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Wednesda» September 10, 2003 A New Semester Brings New faces to the Hill New Coffee First-year students get accIamated to McDaniel through orientation programs House stirs JASON EOWARDS Staff Writer Fall semester classes are under- buzz on way at McDaniel, but only after a four day orientation program for all campus new first-year, transfer. and com- muter students. 41 Peer Mentors, under the guidance of the Peer LAURA PETERSEN Mentor Advisory Board and Dean Features Editor Barb Homeff, assisted students with their transistion to McDaniel. McDaniel College students are Ask any first-year student his or literally waking up to the smell of her favorite part about Orientation, coffee nowadays. Located in the and chances are he or she will pub, a new coffee shop has both smile.. maybe even giggle. and re- surprised and delighted many spond Choices! Others may have students. a different answer, be it Mike Adorned with new carpet, fluffy Green's "Happy Hour," free time, red and tan chairs and delicate or another Orientation program. tables, the coffee shop smells of But, ask the parent of a fresh- man his or her favorite pan, and un- "Seattle's Best" brand coffee. doubtedly the reply would be Compared to the old condition of something like this: "I loved (he the pub, the lighter atmosphere to the pub contrast shows a drastic sweaty young men and women in blue and green t-shirts who carried PHOTO COURTESY oe BARB HORNEFP. area that returning students had DEAN OF FIRST.YEAR STIJOENTS all seven of my daughter's 200- M('"mbers.of ROTC .arulthe Peer Mel"lrc>rprogram lille up to assist afamily ullioad their car oal!iide of Rouzer grown to expect. pound trunks spilling open with Hi/II during check m 21st. "I don't miss the dark, sticky clothes up four flights of stairs right seats and poor lighting at all,'' said into her steaming hot room in from volunteer groupsli the peer Senior Julia Keene describing the old condition might not be possible. McDaniel College: of the pub. "Yeah for Whiteford Hall. I didn't know the mentors and ROTC, New Student quality couches and excellent College does all that!" Orientation coffee! Now I can really start my While that may not have been Organizations within and beyond day (or night) right!" an actual response from a parent, the campus unified to ensure a The Name Change One Formally equipped with many remarked on the important smooth transition for everyone new wooden benches and tables with role of the Resident Assistants, Peer to McDaniel. Even the Year Later many carvings from years of Mentors, and members of ROTC Westminster United Methodist student abuse, the old pub area has who assisted with unloading cars Youth Group took part in Orienta- been completely renovated. during check-in. These students tion, volunteering its time by assist- BRIAN PATTERSON "I enjoy the clean feeling of the ensured a smooth beginning to ing with move-in and by sponsor- AssistantNewsEditor coffee house as opposed to the Freshmen Orientation 2003, and ing a watermelon picnic along Do you like going to McDaniel, with 455 first year students and 70 nasty feeling of the old seats," worked hard to make the entire see ORIENTATION continued or would you rather go to Western transfer students. Senior Jenn Parry commented. experience enjoyable. Maryland? The old name still reso- The school also had hoped that Not all students believe the on page 2 nates on this campus, and over a the name change would help to at- change in atmosphere is positive. year later it's relevant to ask is tract a higher quality pool of stu- Sophomore Allison Smith believes McDaniel College really better dents. The intent behind the change that the old pub had more than Western Maryland? was to find students who were personality than the new, modem When Western Maryland Col- looking for a small liberal arts col- coffee shop. lege officially became McDaniel lege; something the name Western see COFFEEHOUSE College on July 1,2002 school of- Maryland did not portray accord- OPENING continued on Page 2 ficials envisioned a more prosper- ing to Coley. It also didn't hurt to --- --- -- - fairs," Inside ous future and that the misconcep- move up in the alphabet. tions about this small liberal arts "We were very happy to be part college would be shed. According of the 'M's during college to President Dr. Joan Develin said Dean of Admissions Marty Coley, students were less likely to O'Connell. "We never got sent to apply because of the perception an auxiliary gym or other far out that the college was a state school location where students never rad Groover discusse and confusion over the location. found us." f\1cDaniel'sHonor Codeand rights "The [name change] process So far this has worked. A record ps a college student. couldn't be going any better," said number of students applied to the Coley. "We have a five year strate- college last year with an average gic plan and the college is going to GPA of 3.45, and an average SAT be stronger." of 1100. More applicants applied ~ob Goekeintroduces the increas This five-year strategic plan from private high schools and from 'ng trend of instant messaging to that is already in progress calls for greater distances like Seattle, Los orm room near you. a minor amount of growth in the Angeles, and Nashville, according student population. The ideal num- to O'Connell. ber would fall somewhere in be- see NAME CHANGE ~ate Starun open upfootball sea tween 1,750 and 1,900, and enroll- continued on Page 2 on with a positive outlookfor th ment increased for this semester all semester.