Page 6 - Phoenix2003
P. 6
Wednesday. September 10, 2003 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff Patience Please... McDaniel student Editors-In-Chief Erin Romanski '04 expresses the need for more LeRoy McDuffie '05 News Editor patience at Hoover Library Katie Martin '06 Assistant News Editor It's the place you enter when you need a navigate your way online. The library staff and I apologize for these reserve for your English class. While you were on vacation, the Hoover Brian Patterson '05 inconveniences. It's the building you visit when you're staff also spent the summer familiarizing We are all working to correct these sys- not sure how you're going to write that pa- themselves with the operations of this new tem-based idiosyncrasies that interfere with Features Editor per on gene splicing. automation system. our ability to serve you as efficiently and ex- Laura Petersen '06 It's the quiet atmosphere you seek when Nowhere in the library was this more evi- peditiously as possible. trying to study for that upcoming account- dent than in the Circulation department. So, please be patient with us. ing exam. Commentary Editor Access Services librarian Jane Sharpe read We can't totally eliminate the inconve- I'm talking about Hoover Library. manuals, attended workshops, and conducted niences, but we can try to make them some- LeRoy McDuffie '05 This semester, some of you new stu- in-house experiments to prepare for daily what less painful for you. dents, and returning students, may have check-in and check-out procedures on the I'm reminded of the saying, ''The more Sports Editor noticed a few changes in the library. system. things change, the more they remain the Ryan Brod '06 Over the summer, Hoover, the Carroll Of course, nothing in life is ever 100% same." County Public Library and Carroll Commu- foolproof. While Hoover's automation system may nity College converted to a new, shared au- While Hoover's automation system is have changed, the library's mission to pro- Assistant Sports Editor tomation system (this supports all the tech- new, it does contain several idiosyncrasies. vide you with the information and materials Pat O'Toole '07 nical operations of these libraries). If you've used the library this past week, you need has not. Both Hoover's online catalog and library and have tried to check-out reserves or other So please be patient when standing in line Advertising Manager web page ( materials, you may have discovered that your waiting for a check-out, searching the cata- ture a brand-new look and feel to them. library barcode on your ID card is invalid, log or locating a psychology article online. Dirk Sampselle '06 It may take some time for you to get ac- and thus will not work in this new system. Library director Michele Reid is work- quainted with the functions of the catalog You may have had to wait for a few min- ing to improve the functioning capabilities Staff Writers or the arrangement of the web site, but utes as student workers completed a manual of this new system, and it will take some time Taryn Callahan '07 please be patient. "paper-and-pencil" check-out so that you still to make this system work for all of us. Tara DellaFranzia '03 If your searches are unsuccessful and could read that reserve reading for class. All that the library staff asks of you is Jason Edwards '05 you're ready to throw in the towel, see Ac- You may have even been alerted that a your continued patience with us. cess Services librarian Jane Sharpe or ref- "block" appears on your library account for Jamie Fallows '05 erence librarians Sally Jones and James Hill an overdue book you returned last spring. Bailey Fannin '05 (who, by the way, arrived at his new job here As a circulation assistant at Hoover, I Staci George '03 this summer). know that many students have experienced -Michael Vyskocil,statTwriter Robert Goeke '07 They will be most happy to help you such inconveniences this past week. Brad Groover '06 Beth McLane '07 Trials & Tribulations: The story of Joe Palkovic '06 Dirk Sampselle '06 Nate Starun '07 a Recent McDaniel Graduate Walter Zalis '05 Trials and tribulations. Well, that about qualified for, including administrative assis- The search was over and my journalism Photographer sums up the summer vacation of myself and tant, activities assistant, bank teller, teacher's career is beginning. Other people's e-mails Fruzsina Nagy '04 some of my closest friends, also McDaniel assistant, advertising sales representative, had become positive again a few days later. (I mean WMC, the name that has not stage manager, child care assistant, event The one who hated her original job found a changed inside my heart!) alums. planner, assistant to the publisher, and the list Adviser You see, a few months ago, we were all goes on. new one, one that she absolutely loved. As a Terry Dalton excited seniors clutching our diplomas close I remained confident in my abilities and goals, side note, she too walked in one day and got the job that same day. as we smiled for at least a million photos, while the e-mails and phone calls remained Another friend's Master program was on and talked about the first full-time job we positive. Sometime in mid-July, the tone hold for now, but with her new government would be starting soon or the graduate pro- changed from positive to negative, as I was job, she had found a way to fund her upcom- gram that would begin in the fall. not the only one receiving rejection letters ing studies. Many of us thought we had it all figured and other forms of bad news. For some of us, the trials and tribulations The Phoenix is published biweekly. Th out: Those who had found jobs were taking I started wondering if my diploma was opinions expressed do not necessarily represen a little vacation, drawing up budgets, and null and void and my transcript was a phony. have ended. For some, it is only the begin- ning. Ioffer the above insight as a concerned those of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or th preparing for their first week of work. Those Friends who were all set to start a presti- alumna, one who thought she had it all fig- administrators ofWMC. accepted into a graduate program with gious Masters program in the fall were find- ured out until trials and tribulations blocked The paper welcomes free-lance subrnissior promised funds were only a summer vaca- ing out that they no longer had the funding her path. on Macintosh disks in most word processor for tion away from the next few years of learn- that was once promised to them. Now, at the mats. The editors reserve the right to edit fo Seniors, the safety net of college will ing. eleventh hour, they were struggling to find a soon fade away, as you too cross the thresh- clarity, length, and ~be.l and to pub~ as ~~ Those who had not found a job yet, like new funding, or looking for a job that would permits. All submissions (excluding self-ad old of graduation. It will be tempting to myself, had faith in our abilities and knew pay for their schooling. dressed diskettes) become the property of 11 forego the job search until final exams have that opportunities would knock soon One friend wrote to sat that she absolutely Phoenix and cannot be returned. enough, and those who had not yet found a hated her job and could not take it anymore. ended, but trust me, it is never too early to Please include a name and phone numb: begin researching possible employers. Don't way to fund graduate school yet would find I was at my wit's end, hopelessly losing for verification. Names will be withheld only b the money soon enough. confidence in my writing abilities and think- be afraid to enlist those professors and advi- the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief At first, the e-mails were positive and ing that the Phoenix clips in my portfolio sors you trust dearly, for they were once in The PIwenix_ not discriminate basedo your spot. spoke of happy time: a week at the beach would be my last journalistic endeavors. age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation was relaxing and the first week at the new One day Idecided to check out what the If you have a contact at a place you national origin. condition of handicap, or marl job was exciting. Gettysburg Times had to offer in terms of job would like to work, drop them an e-mail or tal status. I had been putting together folders of re- vacancy. phone call-they may be more help than you anticipated. sumes, references, and writing samples to By the next day, I had my application Mail to: send in esponse to vacant reporting posi- package ready to go and I delivered in per- And of course, do not let pride get in the The Phoenix tions Ihad found on various Internet job list- son to the Human Resources Coordinator, way of asking for help. WMC, 2 College Hill ings and web sites. who interviewed me moments after Iarrived, Last but not least, no matter how orga- Westminster, MD 21157 I knew that breaking into the news busi- and set up a follow-up interview for the next nized you are or how early you start, there (410) 751-86lO ness may take longer than I would like, so I day, Friday August 15 at 10 a.m. By 2:00p.m., will always be trials and tribulations; they FAX, (410) 857-1:729 also applied for various positions that I felt I had a job as a general assignment reporter. are a natural part of the human condition! E-Mail, phoenix@wmdo,edu -Staci George is a 2003 alumna. . I
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