Page 54 - Phoenix2003
P. 54
FEATURES Movie Madness!! When its too cold to be outside, here is what to watch while chillin' inside! Matrix Reloaded DVD whole month before the product films to have a decent you have in your player are a commentary Fails to load Worthwhile waste of space. As well asthe fact on their side of the Kevin Smith that they also have a making of The Animatrix New Jersey movies. if only for the fact that they don't Extras on the disc, an extra on the really comment on The DVD for Reloaded· Animatrix DVD itself. the scene but rather discuss Nick Schneider however, does little to add to the This DVD also suffers from whatever comes into their Staff Writer a lack of deleted scenes. For the minds. Matrix universe. uninitiated in the function of On one hand, by now we Not all is bad and the only DVDs now have a stigma have the standard addition of deleted scenes, deleted scenes real reason that you would need to them in which they should the making of the movie extras, a are scenes that were cut for time to pop in that extra disc in your be chock full of extras so much, in standard which hardly adds to the or player is for the MTV MVAparody fact, that your head should movie, and we have the previews story purposes. Many times these of Reloaded. If you have not seen explode. They should act as for the Anirnatrix. That is where scenes help to enhance the this before I seriously suggest extras while not taking away from this DVD is truly flawed overall feel of the movieand make popping this into your player and the movie, but adding to the previews for items that are already the overall experience more seeing it, you'll enjoy the scene movie. out and in fact have been out for a enjoyable. with Neo and the Oracle in the What is truly concerning inner city park. Movie Three Lives about this is that movie were use are a couple of more means What this DVD could really the Waschowzski necessary, like the ten minute original and more interactive to McDuffie's Expectations dance number in the beginning. extras, hopefully they will be The audio commentary included in a special edition DVD LeRoy McDuffie also suffers from a lack of been however there is no news of this CO-Editor in Chief there done that feel, it is similar to being released right now. watching a making of but instead You have one of two you see the final while the director options - either wait for the special writer and whoever else they get edition or pick this DVD up now talks about the scene. The only and just watch Reloaded in all its 10 Texas Road House ...continuedfrom page 10 that doesn't happen to mas My friend ordered grilled people, just me - that is just m almon in lemon-pepper butter for lousy restaurant luck. 11.99. Upon trying the salmon, I As for the men of McDanie as very impressed - it was College, I noticed that the majori eliclous. Not a meat fan? Order of wait staff was comprised a he grilled young females atrnon. In enough said. ddition to fish But Texas Roa nd steak, ribs House is not just fa nd barbeque single guys, it is hicken are also good first dat hoices. restaurant: casual The only good food, and goo omplaint I prices. Remembe auld make men - first dat gainst the restaurant- take he oadhouse is somewhere withau hat they had jackalopes for th nterrogation-stylelightsabovethe one-year anniversary. abies. These lights loom in Overall, the food, service e n ustomer's faces and I almost and atmosphere merit an eight au and rappers Fat Joe and hacked my head on it getting up often. Rule. a use the bathroom. Of course The plot of the movie involves here wasthe whiny kid behind me mysterious figure calling various icking the seat and looking at me For more information on telling them that they will ike as if I were an alien - of course locations and prices, go to
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