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NEWS Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - Page 3 110/03: Air conditioner stored in alcohol in a dr y dorm. lubroom over the summer in CAMPUS SAFETY NEWS lanch Ward Hall was found to be 9/3103: 1O:46pm. Student docu- ussing in the first week of August. mented in Rouzer Hall for under- August 10 -September 4, 2003 age possession of alcohol and 115/03: 9:30pm, Two alarms possession of alcohol in a dry cunded at the New Lewis base- donn. em elevator pit. Three problems 8124/03: 12;03am, An alumnus BRIAN PATI'ERSON honesty, and unauthorized entry in ere found in the system. documented for dishonesty. use of Assistant News Editor Whiteford Hall. 9/4/03: I 2:22am, Students docu- instruments of identification with mented for underage possession 116/03: 8:40pm, Unknown the intent to defraud, intentional 8125103:8:50pm, Male student re- 8128/03: ยท12:23am. Student docu- of alcohol, possession of alcohol uspect(s) removed wamingpylon obstruction, harressment and in- ported that someone assaulted and mented for underage possesion of in a dry dorm, possession of hard rom the cross walk on W. Main St. timidation of a college employee, tried to rob him on golf course. The alcohol, possesion of alcohol in a alcohol, possesion of multi -liter verbal abuse, violation of published student was jogging alone at night. dry dorm, participating in drinking /16/03: 10:24pm, Dead crow rules governing College residence games, and a quiet hours violation conraine, and a quiets hours vio- Hall.Students lation in Whiteford ound outside Harrison House. halls, obscene conduct, and failure 8126/03: 1:16am, Student docu- in Rouzer Hall. also documented for fire code roperly disposed of after check- to comply with the directions of mented for public urination outside violation of more than seven ng with local authorities. residence hall staff. Rouzer Hall. The student was un- 8128/03: 8:00pm, Spoiler on the people in a double room. der Proscriptions of Conduct article rear of a VW Bug broken off on 117/03: 5:15pm, Student told 8124/03: 12:15am, Underage pos- #14 for lewd, indecent, or odscene Historic Drive. 9/4103: 12:40am, Students docu- nes dispatcher that he was an RA session of alcohol and failure to conduct or expression on College- mented for underage possession o get a free parking pass. The stu- coply with a college official docu- owned or controlled property. 8/31/03: 12:50am,Stlidentcitedfor of alcohol, possession of alcohol enr was not an RA. mented in Blance Ward Hall. alcohol violation outside Garden in a dry dorm, possession of hard 8/26/03: 1:16am, Students in Apartments. alcohol, possesion of multi- liter 120/03, While inspecting fire ex- 8124103: 2:06am, Three non-stu- Rouzer Hall were found to be in container, and a quiets hours vio- inguishers in PA 185 with Fireline, dents, and one student documented possession of drug paraphernalia 8/31103: 12:58am, Student docu- lation in Whiteford Hall. One stu- extinguisher was found to be for underaged possession of alco- and were documented under mented for failure to comply to dent and two non-students were ischarged. It was reported, refilled hoi in Whiteford Hall. One juve- Proscription's of Conduct article #8 Proscriptions on Conduct #15, cited by city police for underage nd put back at this time. nile received a criminal alcohol ci- for the possession, use, sale, or dis- abusing, disrespecting. or harass- possession of alcohol. One stu- tation from Westminster City Po- tribution of controlled substances. ing College officials in proper per- dent was documented 122/03: 8:00pm, Table umbrella lice Department. formance of their duties. ticn of college property. for deSU1JC- roken and fencing detached from 8126/03: 2:05am, College vehicle ear golf cart yard. 8124/03: II :49pm, Small mulch was hit by a personally owned ve- 91l/03: 12:33am, Student given 9/4/03: 1:07am, Student dccu- fire as a result of lit cigarette being hicle that was backing up from the State citation for underage conduct, 123/03: 1:42am, Students docu- left in the flower garden just out- loading dock in Rouzer parking lot. possesion of alcohol in McDaniel mented for disorderly and underage public intoxication, ented for underage possession of side the doorway of Eaton Hall. Hall. of alcohol in the Icohol, possession of alcohol in a 8126/03: 4: 15am, Student's vehicle consumption Apartments parking Garden donn, possessing hard alcohol 8125/03: 12:15am, Cheese Salsa damaged by a falling tree branch 9/3/03: 12:02am, Student docu- n a multi-liter container, parucipat- was put on the door of a room in in Winslow Lot. mented for underage possesion of lot-The student received a crimi- ng in drinking games, and a noise ANW Hall and was found on the alcohol, possesion of alcohol in a nal alcohol citation from iolarion. floor in front of the door. 8/26/03: 10:39pm, Student docu- dry dorm, and a noise violation in Westminster City Police. mented for possession of hard al- Rouzer Hall. 124/03: 12:03am, DoCS re- 8125103: 1:27am, Westminster City cobol and possesion of a muin-l i- 9/4/03: 4:30am, Vandalism was ponded 10 Blanche Ward Hall in Police Dept. called Campus Safety ter container in North Village. 9/3/03: 12: 15am, Student docu- done 10 both second floor bath- rooms inANW and food products eference to noise complaint and to assn with student identification merited in Rouzer Hall for were smeared on a residents \cohol citations. in underage alcohol possession. 8/27/03: I:03am, Student docu- possesion of multi-liter containers, mented for unerage drinking, dis- underage possession and consump- tion of alchol. and possesion of ROTC Awards High Honors Student attacked on golfcourse BETH MCLANE ing Corps (originally of Western Staff Writer Maryland College) was established On Thursday, August 28, McDaniel in 1919 and was one of the first in BRIAN PATTERSON scribed as a "white col- College ROTC held an awards cer- the U.S. Sergeant 1st Class Clark Assistallt News Editor lege aged male of thin to emony for accomplishments made dur- explained that there is one active A student was attacked medium build who was ing the 2002-2003 school year. General in the U.S. army from on the evening of August wearing dark pants and The ceremony in the Quad also McDaniel college, three cadets in 26 while going for a run a long sleeve gray jer- recognized summer achievements in Iraq, and "one cadet getting ready to around the golf course at sey," according to many different fields. go." around 9 p.m. Webster's memo. Awards received at the ceremony Healso noted that ROTC teaches In a memo to the col- The investigation is include the Academic Achievement students. how to be good citizens, and lege community, Director still ongoing and accord- Ribbon Dean's List Merit Ribbon, aquaints them with the army. of Campus Safety Mike ing to campus safety of- Colorg~ard Ribbon, and Gold, Silver, This year also marks a change in Webster reported that the ficials there have been and Bronze Athlete Awards. the ROTC program at McDaniel with attacker "brandished no updates to the case. The Ranger Challenge Award rec- the addition of two new instructors, some sort of bladed The victim did not ognized cadets who placed 2nd in their Master Sergeant Jose Flores and Ltc. weapon" and then de- return phone calls re- division for Land Navigation in last James Kraft. manded money from the questing an interview for year's Ranger Challenge. The ROTC class is open to any student. this story, and Campus The Advanced Camp Graduate interested freshman. Freshman Cadet The attack was re- Safety was unable to re- Ribbon was given to 12 seniors who Jimmy Dell says he got involved with ported to Campus Safety lease any information completed 32 days of intense training ROTC because he's always been in- after the victim struggled due to confidentiality this summer. terested in the military, and he noted with the attacker and fled agreements. Battalion Commander Toby that he "liked how everyone formed the scene. Webster urged stu- McIntire stated, "I came out of there in unity." According to several dents in his memo to re- knowing I could do things ~any Freshman Cadet Ryan Newman sources who have spoken port any suspicious ac- people wouldn't get the opportunity to explained that he became interested with the alleged victim, tivity to Campus Safety, in the army because, "I've hada fam- as any- do." ing Mountain Warfare school in Vermont, and the student was able to which he defined She was "pretty flattered" about Cadet Thomas Kalar completingAirbome School ily history since the War of 1812." subdue his would be mug- thing that makes you feel being chosen as this semester's Cadet at Fort Bening, GA, from July 6-27. The awards ceremony concluded ger to the point of possi- uncomfortable. Battalion Commander, and she feels He explained thai "it was the best hands on by organizing the cadet corps into bly breaking the attackers He also advised stu that it is a big responsibility for her se- experience I've had." platoons. arm. dents to never resist an nior year. . Several awards for ROTC scholarships were Some activities for this fall in- The student also sus- attack because losing Other summer achievements m- also recognized Thursday. clude paintball, field training exer- tained minor injuries. money is never worth a eluded Cadet Jacob Michael complet- The McDaniel College Reserve Officer Train- cises, rappelling and a land naviga- The attacker was de- serious injury. tion leadership reaction course. L ~
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