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Wednesday. September 10, 2003 - Page 4 COMMENTARY The Truth Behind the Honor Code: Insult to Myths: the Real Life of an injury. Here are your rights English Major as a McDaniel Student BRAD GROOVER Student Handbook, a scary thought. Who Everyone's proud of belonging (0 some- limited by boundaries placed by those that StaffWrilu knows, maybe I have inadvertently breached thing larger than themselves, be it a service feel uncomfortable discussing these issues. I arrived to McDaniel one year ago like the "Honor Code." With this clause, how organization, a nation, a local government, An upper level English class will allow most students, eager to start, or, as in my could I be sure? a sorority or fraternity, or a fan of something educated minds to discuss penises, say the case, recommence a liberal arts education. What is more disturbing, once a student or someone in particular. i-word if done contextually, and eventually That is, of course, as defined by the First is alleged in violation of the Honor Code or Subcultures are always fascinating- ask a question: why does this literature make Principles of the College, to "think critically any academic violation, whether arbitrary or people like me try to reject labels such as me a better writer? about, respond creatively to, and form sen- outlined, he or she can look forward to an "hippie" or "pagan," for example, but are This was a question that caused me a sitive, intelligent decisions concerning the unreasonable uphill battle against proceed- inwardly embracing of them. It's comfort- great deal of anguish as a student. While I world and its future." ings purposely aimed at denying the acc~se.d ing to have a word with which I can identify loved literature, I felt that it wasn't helping You have to love that cliched-rhetoric a balanced hearing. III.B.l. in the DISCI- myself and relate to others that share that me to become a better writer. private institutions of higher learner have no plinary Hearing Procedures of the Student quality. shame in flouting, as is the case with Handbook states, "the faculty member ~e- Technically, regularly assigned papers While some might assume that r drop were improving my skills and increasing my McDaniel. As an example of this sort of sponsible for the course is expected to in- acid and practice magic in concordance with interest in the works, but creatively, I won- hypocrisy, I take issue with the "Honor vestigate thoroughly the alleged violation the above labels (two things that I do not do), dered how it benefited me. Code." prior to the hearing." I'm willing to accept the culturally nega- Only after college did r realize thatoth- Upon arriving here as a transfer student, The plaintiff in the case is granted inves- tive assumptions in order to have a basis for ers often were surprised or took offense at the administration required that I, as well as tigation rights, not an impartial third party social relationships with others, and self- my writing because I could openly discuss all students r assume, sign a statement af- (except "when the case requires it, the Dean definition. such issues. tinning, to the affect, that I was aware of of the Faculty" gathers an investigation team One such subculture that r proudly claim and would respect the aforementioned (1II.B.2.).) [Note: the handbook fails to Because the English major can digest as my favorite is that of English majors. At "Code." This was reasonable enough, as I specify what conditions would warrant a complex concepts, this naturally leads to the my new job, I note that others who have ma- self-analysis stage. have signed similar statements at other in- third party investigation.] . jored in English have similar pride, sarcasm, This hit me Sophomore year of college, stitutions, and, of course, I have no inten- Keep in mind, the Hand?ook s.pecl.fies slacker tendencies, and a truly deep under- during which I was taking an American Lit- tion of cheating, plagiarizing, or helping oth- no time restraints on the invesngauon- standing for literature. ers cheat. which, since the plaintiff is the one ga~er- erature course with Dr. Mangan. The pride of an English major is ironi- I saw myself in every tragic heroine of Soon after though, I sat through a stu- ing evidence, is essentially an unlimited time cally one of the most difficult to describe. the nineteenth century and embarked on a dent presentation/explanation of the "Honor period for the prosecutor to prepare h~s or To be part of this subculture, you have to period of self analysis and female empow- Code" and its importance on this campus. her case. Inevitably, the question aoses, have a deep understanding for literature that erment. And shortly after that, I discovered that the "how much time is the defendant allotted to makes other peoples' heads spin-James "Honor Pledge" is pasted to every classroom prepare his or her case?" Without that. I don't feel as if I could have Joyce's Ulysses being the classic example. ever landed a job in a field managed almost wall on campus. Section I. of the Procedural Due Process A true English major will know how to entirely by men or discovered my future area I couldn't help but reminisce of my days clause of the Student Handbook states, "The devour this. absorb the meaning of the text, of academic concentration. in high school, standing up every morning, student [defendant] will be informed, in and spit it out like stomach sitting alcohol a little blase' and fully dispassionate, pledg- writing, of the allegations with sufficient older than the author himself. screwed If that means being the second most ing my allegiance for the two-thousand-one- particularity, and in sufficient time, to en- after Psychol- up class of student An English major has the right to have ogy majors, then so be it. I know more about hundred and fifty-third time to a colorful sure opportunity to prepare for the hear~ng. read it and still call it a piece of shit. myself. piece of cloth pasted on the wall, wholly Forty-eight hours is considered sufficient An English major is encouraged to be absent of the harsh repercussions that are time [sic]." This is the English major pride. Swift outspoken, whether in class or in paper form. inherent in the "Honor Code." I wondered Does anyone else realize that this is con- manipulation of language that allows one to An English major can discuss controversial curse like a sailor. if the administrators would expect me to temptible? The Administration gives an un- issues such as homosexuality, incest, radi- stand every morning to reaffirm my alle- specified amount of time for the prosecu- cal feminism, Nazism and rape. most English majors are probably some of the giance to the "Code." tion to prepare a case and then has the au- sailor-mouthed alcohol-oriented, Sooner or later, the English major will people r know (after the Music, Theater and Well, I was wrong; though, one year older dacity to define "sufficient" as forty-eight take it outside of the classroom. and a Peer Mentor, I did have to stand be- hours with regards to preparing an adequate The English major will isolate her or fore a large group of impressionable fresh- defense. himself by doing so, and will most likely feel Continued on Page 5 men and recite the "Honor Pledge" along I can say, without much fear of b~in~ side my fellow Peer Mentors, dressed alike wrong, that even a well-educated and trrune. and all. attorney with a staff of experienced associ- Today I dressed myself, and I'm here to ates could not be reasonably expected to Interested in say that there are plenty of reasonable people prepare an adequate defense in a matter of from the herd. r am one; I hate who wander let alone two days. two weeks, r find it un- and all its implications. the "Honor Code" conscionable that McDaniel would expect to be able to suffi- student writing ing or passing off another's work for cheat- an undergraduate a case in forty-eight hours. To be sure, I have no respect ciently prepare as your this as nothing I do have the utmost respect own. Though, of justice, ideals, and protec- I characterize of our Country's great more notions than ~ mockery 0 for the notions Join tions that this great Country's Constitution I justice. during the Jim Crow era In the 1930's, citizens. Granted, to those accused ensures will be the first to admit that, initially, my of segregation, the United States supre~: objection to the "Honor Code" was a bout Court in regards to the state of Alabama of the "Scottsboro prose~ution Boys," estab- of self-righteousness; it simply bothered me, lished that a defendant "stripped of his right perhaps for all the wrong reasons. That was, to have sufficient time to advise with coun- "Honor however, until I read the College's previous journalism Code" policies, a dizzying display of unjust sel and prepare his defense" was a violation of of our civilized Constitutional standards kangaroo-court proceedings. an abhorrent The Honor System: Examples of Honor equality and decency. It's Administrato~~ that McDaniel's thought • experience System Infractions Infractions range from the would not act differently than Alabama di gives an incomplete list of infractions. in the thirties. blatant (i.e. LA.4. "Leaving the testing area In another instance of the to obtain answers.") to the vague (i.e. I.C.2. administration'S undermining of the basic '" Yet. the list given in the Student Handbook features of justice, addresses impartiality, them- a paper in another's " ...leaving plain view."). V.A. of the Honor ~nd ••• Board, Conduct "is not meant to be all-inclusive." of the Board will disqualify "Members McDaniel's In other words, tion reserves the right to arbitrarily administra_ selves in a particular case if they are una~le enforce sanctions on behaviors not proscribed in the to maintain impartiality." The college falls Continued on Page 5