Page 7 - Phoenix2003
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FEATURES Wednesday, September 10,2003 - Page 7 RIM a Growing "My Buss's Daughter" College Trend Likely to be fired at ROB GOEKE them. It's cheaper than using the Staf!Wr;/tr the 80H Office phone," explained senior Sarah It can be heard while walking down the hallways, hanging out in Campbell. The growing use of in- SARAII BUCK pertaining to watching someone blind-date. Why is this considere ties into the general stant messages dorm rooms, and even sometimes increase in human inactivity since the StafJWrirer else's pel, trouble is bound to hap- while sleeping. dawn of the Electronic Age. On a scale of I to 10, this pen. funny? Why was this put in th The incessant 'bing' and 'ding' of a 2. As predicted, the owl flies movie? Hedoesn'tgettheowl,bu Instead of walking over 10 an- ovle is about Ever seen he comes back to his boss's hous other donn to socialize, many stu- 'Meet the Parents"? Well, "My out of the house after not flying for to discover Lisa is back from he dents find it easier to communicate oss's Daughter" is sadly predict- years, and after drinking marijuana party, and she helps him clean th using instant messenger as apposed ble, unlike "Meet the Parents," infested toilet water. Stansfield of house just in time for her father' to engaging in face-to-face dialogue. d it is not nearly as funny. Maybe course, is caught running around phone call from the airport, sayin Similar to Campbell, freshman t would have been funny if they the neighborhood chasing this he is ready for Stansfield to pic Patrick Linz attested to using instant ad starred Ben Stiller and some- damn owl. Ibet you're wondering him up. messenger frequently. ne who is Naf Tara Reid-some- how marijuana got into the toilet Ironically enough, Mr "I find myself using [AIM] more ne who is not partying all the time, in the first place. "Red," is Lisa often than the telephone," Linz con- Taylor'S brother, who is violating Taylor wrecks his "picture-perfect ho is worthy of being in a movie, dust-free, dirt-free house" by driv fessed. nd oh yea, someone who is actu- his family's restraining order (Why The use of instant messenger has By good at acting. Or maybe they does this part seem random to me?) ing Stansfield's car through it afte t" decreased the amount of direct hu- ust needed a whole different pro- and he is selling marijuana out of 0.1. flies into the car and starts at man contact on campus, but some his father's house to a "let's piss tacking him. The owl comes back students have not allowed the use of all over everything" guy who later but with the habit of drinking ou instant messenger to affect their in- In "My Boss's Daughter," gets buried alive in the backyard of toilets-weird. teraction with others. shton Kutcher stars as the love by Stansfield's friends. In the end, Stansfield an "I use AIM every day, but it truck young man, who is trying to Does any of this sound out Taylor get together and Taylor's fa hasn't affected how much I use the in the affections of his boss's of whack, or is it just me? I thought ther realizes that he needs to pa phone," stated sophomore Warren aughter. Lisa Taylor (Tara Reid). more attention to his daughter af Sims. Some students believe that us- om Stansfield (Kutcher) thinks this part was random and just out ter she admits to wishing she "wa ing AIM for short conversations is- e's going out to a party with Lisa, of place in this movie's plot. It's that stupid owl" when she was ideal. Longer conversations may ut instead is stuck house-sitting like the producer was trying so hard little girl. mstam messages being sent and re- to make this movie funny, that he ceived has flooded the McDaniel require a walk down the hall. or Lisa's father (his boss) who's forgot what the actual plot was If this movie does well, it will onl "You are on campus now and you Kutcher Ashton is th oing out of town and who is the be because College residence halls. can see the person you are talking to Itimate neat-freak in addition to about, and thus the movie turned object of affection for man The phenomenon of students us- is within walking distance," said out not being that funny. ing "AIM", better known as AOL In- freshman Theresa Hess. is disturbing affection for his pet While chasing that damn hormonal-crazy girls. This movi St~nt Messanger, to talk to people "AIM is useful for short conver- wi, 0.1. (yes like the pro football owl, Stansfield notices it go into an was definitely a money-waster i Within walking distance seems ab- sations, not long ones." layer). open window of a house, and so, addition to a waste of time. Iadvi Surd at first. To some it would seem In some very extreme cases, stu- In true comedic tradition, of course, he knocks on the door, you to go see "S.W.A.T." instead easier to simply stop in a friend's dents may instant message their next- ything and everything that could that movie is funny, full of action room or meet them personaUy in o wrong, does. Now, you know and is answered by a father who AND it stars Colin Farrell, alway door neighbor or even their very mistakes him for his daughter's Decker, but the numbers of campus roommate. This growing trend raises at in a movie, if there is anything a plus. tesidenu USing instant messenger in- questions: Is AIM slowly replacing stead of personal contact continues in-the-flesh discussion? In ten years what everyone is doing on the week- to grow. end. could students solely rely upon Even cell phones and landline However, AIM's benefits out- phones are growing obsolete. Many Internet discussion? this is only a weigh its pitfalls. McDaniel students In reality though, can keep in contact with friends off MCDaniel College students find that Using instant messenger instead of temporary activity for students away campus that live far away as well as maintain everyday contact with other messenger from home and instant making calls helps 10 cut down on use is not symbolic of the beginning McDaniel students without the use the cost of expensive phone bills. of the end of personal human of a phone. Instant messaging has "If I want to find out what is go- contacc.To many students, AIM's become a fundamental part of ing on, I never call people, I just 1M primary use is simply' finding out McDaniel's social scene. Lack of Soap Creates Controuersy Bubble BAILEY FANNIN Staff Writer Residence Life, responds to student an experiment and put soap and pa- College is supposed to be the concerns by giving the students per towels on all floors in ANW, most exciting and carefree years of Rouser, and Whiteford. The results other options. Our lives. So why are McDaniel She states "When the issue is were highly revealing. Students up in arms about soap? raised we encourage students to The residents of ANW and "It's unsanitary," states Semhar bring concerns to the Student Gov- Rouser both lost their privileges Yohannes, senior, "we have been emmentAssociation, we want them due to vandalism. raised to be conscious of hygiene, to use the SGA as a vehicle." Soap was found squirted on the but it seems to not be practiced The Building Services Depart- floor and mirrors, the dispensers here." ment, in particular, is not idly were stepped on and broken, and "The bathrooms are a breeding standing by while students com- the paper towels were stuffed down ground for germs and diseases." plain about this issue. the toilets. "Students want the soap be- Since 1992 Melvin Whelan, Towle comments on this inci- cause it is a basic hygienic need," Building Services Coordinator, has dent, "That experience is why the protests Lauren Lichy, sophomore. taken annual surveys concerning college at this time does not pro- "You go to the bathroom, the cost of providing soap and pa- vide soap or paper towels." you're going to want to wash your per towels in all the dorms. In reaction to these incidences hands." In 1992 this feat would have the privilege was taken away from Hood, Ursinus, Washington, and Residents Life encourages floors For the past eleven years new cost the college around $18,000 per the residents of Rouzer and ANW Muhlenberg. ' and apartments to work together to and old students have had concerns year. By the year 2000 that figure but there is still to this day soap The survey revealed that only provide soap for their own resi- about why there's no soap in the rose to $24,000 per year. provided to the students living on Muhlenberg provided soap to their dents. dorm bathrooms. Another factor that is holding any floor in Whiteford. residents. As for incoming freshmen, in In reaction to these concerns Whelan and other college officials In addition to the on-campus So McDaniel's policy is not un- the green guidance booklet distrib- student petitions have been distrib- back from putting soap in the survey Whelan also investigated like a lot of other colleges. uted to all incoming freshmen is a uted, surveys have been taken, tri- dorms is what the students would near by colleges. Are McDaniel students predes- list of what they should bring. als have been run, and yes articles do with the soap if they had it. Among the colleges involved tined to contract germs and dis- One of the items on that list is have been written. In 200 I Building Services ran were Allegheny, Dickinson, eases and suffer forever? soap. Elizabeth Towle, Director of Franklin Marshal, Gettysburg, No. There are other options.
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