Page 47 - Phoenix2003
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NEWS Wednesday, November 12,2003 Page 3 10/19/03,2:24 a.m. in Rouzer Hall: dents suffering the effects of exces- Campus officers issued state alco- Campus Safety Blotter sive alcohol use. Ambulances were hol citations to 3 non-students. called, but the students were al- 10/19/03,2:40 a.m. in North Vil- October 19 - November 9, 2003 lowed to refuse rreatmcm. lage: Campus officers responded 11/2103,3:53 a.m. in area of Albert to a report of a past assault by one Norman Ward Hail: Officers inves- student upon another. Blanche Ward Hall: A student was compiled by Katie Martin hospital who assumed custody. tigated suspicious conditions that cited for several policy violations News Editor may have been a domestic violence 1011913, 2:59 a.m. in Albert including failure to comply and 1111/03, 2:00 a.m., in Bfunce case. The incident was later deter- Norman Ward Hall Quad: Campus abuse of college personnel. Ward Hall: Officers were dis- mined to be unfounded officers observed a student publicly patched 10 a vandalism incident urinating, and the resulting inves- 10/28/03,6:20 p.m. in Rouzer where racial slurs were 11/5103, 7:00 p.m. in Whiteford tigation led to the student and three Hall: A student reponed his scratched into the stairwell door. Hall: Westminster Police conduct non-students being issued state ci- room was. burglarized and elec- a search under a warrant of a tations for alcohol violations tronic items valued at over $200 1112/03, 12;05 u.m. in Rouzer student's room for drug violations. were stolen. The investigation Parking Lot Officers invesrt- Evidence I);found and the student )0/23/03. 10:01 a.m. in Harrison is ongoing by both DoCS and gated 2 non-students for pes- is issued a state citation for the vlo- Lot: Officers discovered a forged westminster Police. sible drug violations. No crimi- Iaucn. parking permit. the student was nat actions were taken. but in- cited for a policy violation. 10/28/03, 11:32 p.m. in Lewis dividuals were banned for the 11/6/03, 2:46, a.rn. in the area of Hall of Science: Officers on pa- remainder of the night. At 1:07 Gill Gymnasium: DoCS officers 10/23/03, 7:00 p.m. in North Vil- trol observed an unusual odor a.m. these individuals were ob- respond 10 several reports of a fight lage parking 101: Officers re- and reported feeling ill. A po- served in the area of McDaniel and lind a large crowd that scatters sponded to reported attempted theft upon their arrival. Moments later from motor vehicle. Officers dis- a student reports a friends has been covered damage to the auro"s Brief Summary of Campus Safety Incidents badly injured and needs medical weather stripping-around window. - 20 students documents for violations of college alcohol policy (may include other violations). attention. The injured student is - 4 students documented for violations of other various college policies such as: fire safety, failure 10 transported to the hospital by run- 10124103,2:17 a.m. in Rouzer Hall: comply, room capacity, quiet hours, etc. bulunce. No arrests are made, how- Officers were called to
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