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ROTC'S 84TH ANNUAL PRESIDENTS REVIEW Westminster, MD 'ij'DP, ..e VoL1 No.5 Tying the knot 60Seconds~ Several seniors decided to asks... 0 say "I Do" now that they are When studying • done. See story on page.22. for final exams, what is your favorite study break? See story on page 7. Case retires after 45 adventurous years HEATHER WEISSE In addition to his cur- 1959, the self-proclaimed CASE NEWS EDITOR rent position, Case has been "farm boy" from Three Blood Drive, page 18 an undergraduate student, Bridges,N.j. had no idea that Some may be surprised graduate student, coach, pro, he would spend most of his that Dr.Samuel Case, Provost fessor, researcher, friend, col- life at the college. After com- and Dean of the faculty,holds league and mentor. pleting a bachelor's degree in McDaniel's track record for And while he may be physical education and the fastest 440-yard dash. retiring at the end of this se- master's degree in education As a young track coach mester, the marathoner-at- at Western Maryland, Case during the 1970s, Case fin- heart has no plans of taking accepted a teaching position ished the distance in approxi- life at a slower pace. in the physical education de- mately 37 seconds - in his "He is 100 percent partment at his alma mater. 1974Honda Civic with a 250- Green and GoM," said Dr. He eamed his doctorate from A generous student opens up a pound shot-putter sitting in Alex Ober, department chair Ohio State University in hu- vein fora good cause the passenger seat. The track and professor of exercise sci- man physiology and exercise student helped keep the car ence and physical education. science while on a one-and- from sliding around the hair- "He has a. commitment to'this a-half year sabbaticalleave. Battle of the Bands, page pin turns. place, these people, what Although he has S It is with this sense of we're doing. He always has coached football, track, cross Fame and the Carroll County humor and adventure that the best interest of the college country, and lacrosse at the Sports Hall of Fame both hon- Case has approached all ob- at heart." college, Case is most noted ored him for his coaching stacles during his 45 years at for coaching wrestling. The the institution. National Wrestling Hall of [See Case continvet on page 3/ Seniors seek tickets BRIAN PATTERSON The site quickly flooded CO-EDlTOR-IN-CHIEF with pleas for tickets - more than 81 hit the site. The num- After weeks of angst ber of message posted offering ana frustration about being extra tickets? Zero. Protests allotted only six tickets to about the graduation format graduation, seniors got good and the lack of space were news last week: There are strong. more graduation tickets "I can't believe the COllege available. expects us to make due with six It didn't take long for tickets to one of the most im- seniors to let college admin- portant events in our lives, let istrators know that six tickets alone one of the most important wouldn't be enough for all events for some entire fami- their relatives who were com- lies," said senior and SGA ing to town. President Brian Martinenza. Dean of Student Affairs Sayre, who posted the Philip Sayre hoped to gather Blackboard site, continued to New synthetic turf will replace the concerns and address them encourage students to post natural grass at Scott S. Bair by creating a Blackboard site their needs on the site, even stadium. The change is one of the that would allow seniors to when it appeared pointless to many benefits of the Raven's . 'conununicate about sharing extended contract. Flying High at Spring Fling tickets for graduation. [See Blackboard continued 011 page 2/ Ungers bequest Hoover $3.5 million ASHLEYHOOVER that the college has ever re- college," said President Joan Hampshire, but .she never STAFF WRITER ceived~··The largest donation, Coley, implying that Mrs. forgot her alma mater. given in 1999, came in at a Unger made a good choice of Over the years, Unger Katherine Leidy Unger whopping $8 million. where to send her donation. has donated over $150,000 definitely had a place in her Tna letter to the college, After attending gradu- toward scholarships, but heart for her alma mater. A Unger had previously stated ate classes at both the Univer- without recognition. She 1932graduate with a degree in that the college had afforded sity of Maryland and Duke, even humbly turned down English and History, Unger her special opportunities Katherine Leidy Unger mar- the opportunity to have her grew up in the westminster during the Great Depression, ried W. Byers Unger, a gradu- name immortalized on a area and wanted to give back and that for this, she wanted ate of Western Maryland plaque on the COllegecam- to the school that had given her to demonstrate her apprecia- College's Class of 1920, in pus. Unger's niece Beth so much. Upon her death on tion by donating the money 1945.The two moved to New Myers, 62, told a reporter for February 25, she did just that- to the permanent library en- Hampshire, where W. Byers The Carroll Sun that her aunt by leaving the school's library dowment fund, which goes Unger, who had earned his would have been embar- $3.5 million. Unger was 93- toward the purchase of Ph.D. from Yale, taught Zo- rassed by all the attention that years-old. books. ology at Dartmouth. After her gift has received. The gift goes on record as "The library is the her husband pied in 1975, (See Gift COil till lied 011 page 4] the second-largest donation heart of the academic life of a Mrs. Unger stayed in New PHOTO COURTESY OF NEWS@MCDANIEl
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