Page 46 - Phoenix2003
P. 46
Wednesday, Novemeber 12,2003 Page 2 NEWS "Is The War On Drugs Our Domestic Vietnam?" .... A Heated Debate Katie Martin to the college audience by comparing the real News Editor issue of drugs like heroine, oxycontin, and speed to less serious drugs like alcohol and At the conclusion of 16 exchanges in 116 marijuana. Sterling's initiative "heads down minutes of debate and discussion on the topic the road to permissiveness and contradicts "Is the drug war our domestic Vietnam?" the educational efforts," he said. 100 plus students filling McDaniel Lounge In one exchange Sterling offered, "I have erupted in a standing ovation for debaters a radical proposal: You have the right to use Eric Sterling and Delegate Anthony drugs, grounded in the right you have to con- O'Donnell. "These two deserve it," encour- trol your own body ...your bruin is not off lim- aged debate mediator and McDaniel politi- its to you, not by any law." cal science professor Dr. Herb Smith. However, O'Donnell did not agree, com- Sterling, the president of the Criminal menting, "Our form of government is based Justice Policy Foundation, and O'Donnell, on the rule of law and the consent of the gov- the republican minority whip in the Mary- erned. If you want a change, fine, we have a Eri~ Sterling of the Criminal Justice Policy Foundation/aced off . land House of Delegates, had met before process to do that, but don't fall prey to the agamst Anthony O'Donnell of the Maryland House 0/ Delegates INa during hearings in regard to medical mari- idea that the government has taken away recent debate at McDaniel. . juana legislation. They were brought to- some right of yours." gether again by the departments of Political In the later part of the debate, students Science and Sociology for the Town Hall were able to ask questions. Sterling ad- CONSTRUCTION PLANS, from page 1. debate held on Wednesday October 29th. dressed the principle of having an open drug After winning a quirky coin toss by market and how it would effect the health of courts into more parking spaces. Seidel says Kiddoo (class of '46), "construction o~h: McDaniel student Neal Page, Sterling chose the American public, a question which there are a couple. reasons why lhi~ project very attractive and visible en~ance .n~~ays to lead off the debate, exhibiting a fast paced O'Donnell said "gets to what is good for never began. One ISthat the project is linked Ward Arch on Main Street will begl?, d powerpoint presentation that included flying society as a whole there are much more to the new academic building project, which Seidel. This project is more imI?e~l:t~:e statistics and quick student polls. "It was broader implications than smoking and also never began. Thus, the domino effect feasible; therefore work will begm m carne visually appealing," said Sophomore Brent drinking." took ~lace. . timely fashion. The fact t?at. m~ne~iness. Pertusio. Sterling was also asked by political sci- Seidel ;.xplams the f~rther reasoning, "In in donation form also aids m Its urn n es is O'Donnell followed with a clear cut dis- ence professor Dr. Charles Neal to provide order to build new tennis courts, it is neces- A big question in all of these r will cost cussion of several myths associated with the statistics and comparative use data between sa~ to go through a length~ permit process. who will pay for all this work? It ed work war on drugs, including that it is a republi- different races, a topic with caused a stir We re on the verge o~ gettmg the final ap- millions of dollars to gel the planne coste can/democrat or a black/white issue and that provals. to proceed with the construction." done. Here is a small list of ballpark among some audience members. "You could jails are overpopulated with drug offenders. Much like the academic building, this project according to Seidel: . hear disgruntled voices as soon as the ques- He explained to the audience, "I don't have could also begin in the weeks to come. New academic building: $9 mill.lO~elds, tions was asked ... it needed to be addressed," facts and figures but I have credibility be- said Junior Felicia Donelson There was mention last semester of sev- - Harrison Parking Lot, new athletic design, cause of my experience." eral projects that are on the long-term Con- storm management, golf course re . $1.5 O'Donnell faced questions-on topics in- Neither debater quite finished their open- cluding what was wrong with providing kids struction plan for the school as well. These new tennis courts and new entrance. ing statement within the allowed lime. "I information and entrusting them to make are some of those projects: million' m "rantS wish there was more time in the beginning their own decisions regarding drug use and - Entrances into the college will be cut . Some of the. ":,oney comes fro th~ new to present their sides because they had some where drug money that now finances terror- down to three; one at the arch, one at the like the three million dollar one for yeS good initial points," commented senior Kale ism would go instead if the trade was regu- golfcourse, and a third near the Winslow academic building. However, that still lea Moomau. lated within the U.S .. building. six million dollars. hool Once the series of four minute rebuttals "There was a great turnout and a lot of - A drastically different Gill Center. A Sayre. said ~ast semest~r that thea~~mni began, Sterling offered ideas on control of people did not get their questions answered, standard-sized pool may be attached, as well also receives gifts from fflends and f th~ the drug industry, rather than continuing to so that shows how interesting and Contro- as a revamped fitness center, which could be- "Ma~y Hill (trustee and chai~erson ~ve a wage a war on drugs. "We are never going versial it is," commented Junior Julia Palmer. come two floors with a glass front offering a buildings and grounds commlttee~c~ went to have a drug free America but we can man- At the conclusion of the debate, Sterling pleasant view of the campus. A juice bar very generous gift to the school wh Idet- age it [the drug problem]," he said. "Regu- mentioned "the issue is nOI merely about may also be added. to what is now called Hill Hail," said Se; rm lation is what we do with every other indus- whether we can smoke pot or not," but it is Since the summer projects were delayed Gifts are also left to the scho?1 in theE~O[1 try in our society." the~e is a possibility that these more length; of wills from alumni, including the an issue with important economical, politi- Contrarily, O'Donnell argued "We should cal, international, and environmental impli- projects could take longer as well. Seidel was not only continue this war, but find the flaws cations that has tremendous impact on the able to offer the Current stage for each of family. . tuition Asked and redouble our efforts because our inner lif~ and vitality of citizens. O'Donnell en- these plans. H~'says that plan ning has be- goes to these If any of the money fr~m"oh rtio no, Say~e satd buildings, cities are dying." He paralleled the situation couraged that students "never stop theircriti- gun for designmg the new fitness center. n says a slzea~I~: to the Civil War and the Cold War, saying in cal thinking on this issue." "The next step would be to develop a no, it doesn't." comes Instead, from fundrais! g. $41 of .the money both cases the United States "stayed the "Impassioned" was the way in which budget and a timetable for construction. The Seidel. "The last campaign raised about course ... and fought to win," as should be each speaker described the event in separate pr~ess has only just begun on this one," says done with the current war on drugs. statements afterwards, illustrating at least Seidel. This is a project of less priority cur- million for the school." comeS f om Seidel says a lot of money rold Sterling called current drug related edu- one idea on which both could agree. rently in the master plan. cation a "fraud," citing how the responsible Thanks to a gift from a trustee Cassie the bond market as well. ':The coll~~~o~ in bonds last December to raise $ I0 m e had use of drugs and the risks andlor benefits of le new funds for construction. !~e COlo! gifts drugs are never discussed 'saved' another $4 to $5 million fr of in honest terms. Instead students in educa- !!ONE ISSUE LEFT!! and budget surpluses over a nu mber tional settings, as well as regular citizens, years,:' he says.. .on needS face "zero tolerance" laws that completely NOW IS THE TIME FOR With so ma~y proJects, ban the use of drugs. to be asked on If the school a quesU r in has its budg. e cts in addressing this, Sterling created a par- allel to other dangerous and possibly unsafe YOUR VOICE TO BE line. According to Seidel, all the ~:o~~dS " items such as guns and matches that are ~ot planned this year are on budget .. n the bid "Of course, sever~1 ~re I so we'll however, banned, but are instead "controlled With HEARD! stage, like the academic ~Ulldtng~n that is proper education" on safety and proper use. have a better sense of thmgs wh n the aca- "You have to use your genitals safely,',' complete. I hope to know more a " said Sterling, creating another comparison SUBMIT TO THE demic building by mid-November. "We that d~w quite a reaction from the crowd. Looking to the future, Seidel saYScam_ ! "You~antjustgooutand us<;:them with any- PHOENIX IN TIME FOR just received the final version of the There one,so of course you have to use drugs pus Master Plan from the planners. 1 safely." THANKSGIVING are in fact a large number of futur~ pro fthe ectS Several times O'Donnell criticized Ster- anticipated in this plan. Onc~ copies °our a ling for minimizing the issue and appealing plan have been printed, we Will figure bodY. ~-..-------.--. way to share the plan with the student
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