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Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - Page 2 NEWS COFFEE HOUSE construction of new academic facilities. ORIENTATION from Four Seasons Sports Complex. From 8:00 The pub area was to be renovated; the pm to 11 :00 pm, students participated in OPENING from page I SGA decided to put $6,000 into the page I sports like miniature golf, swimming, vol- furnishings. Martinenza believes this is leyball, basketball, indoor soccer and la- "I miss the old pub. Sitting in the back money well spent. Main Street during "Discover Downtown: A crosse, and rock climbing while others with friends late at night and working on "The coffee house is becoming very Walking Tour with Dean Horneff." mingled over snacks and music by homework or just hanging out is not the popular," he explained. "It has really come Orientation programs not only require the McDaniel's own, Honey Dewpont. "It was same," Smith explained. "I miss the into its own." dedication of volunteers, but interest from a chance for students to break away from closeness of the booths and the history that Rob Murray, food service's employee the new students as well. Each and every their mentor groups and meet more people," was carved into the tables." who can be found operating the coffee house event of Orientation weekend was highly said Dean Horneff. "J was surprised by how Senior Brian Martinenza is "100% frequently witnesses it's growing popularity. attended, something Dean Horneff attributes eager they were to do so." satisfied" with the new pub area. As SGA "I think that the success of this place is a to the devotion of the peer mentors. "I was Senior peer mentor Lyndsay Delp agreed president, Martinenza brought the coffee mix," Murray explained. "It is very popular really impressed by the peer mentoris energy with the value of "Choice and Challenge." house idea to Dean Sayre as well as the all for the students but the faculty and staff enjoy and dedication in encouraging new student "[At Four Seasons] there was a lot to do, college counsel at the conclusion of last year itaswell." participation," said Horneff. everyone seemed to be meeting new people, after discussing the idea with his former vice Senior Andrea Santoriello enjoys Those who participated in Orientation and overall it was a nice way for everyone president. Murray's work. seemed to realize its purpose. Each year, to sum up the events of the weekend; every- "The student government paid $6,000 for "He is someone who cares about [the many new students happen to meet some of one was smiling and having a great time. the decorating of the coffee house," coffee shop]," Santoriello explained. "He their best friends through Orientation events Even my mentees who hesitated going later Martinenzaexplained. "The college paid for wants to make people happy." and interaction within their first-year semi- admitted they were glad they went." the renovations, including removing the Along with the kindness of Murray, nar groups. Devin Keeny, a freshman, at- Orientation is designed to help new stu- fireplace." According to Santorirello described the coffee house as "a tests to the benefits of the first-year program. dents cope with the pressures they will in- Martinenza, it has been rumored that tuition more social atmosphere" as opposed to the "I met some of my good friends through Ori- evitably face. It strives to introduce new stu- fees were increased in order to pay for the old section that she believes "was not well entation, and the programs made me feel in- dents to the campus, help them deal with construction of the new coffee house. taken care of." volved and part of the McDaniel family right adjustment, and encourages them to pursue "The raise in tuition has nothing to do "This place radiates a pleasant from my first weekend on campus," said campus involvement while achieving a sense with coffee house," Martinenza clarified. atmosphere, the lights work now," Murray Keeny. of the McDaniel College community. But The "comprehensive fee" listed on fall concluded smiling. "It is a really, just nice One program that was especially well most of all, Orientation is about having fun, semester bills covers allocations for student place." received this year was Saturday night's which many new students will agree they "Choice and Challenge," a trip to the nearby had. Dining Services get updated KATE MARTIN News Editor Students entering Englar Dining Hall this These changes have already been noticed semester are greeted by some familar faces, by some students, including sophomore Toni but behind the scenes many changes have Stambaugh who commented, "I am im- taken place. pressed by the bigger variety of food this Responsible for overseeing projects such year." as the opening of the new Coffee House, the Smith hopes to get additional student updating of menu options, and the impur and comments, particularly through rejuvination of the Student Dining Commit- the Student Dining Committee. While this tee is the new director of dining services, committee is unknown to many students be- Cameron Smith. Other new members to the cause it dwindled so much in recent years, Dining Services Staff include executive chef Smith intends to increase student attendance Angelo Johnson and pub manager Rebecca and participiation this year. Albaugh. "We definitely like to get the stu- . Smith has already made some changes dents imput and opinions on what they see 10 Gler, including increasing vegetarian of- and what they like and don't like," Smith ferings, creating new sensations at the inter- commented. Any student with questions or A vrew QfMcDanj~f's new coffeehouse; home to an assortment of coffees, smoothies and national station, offering "real" grilled other jltH'ors. who is interested in getting involved can chicken on the salad bar and wrap station, contact Cameron Smith at ext. 2732 or at and adding new displays for fruit and bagels. NAME CHANGE from of mistaken "Free impressions, first lion in the 2002 fiscal year. Only 300 of As a result of the name change,the ad- page I McDaniel College can be recognized for its 18,000 alumni solicited said they would not ministration had todesign new diplomas for close-knit community, the personal attention donate to the college because of the name "The only negative is the occasional and leadership opportunities afforded to its change. the school. Through 2005 students have the a Western Mary- alumni-parent.; that expresses strong feel- students, and for professors whose first pri- Director of Alumni Relations Robin option of receiving either ority is teaching," said Muller. "This was the land or McDani~1 college diploma. Last ings, but that can be a positive when their Brenton thinks that some alumni just used spring the majority of the seniors requested main theme of our campaign." child comes here anyway," said O'Connell. the name change as an excuse not to donate, a Western Maryland diploma, according to However, many of these values were as- Another issue the administration has had and that many will come to accept the name registrar Jan Kiphart. On the surface this sociated with Western Maryland College, to deal with is establishing McDaniel Col- change. Many of the Alumni were initially shows support for the old moniker. However, and this caused the original emotional reac- lege name recognition. The college contin- upset for being excluded from the change students have the option of requesting a com- tion from many students and alumni accord- ues to use the popular Doonesbury literature process even though the board of trustees are memorative McDaniel diploma after they ing to Coley. in its recruitment marketing, and is also run- the ultimate decision-makers. graduate. Students just prefer to have both, ning a general advertising campaign. Dean of Student Affairs Philip Sayre also according to Sayre. The school developed a campaign that I may be wrong, but in agrees that the opposition to the name change Along with the goal of creating the targets the Washington D.C and Baltimore will steadily decline as time passes. Aside McDaniel College brand name, the school business communities through print ads and five years the name WMC from a few dissenters the administration gets decided to immortalize the name Western radio spots. The publications selected for this will be forgotten," said the sense that people are beginning to ac- Maryland College. Alumni Hall was re- campaign include zoned editions of the Wall cept the change. named Western Maryland College Alumni Street Journal, Baltimore Sun, Annapolis Sayre. "I may be wrong, but in five years the Hall to preserve this important part of the Capitol, and business journals in both Wash- name WMC will be forgotten," said Sayre. school's history. This decision was made in ington D.C. and Baltimore. Radio spots were Many current students are in fact becom- conjunction with alumni who felt it was most aired on public radio in both Washington and "We were prepared for the initial emo- ing accustomed to the change. Sophomore appropriate to give this name to Alumni Hall Baltimore, according to Joyce Muller, asso- tional reaction," said Coley. "This happened Rachael Bryant thought the name sounded according to Coley. ciate vice president of communications and with other schools that changed their name ... better when she first heard it. Overall the school is well on its way to marketing. eventually people will take a step back and "I didn't come here for the name," said achieving the initial goals of the name More specifically, the ads feature testi- understand it better." Bryant. "People wrote off the school before change. . Proof of support can be seen in the steady monials from President Coley, two students, because they thought it was a state school... '" don't have any doubt that [changing amount of contributions to the college's an- two faculty members, and a trustee. Each ad- Most people I know are indifferent about the the school's name] was the right decision," nual fund. The college completed its second vertisement focuses on the benefits of attend- change unless they had some prior connec- said Coley. "Most people will come to un- ing a private liberal arts college. best fundraiser year with a total of $8 mil- tion to the school." derstand and embrace the change."
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