Page 45 - Phoenix2003
P. 45
Homecoming on the Hill: Construction plans for Warm weather and Green Terror the Campus in the near Football victory delights spectatnrs (or not so near) future Preceding "Spirit Week" activities enjoyed by students WalterZalis Staf'fWriter Two plans were under develop- Katie Martin ment, both a long term and a short- News Editor Note from the writer: Isn't it term plan. The strategic plan cov- great to hnve some more of this ers what wiU happen to the cam- parking stress relieved thanks to pus in the next five years, while the Abnormally that new lot where the tennis courts campus plan covers what may hap- warm weather used to be?? Or how pretty is thac pen in the next 10-15 years, accord- greeting students, flew building next to Hoover Y Fits ing to Dean of Student Affairs parents, friends, in quite nicely I believe? Drat/east Philip Sayre. and alumni who ar- if wouta. and should. There were actually a few rived on the hill on This past semester I had looked projects that were to get under way Saturday November into what the McDaniel campus this summer. One of them was 1st for McDaniel?s may look like in the near and 1I0t breaking ground for a new aca- annual homecom- so near [uture. The article was demic building next to Hoover Li- ing festivities. "I written, but never submitted to the brary on the staff parking lot that enjoyed watching Phoenix. Looking over the article, currently sits there. Obviously, this the game because it there are stiff aspects of it that ap. hus yet to be done. wasn't freezing JENNPARRY pty today, and more importantly. Seidel explains the delay came cold," said Sopho- During Homecoming. spectators oil/he Hill watch and celebrate the victory oj there were projects that were sup. more Katie Fulton. the Green Terror football ream. posed to break ground 01'1.'1' .1'11111- because the state did not approve Scott S. Bair file}; bill never did. UPOII speaking the three million dollar grant until the first week of October. Gover- Stadium was to Vice President of Administmrion nor Ehrlich seru the letter himself opened at 9 a.m., with a $5 entrance affinity reunions held for Home ing parade that began the route and Finance Ethan Seidel recently. Since the grant has now come fee for tailgaters. The victorious Economics majors, peer mentors, down Main Street at noon. "J\ was I I\·((.~ able to find some answers, through. the process of physically Green Terror football team de- honors program members, Alpha hot outside, so people came to evident in this updated article. building can begin. lighted spectators with their 21 - 7 Psi Omega members. and for sev- watch and Iwas proud to represent "We immediately began the victory over Centennial Confer- era] Greek organizations. By cook- ROTC in the parade." said sopho- Lust semester, the college was process of getting the project out ence rivals, Franklin and Marshall ing two turkeys on the hitt in the more Amy Grose. busy puulng together plans that to bid. We anticipate consrructton College. The game began at 1:00 morning, hanging out at Johanson's Homecoming was preceded by would reshape the school in many work starting before the end of the after a Ceremonial coin toss by at night, and tailgating all day in various "Spirit Week" activities, ways, bringing some buildings up- calendar year," says Seidel. Alumna of the Year. Jackie Brown between, Sigma Phi Epsilon broth- including the SGA showing of to-date and bringing new technol- Another project that was to be Hering '51. ers and alumni also celebrated their Bring It On on Monday, class com- ogy co others. The Master Site Plan underway OVer the summer was the Hering was recognized by the 20th anniversary. Committee was put together in or- conversion of the existing tennis Alumni Association along with Numerous campus organiza- see HOMECOMING ON der to work with the master plan- several other individuals. Award tions participated in the homecom- THE HILL, ners, the group who will be over- see CONSTRUCTION winners were introduced during continued on page 4. seeing the construction on campus, PLANS, halftime, along .- --, according to Seidel. continued OD page 2. with this year's Homecoming Court and the James Brant Me- Campus Haz-Mat morial Cup win- ner. The Porn and Cheerleading Scare a Big Stink ----- squads also per- Inside formed for specta- Jamie Fallows tors. CO-Commentary Editor The alumni hospitality tent Some McDaniel student were in fleer to come and verify the smell. was set up from 9 a state of panic when they heard Upon arrival, that officer suggested a.m. to 4 p.rn. fea- the rumors that there as a hazard- that the fire department be called. Rob Goeke proposes the possibility of turing a continen- ous materials incident on campus. "Lewis HaJJ is what we call a Busil·sre"elec.tiollin2(}()5. tal breakfast and Luckily, it as a false alarm. 'special box," Webster explains. snacks throughout According to the head of the "There are so many substance in the day. There department ofCampus Safety Mike [here that a leak, spill. or explosion were yearbooks on Webster, a campus safety officer would be very dangerous [0 the UlllfijPt'lusengil'eSf(l)Itrel'if!ws/or display, as well as was patrolling Lewis Hall of Sci- community," Texas Roadhoust .. Weslmiu>'Il'r's bookstore sale in- ence at 12:30 am on Wednesday, Several tire departments re- SIt(Ik!WUU. formation and October 28th when he smelled sponded with six fire engines, four alumni informa- The MeDal/iel cheerieading team performs something musty. He checked sev- ambulances, and one Haz-Mat tion. for spectators during halftime at the eral classrooms only to find that the Some nlu mni Homecoming football game. odor was confined to the hallway. see HAZ-MAT STINK, Kim Lowry f'rofiles one of the field hockey team'.! star players, Mindy McCord. gathered in various He then radioed for a second of- continued on page 4.
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