Page 46 - mcdanielfreepress2004
P. 46
GreeR mrmr SPOR1S Vo!.1 No.4 APRIL 15, 2004, Page 12 It's not over 'til it's over for women'slacrosse But Bliss is not of the In the end, the players last until the closing minutes PAT O'TOOLE Smith (17 goals, 2 assists) and SPORTS EDITOR mentality that the players proved themselves to the full- of the game. The final score senior Sara 1110mas (14 goals, need to be rebuked when est possible extent. Just be- was 11-8 in favor of the Ter- 8 assists). times are tough. After all, no fore halftime, sophomore In her first year as head You can usually tell. good can come from yelling. Tara Smith and senior Christy Wednesday's game coach, Bliss is experiencing There's almost always some- "They don't need to be Morris scored a pair of quick demonstrated not only the higher level of success than most a thing about the aura of a team yelled at and they don't need goals for McDanieL team's ability to face adver- coaches are ever able to attain. that reveals when things aren't to be scolded. They know Those two points were sity, but also its rare quality But she is quick to suggest that going as planned. The players' what they need to do," she just the beginning of a 9-0 of playing as a team. The she isn't totally responsible for faces communicate frustration, said. McDaniel run, which would team's 11 total goals Were the expeditious accomplish- impatience, and disappoint- scored by 9 different ments. ment. The coaches are quick to McDaniel players, with "I definitely can't take all yell and try to point the finger Smith and junior Jillian the credit for [our success] ... I'm at anyone and everyone but Farrell registering two goals very lucky to have the group of themselves. each. girls that I do," she said. But the truly great teams "I think that something Blisswent on tosay that the stand out from the crowd. that's really important about team as a whole strives to make On Wednesday, the this team in particular is that women's lacrosse team faced a it is a team ... It's a total team practice fun. B~ause of this, the players are extremely happy 6-2 halftime deficit with 2:08 effort," Bliss said. with the group of girls they are left before halftime in their The team's proclivity to associated with. They have de- game with Centennial Confer- play together has carried it to ence opponent Franklin & an 8-1 record, 4-0 in the Cen- veloped a cohesiveness that all Marshall. tennial Conference. teams attempt to gain, but are Yet even in the face of rarely ever able to find. The to- Another solid aspect such perilous conditions, none contributing to the success is getherness off the field brings of the aforementioned prob- a defense that is ranked about teamwork on the field,and lems could be seen. The play- number 2 in the conference. now they are reaping the ben- ers were calm and focused; they At the head of that defense efits. "We'rejustplayingwithso didn't rush the game or try to is junior goalkeeper Lindsay much heart this year. r feel like force things' to happen too O'Steen, who is ranked num- quickly. ber 11 in the nation for save we're playing more for each other than individually," Smith Head coach Muffle Bliss percentage. stuck to her game plan, and cer- . On the offensive end, said. tainly never swayed from her junior Kristin Ramey leads The outlook on the rest of cool and confident disposition. the team with 17 goals and the season is very good, and with She had complete trust in the 13 assists on the year, while only 3 seniors graduating, next year should be just as amazing. fact that her players were pre- junior Kim Lowry has re- "The great thing about it is pared enough to get the job corded 13 goals and 10 as- that we're young ...This team and done. sists. this program have a lot ofpoten- "I definitely expect it of AstrongpartofMcDaniel'snumbertworankeddefense,seniordefenderNiki Also posting big num- Lepson attemptstoblocka throwagainstFranklin& Marshall them," Bliss said. bers so far this season are tial to continue to be strong," Bliss said. Terrorbaseball stays hot despite the cold weather Shotzberger and and 11-6. In the first half, eight. Deitrich closed out the JOE HORROCKS Rusty LaMotte Tyler Stewart dominated the SPORTS WRlTER game and picked up his second led the Terror in mound, picking up the vic- save of the season. the first game, tory and pitching a complete The Bullets bit back While in Florida the each belting game. though as they handed the Ter- McDaniel College baseball bombs, and Tyler Jimmy Dahlgren 'pro- ror their first conference loss, 8- team enjoyed warm weather Stewart came in vided the go ahead runs in 4. The Terror dug a hole that and success, going 6-1, but as the relief to the fourth inning on a two- was too big and couldn't climb since returning to Westminster pick up the vic- run single. The second game back out. Hammack was the the weather has grow.I"\ cold tory. of the double dip saw four star for the Terror, offensively and rainy. The team on the In the sec- more Terror dingers as going 3-4, but the team other hand has sizzled. The Ter- and game, the Deitrich, Shotzberger, Greg stranded seven runners. ror are 6-3 since coming home Terror scored six Hammack, and Justin McDaniel came right back from Florida and are 12-4, 6-2 more runs on the Bilohlavek all went with a win the following day on the season, good for a tie for long ball as yard. Dahlgren picked up the against Dickinson, 5-3. second in the Centennial Con- Shotzberger and victory throwing five strong Skoczlas threw his third com- ference standings with Franklin LaMotte each hit innings, allowing only three plete gameof the year allowing and Marshall just behind the solo homers. three runs; earning two and number one team in the nation, Kevin Salamone The Terror picked up striking out four to improve to Johns Hopkins. took a 0-1 offer- their fourth win at home, top- 4-0. Shotzberger led the offense McDaniel started its ping Gettysburg 9-5. going 3-4. The Terror has al- homecoming by taking a pair of }:~o~~~:; ~l!~~ SenioroutfielderChrisSeibertawaitsthepitchin Shotzberger and Dahlgren ready matched last year's total games, shortened by evening crushed it over thegameagainstDickinsononFriday. once again led the offense, record of 15 homeruns. darkness, from. the Shareman of the left field fence for a grand The Terror then trav- each hitting home runs. For his efforts, Washington College. The Terror slam. Mitch Hoffman picked eled to Haverford to tangle David "Moose" Skoczlas Shatz berger was named the won the first game 17-7 in seven up the victory, while Scott with the Fords in a double- picked up the win throwing Centennial Conference's Player innings and the second ga~e Deitrich picked up the save header. McDaniel swept the seven strong, allowing four of the Week for of April 5th. 12-10 in eight. Seniors Ryan for McDanieL series topping the Fords 5-3 earned runs and striking out
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