Page 8 - mcdanielfreepress2004
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FEBRUA~Y 26,2004 - Page 8 COMMENTARY New look CHANGES FROM PAGE 1 mountain of work. A previously new dedication to accl/rnCl) by nonexistent copy desk hasfive copy all individuals involved with the editors proofreading stories, eight publication is possible and will layout editors creating pages, and hopefUlly be evident. a desk chief to oversee tile whole At the heart of all of process. these changes is the desire to re- An art director monitors port the news thoroughly and photos, art, and graphics assign- report it well. ments, as well as the design of the So, on behalf of my co- entire paper. editor Brian Patterson and the Free Useless Jan-Termclasses A vibrant advertising de- rest of the staff, l present thefirst partment features representatives issue of The McDaniel who are now busily selling ads with Press. Many thanks to every- newly designed rate sheets, hope- one who worked hard to make its fully to generate revenue for them publication possible. Special Belize.Italy, the Florida stay on campus for sports. the school is going to charge and more importantly for the news- thanks to senior jessica Watson Everglades, Greece, Central Whatever the reason, you for it anyway. paper. Additionally, the newspa- for designing logos Europe ... who between courses like Mah Some would argue that per will soon, once again, be offered Please know that feed- wouldn't Jongg, Mountain Biking some courses do further your by mail to parents and alumni. back is always welcome about want to through Carroll County: Back experiences. Havingjustcome With these modifications, a this and all following issues. spend roads and Trails, and a class back from Fishing and Diving Read and enjoy! their re- on Arabic Tambourine, the in Belize, Ican agree that some qui red choices are mind-boggling courses do indeed help stu- January Sure, a class on the an- dents gain life experiences. But Free Press Staff term in of cientgame ofMahJongg may not everyone can afford to you to new con- introduce one t he s e cepts and cultures, but what travel abroad for a Jan Term. Perhaps one could.partict- Co-Editors-in-Chief places? academic requirement does pate in an internship that could Katie Martin '06 Circulation Unfortunately, while that fill? Brian Patterson '05 Ashley Ramos some students spend this According to Registrar help place them in the job of their choice after graduation or Michael Vyskoctlue three-week term elsewhere, Jan Kiphart. no two-credit do an independent study. For News Editors Betel Zipale broadening their cultural ex- January Term course meets Exercise Science majors, there is Fru Nagy '04 periences, others are stuck on an academic requirement. Heather Weisse' '04 Writers campus taking classes that in Only EPE classes award a two-credit Personal Fitness Trainer Certification, but that Joe Adelizzi '07 noway fulfill major require- credit necessary for gradua- Features Editor Ken Bertkau '05 ments. tion, but in order to take an costs $399 and rarely does a stu- Laura Petersen '06' Tori Butler Jan Term trips are some- EPE class, you must be en- dent even pass. The options for January Jeff Cabiness what pricey (between 1,600 rolled in another Jan Term Commentary Editor Kiristina Cheek '07 and 2,400 dollars), and if course Simultaneously. Term classes here at McDaniel Rob Goeke '07 Katrina Culley"07 Mom and Dad aren't going to And, says Bursar Susan COllege are too limited. How- Bayley Fannin '05 pay your expenses to go on a Schmidt, "EPE courses are al- ever, the Jan Term program at Sports Editor Lindsay Graham '07 trip, you'll probably be ways billable ite'!ls." Mean- McDaniel could be more Pat O'Toole '07 Brad Groover '05 spending it in Westminster. ing, even though EPE courses worthwhile if classes taken dur- ing this time added toward aca- Joe Horrocks '04 Perhaps you don't have the are the only courses that Copy Desk Chief· Kim Lowry '05 means to travel for your Jan would help one work toward demic credit. Ashley Hoover '05 Lawann Nelson '06 Term, or maybe you have 'to graduation over Jan Term, ASHLEY HOOVER, Kelly Rampmeyer '07 COPY DESK CHElF Copy Editors Bryan Renbaun '06 Melissa Gallo '07 Robbie Saville '04 Jennifer Evens Deshawn McNeil '05 Advertising Manager Swapping talk about war Lauren Wilson '04 Iamey Ayers '04 Layout Editors Advertising Reps (Editor's Note: Ray His letter to the profes- is now back over there, hav- Katie Champion '04 Rachel Bryant '06 Stevens, a professor emeritus sor reads, in part: ing spent four months in Iraq Emily Funk '07 Rachel Clary '07 of English at McDaniel, "Beatrice, with the [4th Infantry Divi- Katie Lyons '04 Emily Funk '07 originally sent the following to "On Bush: Sorry, but I sion] trying to resolve continu- Beth McLane '07 Courtney Norris '07 afriend of his who is also a disagree. I see the 100,OOO-plus ing conflicts -c-and is now in Courtney Norris '07 Kelly Rampmeyer '07 college professor. It is titled' mass graves and am thankful Saudi Arabia, an officer with Erin Romanski '04 Dirk Sampselle '06 "From one English professor to someone in the world had two Bronze Stars from Desert Allison Smith '05 another English professor. ") courage enough to try to puta Storm and Iraqi Freedom in Art Director stop to carnage somewhere in the U.S. Army, who has not Liz Matthews '06 Ad Design "You might be interested the world .. forgotten September 11th and Erin Duffy '04 in an off-the-cuff response of "And a former president I who, like many young sol- Photography Jeff Goeller '05 one English professor (emeri- whom Hussein tried to assas- diers, fight there sacrificing to Sarah Black '07 tus) to another English profes- sinate; and a succeeding presi- try to avoid another 9/11 ... Sham Sun sor (a dear friend of 25 years) dent who did nothing mean- "And I listen to charla- who wrote to me, among other ingful to try to stop such tans on the campaign trail 77/(: McDaniel Free Press is published biweekly. The opinions things, about not voting for things, and who watched and comparing George Bush to expressed do not necessarily represent those of The McDaniel Free Press staff George W. Bush because of then abandoned Somalia to Hitler. God help us if people the faculty, or the acminisuarors of McDaniel College. Iraq. terrorism as thugs in do not see 9/11 as a warning. "Beatrice is a lovely per- Mogadishu dragged Ameri- Do we just sit and wait for an- The paper welcomes free-lance sent the son," the professor says of his can troops through the streets, other, or do we try to meet ter- The editors reserve the right to edit for clarity, length. and libel and to publish colleague, "but unfortunately as space perrrms. mutilating their bodies .. rorist adversaries where they a product of late 60's graduate "And I remember the are being bred by the tens of Please include a name and phone number for verification. Names school education and a devo- bombing in New York City in thousands? will be withheld only by the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. tee of NPR who lives in New 1993 when nothing meaning- "It tears at my soul to say York City. 1,on the other hand, ful was done - and Khobar such things, especially be- The McDaniel Free Press does not discriminate based on age. race, am one of the few troglodytish Towers, and the USS Cole, cause I have a son on the fir- religion, gender, sexual orientation. national origin, condition of handicap, or conservatives remaining in the and Bali, and a sodomite ing line." marital stans. Modern Language Association president who apparently (44 years and counting) and had a chance to get Osama This letter has been Mail to: was formerly the Southern 771£McDaniel Free Press bin Laden in the mid-'90s, but reprinted from The Washing~ McDaniel College. 2 College Hill Baptist president of the H.L. who was too preoccupied ton Times from the running Westminster,MD21157 Mencken Society," he contin- with interns to be bothered .. column Inside the Beltway by . (410)751-861Xl ues. "I write this not in need of "And I have a son who john McCaslin in januan) FAX: (410) 857-2729 another publication; but ifyou fought through Desert Storm 2004. It has been reprinted with' wish to twit a post-colonialist - where we did not finish the permission Ofboth McCaslin or two, you are welcome to it." the job we started, and who and The Washington Times.
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