Page 43 - Phoenix2003
P. 43
SPORTS Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - Page 7 Women's Volleyball Plays Through Injuries Freshman Jamie Bodden has estab- ference opponent Muhlenburg. PAT O'TOOLE lished her place on the team as set- Along with Muhlenburg, the ener was Carrie Sniffen, who led Assistant Sports Editor ter and is leading the team in set team has taken wins against Villa the team with II kills, 16 digs, and two blocks. assists, while Denise Grosso is Julie College (twice), Hood Col- Against Salisbury, Krista Eiser, TliEPHOENL The McDaniel College helping the team by filling in wher- lege, Goucher College, Hunter Col- Sarah Fessler, and Kellyanne Rose IS LOOKJNG women's volleyball team has been ever she is needed. lege, Washington College, and the each had 8 kills. playing hard this season, even if it Sarah Fessler has recently re- College of Notre Dame. In the team's final game, against FOR SPOR rs isn't showing up on the scoreboard. turned from injury and has taken On October 17th and 18th, the Gallaudet, Sniffen's II kills and 22 Plagued by injury, the team has had her place as a steady contributor. McDaniel volleyball team hosted digs led the team, while Jamie 11fJ9TaJ?Af1{f!RS trouble finding the depth to win Several upperclassmen are pro- its own tournament, conveniently Bodden racked up 29 set assists. games. viding a silver lining for the team's dubbed the "Green Terror Volley- The team's losses are obviously -NO The Green Terror are currently season. One of the team's co-cap- ball Invitational." not due to lack of effort. 8-20 overall and 2-4 in Centennial tains, senior Marie Brennan, is de- The team started out the invita- "Our team is working hard," EXPERIENCE Conference play. scribed by Coach Molloy as being tional with a solid victory over the Coach Molloy said. NECESSARYI I. "Our season so far has been a "Defensive Specialist', leading College of Notre Dame, handily "We haven't always matched challenging in the fact that injuries the team in hustle and positive defeating the Gators 3-0. up player to player, but we go out IFYOUHA have kept some players off the play." Leading the team on offense playing to win and do what we do court for more than 3 weeks," head The other co-captain, senior were freshmen Jamie Bodden and best against the opponent and try YOUR OWN coach Carole Molloy said. "ourside hitler Kellyanne Rose, is Sarah Fessler. Bodden set up 30 to take them out of their game." in CAMERA AN As a result of the injuries, some currently the team's offensive assists while Fessler accumulated With six matches remaining freshmen have suddenly found leader in both kills and service aces. 9 kills. the season, including four Centen- ARE themselves getting time on the Both Rose and junior middle Defensively, Carrie Sniffen's nial Conference games, the team court. Lindsey Kelly and Jill hitter Carrie Sniffen are playing ex- 17 digs and Krista Biser's two definitely has time to turn things INTERESTED, Hoffman, both freshmen, com- tremely consistent volleyball on blocks led the team. around. bined efforts to fill in for sopho- offense and defense alike. The team would go on to finish "We have four conference CALL RYAN more Krista Eiser when she went Earlier in the season, Sniffen set the invitational with losses to Wid- matches to go, and we need to fin- out due to injury. a new school record for digs in a ener University, Salisbury Univer- ish strong to put our team in a po- 13RODAr All ofthe freshmen on the team game with 40 to highlight the sity, and Gallaudet University. sition to get into the champion- X8385 OR are seeing consistent playing time. team's win against Centennial Con- Highlighting the loss to Wid- ships," Coach Molloy said. Poor Managing the Real "Curse" in Boston PA r O'rOOL ArX8193 aging by skipper Grady Little. RYANBROD I think most knowledgeable The mindser of Torre seemed World Series appearance. baseball fans would agree. to be this: Ifl go with my closer, I This devastating loss for all of The Sox held what seemed to give the impression that we are Red Sox nation had nothing to do be a substantial 4-0 lead with ace going to win in the bottom of this WatchiS-pJMrY!}j&w>ne's blast Pedro Martinez mowing through inning. sail into the night left me stunned the Yankees order. Rivera did not disappoint, tak- and overwhelmingly disappointed. Jason Giambi capitalized on a ing pressure off of the Yankee One hanging knuckieball from few of Martinez's mistakes, hitting lineup, which gained confidence Tim Wakefield and the Red Sox two solo home runs to cut the defi- knowing their stopper was on the hill. were on vacation. cit to 4-2. In extra innings, Grady Little Ifelthorrible-likeaftermylast A David Ortiz fSox DH] decided to bring in starting pitcher high school basketball game and homer made the game 5-2 and I felt Tim Wakefield, a knuckleball spe- after I left my friends at home to confident that the Sox were headed come to college. home to host game one of the cialist. Wakefield, whose delivery is slow and very easy to steal Itried to make sense of it, tried World Series. to put it all in perspective, tried tell- Pitching into the 8th inning, against, had won two games as a ing myself it's just a game. Martinez got into some trouble. starter in the series. On top of it all, , knew the With lefty Hideki Matsui at the For those unfamiliar with a "Curse" would come back into dis- plate, Little decided to stick with knuckleball, it is pitched so that the cussion. the right-handed Martinez, rather ball rotates very little. The resis- Yankees fans held Babe Ruth than bringing in flame-throwing tance (when the ball does not roll cutout faces high as the Yankees lefty Alan Embree (who was or spin) makes the ball "dance." celebrated Ihe penant-clinching warmed and ready) out of the ~:~:n~O~{:~: ha:d for hitters to win. bullpen.OnaO-2pitch,Matsuihit But when the ball does not ;hile:~~:~~~no~~~~:~:'~~::,:h: ~~:: :::,b:o::~n~:e~:::::~: dan~:::;'b:%,:a~~:~eh:'ith,the Basically, Babe Ruth's early about to explode out of my chest. :~~;il~~gk~~~~~e~:t:et~:~~:~~~ Wi~;~~~~eededto
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