. Baines, Cadet Mark D. Denis, Cadet National Sojourners Award Toby A. Mclnttre. Cadet Nicole Prush. Cadet Eliza B.Wick Cadet Michelle L. Levesque The Department of the Anny Superior Cadet Award Sons of the American Revolution Award Cadet William W. Baines, Cadet Jacob J. Michael, Cadet 84th Cadet Matthew S. Lufkin and Cadet Adam R. Alexander John P. Rodriguez, and Cadet Michael A. Towles United Services Automobile Association Spirit Award Professor of Military Science Medal Cadet Christianna D. Bagby Cadet Joseph M. Morningstar Annual Military Order of the World Wars Award Chief Instructor's Award Cadet Constance N. Bogan, Cadet Nathan D. Piereman, Cadet Mary J. Thurber and Cadet Jason M. Plunkett National Defense Industrial Association Award The Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United Cadet Mark D. Denis President's States Maryland Commandery Association of the United States Anny Award Cadet Timothy M. Clare and Cadet John-Paul C. Snook Cadet Jacob J. Michael Daughters of the American Revolution Award Association of the United States Army Military History Review Cadet \l\(illiam W. Baines and Cadet Peter T. Christake Award Award Cadet Ryan A. Newnan Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America Cadet Daniel C. Turner and Cadet Megan E. Ieeves Reserve Officer's Association Award Society of the War of 1812 Award Cadet Thomas C. Kalar, Cadet Jesse R. Ringgold, Cadet Cadet Steven J. jennings Honey Wirth, and Cadet Daughters of the American Colonists Award Peter L. Wakefield Cadet Amy N. Grose American Legion Awards Military-Order of the Purple Heart Leadership Medal Cadet Nicole Prush, Cadet Christopher W. Richelderfer, Award Cadet Lawrence H. Stewart, Cadet Ross V. Montfort, and Cadet Andrew C. Mitchell and Cadet Jonathon B.McKee Cadet James M. Dell Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry The Retired Officer's Association Award Award Cadet Julian A. Ravilious Cadet Jacob J. Michael and Cadet Christopher W. Richelderfer Case brings humor and perseverance to Mcfraniel duties Case continued from page L achievements. tune-up, and did successfully "what a stud." American College of Sports education. "When they do they Despite minimal adminis- complete our first 50 miler," "The legacy that Sam Medicine Conference in should think of Sam Case, not trative experience, Case ap- said Alspach. "From then on leaves is his ability to help Nashville, Tenn., the two oc- because he made sure that they proached the job of provost and we continued to do this race people take things' that are cupied their time by compos- were in every classroom, but dean of the faculty like he dives - some think we were in- really challenging and break ing country music. Their hit because he is a walkirig ex- into Hungarian goulash and sane." it into pieces," said Hughes. song? "Goddess of the inter- ample of the First Principles- hot fudge sundaes - with gusto. Of course, running 50 "He helps make the hard state." what they mean and what they "It's not a nine-to-five miles doesn't seem nearly as work manageable." "Life's pretty dull with- can produce." job," said Case, who sometimes insane as running 100 Suzanne Seibert, senior out a sense of humor," said Ann Thomas, executive makes administrative decisions miles ... in Alaska ... in Febru- lecturer in the English depart- Carpenter. "But what really secretary in the academic affairs at 5 a.m. and hardly misses a ary. ment, most admires Case's separates Sam is that he is office, echoes Fennell's notion. campus event. "If you're count- Case, who specializes in "spirit and utter commitment really, really good at so many "Sam is organized and ing the hours, you're not going the physiology of the human to family and friends." different things. That just has an admirable work ethic," to do a good job ... Our students body in extreme environ- Seibert and her hus- kind of sums it up - he's a said Thomas. "He is very aware are involved, our faculty is in- ments, has conducted re- band, Dave, have been long- great guy to be around." of his position and has led by volved - -I want to be involved, search on the lditasport ath- time friends of the Cases. Ev- On the corner of Case's example." too." letes since 1995. He partici- ery Thursday morning, they 'desk lays a faded bluebook- After he retires, Case Case takes the connota- pated in the race as a runner meet for breakfast and after the first college essay he ever tion of "involvement" to a new in 1995, 1997 and 2000, and four years, the waitresses at wrote. "Apron Strings and plans to travel to the Galapagos Islands and hike through Ire- level by turning his own per- usually enlists the help of stu- Bullock's Airport Inn and College Ties," begins with the land with his wife. Excited by sonal hobbies into research dents, McDaniel professors, Bob Evans know the group's sentence, "College is a big being able to spend more time studies, through his hands-on or his wife, Susan, to help drink order: three coffees and transition in life for most with his two daughters and teaching style and with his un- with the research. a large coke. people." His English profes- grandchildren, he hopes to canny ability to encourage oth- Dr. Sherri Hughes, pro- The coke is for Case - sor crossed out the word "is" squeeze in some time for skiing ers to achieve their potential. fessor of psychology accom- and he usually gets a refill. and scribbled "involves" in and furniture making. The "Sam Case has always panied Case in 2000 as both Perhaps that initial shot of the margin. liked a challenge," said Dr. Sam a researcher and fellow run- caffeine every morning is Case has certainly been physiologist who worked with Olympic athletes in 1979 will Alspach, professor of biology what gives Case his bound- involved in a number of tran- not be entirely retiring from and "running buddy" of She recalls going with less energy that his col- sitions at McDaniel - from academia; Case plans to con- Case's. The two have partici- Case to buy a pair of running leagues admire so much. curriculum reform, to the tinue his physiology research in pated in various races - includ- shoes. He was wearing a shirt Dr. Rick Carpenter, pro- name change, to getting stu- Alaska and Antarctica. ing the J FK 50 mile run and the that read "Iditasport," and a fessor of exercise science and dents up 20 minutes earlier "We say we're a college Alaska Iditasport 100 mile race. clerk asked him about it. physical education who for Tuesday and Thursday that changes lives," said Case. "I thought that [the JFK When Case told the young coached track with Case for classes. "[McDaniel] certainly changed Run] was impossible. but we man that he was running the many years, appreciates "Students should read my life." began training hard, did a race for the third time, the Case's joking nature. [the First Principles]," said marathon before hand as a astonished clerk replied While driving to the Dr. Skip Fennell, professor of
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