Page 48 - mcdanielfreepress2004
P. 48
MAY 6, 2004 - Page 2 NEWS Preachers' effort to Graduate student David Stysley come back falters to run for Carroll school board quired. The Preachers must KATRINA CULLEY also submit a new member STAFF WRlTER program along with a state- MELISSAGALLO natures to put Murphy on the ment about hazing. A mem- COPY EDITOR ballot, the County Board of, A twelfth organization bership list and a letter to the Elections did not include him may join the seven fraternities Inter-Greek council are One of McDaniel's on it. The Board attested that and four sororities that make needed as well. own will be on the ballot some of the signatories were up the McDaniel Greek com- The fraternity began come election day next inactive voters and, therefore, munity next school year. submitting application mate- . November. the petition lacked adequate The local fraternity Delta rials at the beginning of this Graduate student support. In a much-celebrated Phi Alpha, known as the semester. However, Rose said David Stys!ey, currently Green Party victory; the Court Preachers, is petitioning for the that their application was re- working tOfards a ofAppeals ruled that the Party reinstatement of their charter in turned to them because they Master's Degree m Human was recognized as such and to order to become a recognized did not have a full-time fac- Resources, is hoping to nab require them to petition was fraternity at McDaniel COllege. ulty or staff member willing one of two empty spots on ciple educational functions in unconstitutional. In 1982, the Preachers had to act as advisor. the Carroll County School Carroll County. His goals, in A former Democrat, their charter revoked by the Rose added that the fra- Board. running for a seat, include Stysley was raised in a politi- COllegeon the grounds of haz- ternity can continue to sub- While he enjoyed working for better relations cally aware, though inactive, ing during their pledge period, mit application materials, but working behind the scenes with both teacher and the family. He felt alienated by AI said Amanda Rose, assistant their request for reinstate- of other campaigns, teachers' union, and, he said Gore in his 2000 presidential director of college activities. ment of their charter will not Stysley, a 2001 graduate "battling unfunded man~ campaign, and went to the Rose said that the incident in- be considered until they have with a B.A. in political sci- dates imposed on local leftist Green Party after Ralph volved large quantities of alco- a qualified advisor. ence, never intended to run schools by the recent Nader propelled it into the hol, a "drop-off," and one stu- She added that since the for office. However, as he Thornton Commission [on limelight by running as its dent almost dying from hypo- petition was returned, there became more involved in Education Finance, Equity, presidential candidate in the thermia. has been no communication the Green Party, he said, "I and Excellence]." same campaign. from the organization. The realized that I wanted to Stysley first rose to According the Maryland "I think it's administration has sent sev- contribute more. I felt it prominence as a campaign Green Party Coordinating better to have a eral letters through campus was my duty as an Ameri- manager for Green Party Council, the Green Party sup- cen cltizen." George Murphy, Candidate mail to members of the' fra- group that is ternity, but there has been no Stysley, representing who ran unsucessfully for .ports" grassroots democracy, social justice, environmental part of the response. the Green party, is running Carroll County Commis- wisdom, and non-violence." against three other candi- Once all required pa- In the end, Stysley hopes Greek system, perwork is turned in, the In- dates: Cynthia L. Foley, sioner in 2002. That cam- to bring new ideas and new paign became well known rather than ter-Greek Council will dis- Thomas G. Hiltz, and Gary after the court case, David energy to the School Board. As having one just cuss and vote on whether the G. Weisharr. sees the .Stysley v. Carroll Country a product of a public school Stysley Board of Elections, et a1. Preachers should be a recog- out there." nized Greek organization. School Board as the body Although Stysley and education and the son of a teacher, he know-s the impor- -Dean Sayre Majority wins. that coordinates the prin- others collected enough sig- tance of quality schools. The Inter-Greek Coun- cil is made up of representa- "It was pretty serious haz- ternities and sororities on the Dean Sayre offers solution to lack tives from all traditional fra- ing," said Rose. The Preachers then be- McDaniel campus, and handles issues that concern came an unrecognized frater- the Greek organizations such of graduation tickets for seniors nity, operating "underground," with the ability to petition the as this. college for reinstatement after "There's a process they Blackboard continued eight years. need to go through. Right £rom page 1. The seniors who posted Seniors have discussed al- According to Philip Sayre, now it's in their hands. The their needs on the Blackboard ternattves that would solve the Dean of Student Affairs, earlier college isn't going to do any- do so. site were rewarded as the Situation, such as holding the this semester was the first time thing until they do," said In a memo sent to se- deadline for graduate stu- ceremony outside, or holding since the revocation that the Rose. niors on April 23 Sayre re- dents has passes. Extras be- two separate ceremonies (one group has expressed a serious Several attempts were ported that, "Since graduate came available and so far for undergraduates and an- interest in reinstatement. Sayre made to contact senior Erich students had to write in to get over 30 tickets have been dis- other for graduate students). also said that the Preachers rec- Bass, who is spearheading any tickets by an early dead- tributed to 13seniors. The site Neither one of these op- ognized that they weren't suc- the Preachers' campaign; line, in all likelihood extras is still open for posting. tions is viable for this year's cer- ceeding as an organization be- however, he was unavailable will be available for seniors Even with this new in- emony, and previous attempts cause of not being in the over- for comment. who requested them on the flux of tickets, space at gradu- to move the ceremony outside all Greek system. Blackboard account." ation will still be tight. have failed. "1 certainly am interested in pursuing the reinstatement of the Preachers' charter. They just must understand that in Campus Satetu 010tter order to be part of the system, you have to follow the rules of the system," said Sayre. "I think it's better to have a group that is part of the Greek system, Occurred from Date Subcategory Type Building Name rather than having one just out 4/9/04HOAM Tampering w Fire Equip Extinguisher Blanche Ward Incident Status there." 4/10/046,00 AM Disorderly Conduct Drunken & Disorderly Blanche Ward Inactive Sayre attempted to spark 4/11/04 IUO PM LarcenyFrom Building Report Incomplete interest in the Preachers frater- 4/16/04153 AM Decency Offense Public Urination Decker Student Center Open Gardens Apartment] nityfrom 1990-1992, when they 4/18/04 E09 AM Decency Offense Public Urination Penn. Ave. House 147 Closed by PoC' were allowed to petition for re- 4/19/04 757 PM Larceny Pick pocket Englar Dining Hall Closed by PoC instatement; however only 4/18/fJ4 1250 AM Assault Hands/Feet Rouzer Hall Closed by Report mild interest was shown and no 4/21/04 954 PM Harassment Phone Off Campus Pending Court Outcome effort was made at those times. 4/24/044,00 PM Trespassing Quad Area Open The process to become a 4/24/04954 PM Trespassing Decker Student Center Pending Court Outcome recognized organization is not 4/25/0412m AM Decency Offense Public Urination Stadium Drive Closed by Report an easy one. According to Mitch 4/25/04 256 AM Disorderly Conduct Disturbing the Peace Blanche Ward Closed by PoC Alexander, Director of College 4/26/042,00 AM Tampering w IFire Equip Extinguisher Rouzer Hall Closed by Report Activities, an entrance letter to 4/29/0412,49 AM Disorderly Conduct Drunken & Disorderly Ward Memorial Arch Inactive the College Activities Office Report Complete and a constitution has been "There were an additional 6 Alcohol Related Cases, 4 Minor Vandalism Cases. submitted, however more is re- "Incidents "Closed by PoC" indicates proscription on conduct violations reported
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